Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 64 Seeing a doctor for free, He Qingsong doesn't want to see a doctor

Chapter 64 Seeing a doctor for free, He Qingsong doesn't want to see a doctor
After hesitating for a while, the woman sat in front of He Jincheng.

"Then trouble the doctor to help me take a look, I'm really not feeling well recently!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, then stretched out his hand to give the woman a pulse, and then withdrew his hand after a while.

"Eldest sister, you have been insomnia and dreamy recently, and you still sweat at night, you can't wake up in the morning, and you eat very little, right?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"That's right, you're right, what's going on with me?"

The woman's eyes lit up and said quickly.

What He Jincheng said just now is all right, isn't that what he is like.

"It's nothing, it's just kidney yin deficiency!"

He Jincheng said calmly.

"Please ask the doctor to clarify!"

The woman couldn't understand, only heard He Jincheng talk about kidney deficiency, she was very puzzled, isn't it just men who have kidney deficiency?

"In fact, you often lose your temper, which leads to strong anger. Let me give you a metaphor. If a stove is on fire all day long, but no coal balls are added, then the fire will burn out soon, and finally go out!"

"In your current situation, it is because you often get angry, and after you get angry, you feel depressed and don't think about food and drink. That's why your anger is exhausted, and thus you have this evidence of yin deficiency!"

Although He Jincheng's explanation is not particularly appropriate, it is still very vivid.

The woman immediately understood what was going on.

I am very aware of my own temper. When I see something that is not going my way, I will get angry, and after I get angry, I will be sullen, and I will be sullen all by myself.

Then I gradually felt lack of energy, insomnia, dreaminess, and frequent sweating.

"Then can I still be saved? Doctor, you can save me, no matter how much it costs, I am willing!"

The woman panicked, she didn't know if the disease was serious or not, and she was very scared.

"Sister, you don't need to be nervous, and you don't need to ask me to get the medicine. You just need to go to the prescription to buy some Liuwei Dihuang Wan and take it for a while. Of course, the most important thing is that you have to control your temper and stop getting angry so easily. !"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

This Liuwei Dihuang Wan has the functions of nourishing kidney yin, clearing heat and purging fire, and is very symptomatic.

"Is it that simple? Doctor, are you sure you won't charge money?"

The woman said in surprise.

Of course she knew about Liuwei Dihuang Pills, and they only cost a few cents in pharmacies.

"When I see a doctor, I only look at fate, and I don't ask for anything else!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, his clothes were inscrutable like an expert.

"Thank you, doctor. My name is Xie Cuilan. I live in the third house on the left side of this alley. If you need any help, doctor, just come to me!"

Xie Cuilan said gratefully.

These days, it is very rare to see someone as high-spirited as this doctor.

"Thank you ma'am!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

Xie Cuilan bowed slightly towards He Jincheng, and then hurried to get some medicine.

After about an hour or so, Xie Cuilan brought two women of similar age to He Jincheng for medical treatment.

"Come on, come on, it's this doctor, he's very skilled in medicine, he can see your illness clearly with just one pulse, and he doesn't need money, he's an absolutely benevolent doctor.

Xie Cuilan was very excited to introduce He Jincheng to her good sisters.

She just went to the pharmacy and bought a small bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Wan. She just took one pill, and after about half an hour, she felt that her body was gradually getting more energetic, and her whole body was not so decadent.

Now, she was sure that she had met a real person.

Although He Jincheng looks a little rough, he is definitely a miracle doctor.

"Doctor, help me to see it too!"

Two of Xie Cuilan's girlfriends said one after another, and He Jincheng also never refused to come, and he took their pulse and told them about their illness.

In the end, He Jincheng still spoke well, and both of them were stunned.

Before they came, they thought that Xie Cuilan was bragging. After all, anyone who saw He Jincheng's current state would think that this person was either a beggar or a psychopath.

But the diagnosis results He Jincheng gave were exactly the same as their usual physical problems.

This is miraculous, and it is enough to prove that He Jincheng's medical skills are excellent.

This time, a free doctor came to the alley, and soon more and more people came to see He Jincheng.

Fortunately, He Jincheng didn't bring any medicinal materials, but just prescribed a prescription for them to get the medicine by themselves, otherwise, given the current situation, He Jincheng would really be busy.

This matter also spread to a family of No. 12 in the third row in the alley.

This family is a small two-story building with a small yard in front of the door. At this moment, a middle-aged man is lying on a rocking chair basking in the sun.

Sitting beside the man was a woman with gray and white hair, with a sad expression on her face.

"Old man, just listen to me, let's go to the hospital, maybe it won't cost much!"

The woman is He Jincheng's biological mother, Wang Huixin, and the man lying in the rocking chair is He Jincheng's biological father, He Qingsong.

"What do you look at? My own body knows it well. Now the big shop is in need of money. Let's not add to the chaos!"

He Qingsong glared at Wang Huixin, his face was full of displeasure.

"Then you are so stubborn? You used to be able to eat five steamed buns in one go, but now, you can hardly eat one steamed bun! You are trying to kill me!"

As she spoke, Wang Huixin's tears fell out patteringly.

"You woman, what's going on, I'm not dead yet!"

He Qingsong said suddenly displeased, feeling very irritable in his heart.

Some time ago, I was hit on the stomach while working, but it hurt a little, so I didn't pay much attention to it, and passed it after thinking about it.

As a result, I always feel more and more uncomfortable these days, and it is even uncomfortable to move.

He Qingsong knew that he must be sick, and originally planned to go to the hospital, but the boss He Jinshan came back in a hurry that day, took the only 500 yuan left at home, said it was urgent, and left in a hurry without much explanation.

He Qingsong knew that the elder son was not someone who was messing around in secret, and he must be in a real emergency, so he didn't say anything, and continued to bear it.

In the next few days, I couldn't eat anything, and I didn't even feel hungry, but my body was a little weak, and I was spinning around when I walked. Fortunately, I just lay on the rocking chair and didn't move.

As for going to the hospital to see a doctor, He Qingsong never thought about it.

Seeing a doctor in this hospital is really too expensive. If it doesn't cost tens or hundreds of dollars at a time, it will definitely not be solved.

The eldest son needed money urgently, so he secretly thought that the coffin was still there, so he couldn't spend it casually.

"Sister-in-law Huixin, it's a good thing, a great thing, we have a genius doctor here, and he sees people for free. There is no disease that he can't cure!"

At this time, there was a cry from outside the gate, Wang Huixin hurriedly wiped away her tears, and hurried to open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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