Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 65 Parents Temper, Meet But Cannot Recognize Each Other

Chapter 65 Parents Temper, Meet But Cannot Recognize Each Other
"Sister Cuilan, what are you talking about, a miracle doctor?"

Wang Huixin said doubtfully.

"It's at the entrance of our alley. There's a bearded man who doesn't look like a doctor. I tried to let him look at it, but it was much better in half an hour. You also know that I'm not feeling well during this time. You can Look at me now!"

Xie Cuilan said with a smile, and turned around for Wang Huixin to see.

"Really, is the doctor's fee high?"

Seeing that Xie Cuilan's spirit had improved a lot, Wang Huixin was very surprised at the moment.

"No charge, it's free!"

Xie Cuilan said quickly.

"Huh? Is there such a good thing in the world? It's a lie!"

Wang Huixin couldn't believe it, there is no one who doesn't need money to see a doctor, what is this picture about?

"It's true, that doctor looks rough, but he actually has a good heart. He only takes your pulse and tells you about your condition. In the end, he gives you a prescription and asks you to get the medicine yourself. He doesn't care where you go to get the medicine. Now many people are queuing up there to see a doctor, so hurry up and take your eldest brother with you!"

Xie Cuilan has a good relationship with Wang Huixin, and she also knows that He Qingsong is not in good health recently, so she has been reluctant to go to the hospital for treatment.

There just happened to be such an opportunity, so of course I had to tell her about it.

"Okay, let's go now, old man, you rest here first, and I will line up for you!"

Wang Hui was so anxious that she hurried out, almost forgetting about He Qingsong.

"Hmph, what kind of genius doctor is definitely a lie. There are no such kind-hearted people these days. There will be no pie in the sky, so don't waste your efforts!"

He Qingsong snorted in dissatisfaction.

"Hey brother, don't be so stubborn. It's free anyway, and you don't need a dime. If someone can really cure your illness, it's not a good thing!"

Xie Cuilan was a little displeased that He Qingsong said that the miracle doctor, and she had been feeling unwell for several days, but he cured herself with a simple Liuwei Dihuang Wan. I am grateful to Xie Cuilan.

"Hmph, you women have long hair but short knowledge, I won't go anyway!"

He Qingsong didn't believe that someone would foolishly refuse to charge people a dime for medical treatment. He felt that there was definitely some calculation in this matter, so he didn't want to see a doctor from the bottom of his heart.

"If you don't go, I'll go. If you die at home, I'll knock on the door too!"

Wang Huixin was also angry. You don't want to go to a hospital that costs money, and you don't want to see a doctor who doesn't cost money. Is there anyone who demeaned herself like this?
He Qingsong wanted to get angry, but when he saw his wife crying, he knew that she was doing it for his own good, so he didn't say anything, and stood up tremblingly.

Seeing this, Wang Huixin hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

"Wouldn't it be better to be like this earlier? You have to be so stubborn!"

"Hmph, I don't want you to suffer together with me, otherwise I wouldn't go to see some magic stick!"

He Qingsong said with a dead duck mouth.

Just like that, Wang Huixin supported He Qingsong and walked out of the house slowly to the alley.

At this moment, there are really a lot of people lined up here, and everyone's face is filled with excited smiles.

At the front of the line, a man with a beard was sitting there, patiently taking the pulse of each patient, and telling the patient's condition one by one. He was able to speak very accurately every time, causing waves of surprise.

"Huzi, how is this doctor?"

Wang Huixin stopped a neighbor and asked in a low voice.

"God, it's really amazing. Didn't my Huzi get sick a few days ago? He went to the People's Hospital to hang water for two days, but there was no improvement. Huzi's father and I are planning to find time to go to the provincial capital. In the end, I asked the doctor to look at it, and after a few injections, it was all right, this is the prescription the doctor gave me, I will go to the prescription immediately to get the medicine!"

Huzi said happily, and then hurriedly left with the prescription.

This surprised both Wang Huixin and He Qingsong.

Huzi's mother is an impulsive and hot-tempered person, unless she meets someone who really convinces her, otherwise, she will never be so happy.

"Look, there are still good people in this world, now you believe it!"

Wang Huixin glared at He Qingsong and said.

"Okay, okay, what you said is right!"

He Qingsong said impatiently.

This is really strange, is there really such a good thing these days?
If this doctor really has such good medical skills, why not come here to treat people for free.

It's not about being idle.

It can't be blamed that He Qingsong thinks so.

These days, everyone is busy making money to live, and it is difficult for ordinary people to support themselves, let alone helping others without paying, it is really rare for this kind of thing.

Of course He Jincheng saw his parents, his nose was sour, and he almost shed tears.

In past and present lives, I owe my parents too much.

Seeing his parents again today, he almost couldn't help but call them directly.

However, he knew that this was not the best time to meet and recognize each other, so he forcibly held back his tears and continued to see patients.

He observed He Qingsong's complexion just now, and found that his condition seemed to be really serious.

This was a sign of blood loss in the eyes, but it was obvious that He Qingsong was not injured.

Without any trauma, but severe blood loss, it means that apart from the problem inside the body, the biggest possibility is internal bleeding.

This situation can be big or small, but since He Qingsong can still stand now, it means that it is not particularly serious, but it must be treated as soon as possible.

Therefore, He Jincheng accelerated the speed of seeing a doctor, and in less than ten minutes, he finished watching the seven or eight people in front of his parents.

When his parents came in front of him, He Jincheng subconsciously stood up and helped He Qingsong to sit down.

"Thank you, doctor!"

Wang Huixin looked at He Jincheng in surprise.

She hadn't seen He Jincheng take the initiative to help the patient before, so she couldn't help looking at He Jincheng's face a few more times, always feeling familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was at all.

"Doctor, have we met somewhere? I think you look very familiar!"

Wang Huixin couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, I think you are mistaken, ma'am. This is my first time in Dongyang. Maybe you have met someone who looks like me before!"

He Jincheng froze for a moment, then said with a smile.

He was a little nervous, as expected, mother and child were connected, and she still felt something was wrong.

However, in this case, it is impossible for him to recognize his parents.

In case He Qingsong gets excited and the internal bleeding intensifies, the loss outweighs the gain.

Let's wait until He Qingsong recovers from his illness before making plans!
"You bitch, there are so many people with similar looks in the world, what are you doing?"

He Qingsong said angrily, he is very uncomfortable now, so naturally he doesn't have a lot of He Jincheng's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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