Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 66 Silver needle bloodletting, who cultivated it

Chapter 66 Silver needle bloodletting, who cultivated it
"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, let the doctor show it!"

Wang Huixin didn't bother to argue with He Qingsong, so she asked He Jincheng to see a doctor for He Qingsong.

"Excuse me, doctor!"

He Qingsong rarely showed a smiling face, and stretched out his hand for He Jincheng to feel his pulse.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, and after a while, his brows frowned slightly.

"Master, have you been injured recently? Or have you been hit by something, you should be exhausted with something like a handle or a stick!"

Hearing this, He Qingsong had a look of surprise on his face.

"That's right, I was pushing the cart and I was pushed by the handlebar!"

He Qingsong said quickly.

"I didn't feel much at the time. When I went home at night, I felt a little pain. These days, I feel my stomach is very bloated, I can't eat, and my body has no strength!"

"If I'm not wrong, your intestines should have been broken, but the wound is not big, it's just bleeding slowly, but you dragged on for several days, there should have been congestion in the abdomen, which led to the current situation. "

He Jincheng said in a deep voice, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Ah, it's so serious. After being hit, the stomach hasn't been broken yet. How could it break the intestines?"

Both He Qingsong and Wang Huixin were taken aback.

The intestines are in the stomach. Who would have thought that the intestines would be ruptured instead of the stomach?

"It's not surprising. Intestines are also human organs. When you read novels, it is often described that a master slaps an enemy. As a result, the enemy appears to be unharmed, but in fact, all internal organs are shattered. This is almost the same reason. .”

He Jincheng explained patiently.

This time, both of them understood.

"You mean to say that I was injured internally?"

He Qingsong asked.

He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, then nodded, and said with a wry smile, "That's what it means! Fortunately, it's not particularly serious, and there's still time for treatment, so I'll give you a few injections first!"

"Is it right here? Otherwise, it's more convenient to go to my house!"

Wang Huixin said quickly.

He Jincheng was a little hesitant. If he went, he was afraid that something would show up and his parents would see it, which would be bad.

"It's okay, old man, it's just two needles, right here! Doctor, you can do whatever you want, I'm dying, and nothing will happen!"

He Qingsong waved his hands and said.

There are still a lot of people in line behind here, you invite the doctor away, how can the rest of the people see a doctor.

"Okay, please lie down and unbutton your shirt!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, took a piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, supported He Qingsong to lie down, unbuttoned his shirt, and exposed his chest.

He first pressed a few places lightly with his fingers, and then asked He Qingsong if it hurts. After he almost felt the location of the injury, he took out the needle bag and began to use the needles.

The first thing to do is to release the congestion.

This will reduce tummy bloating and relieve stress on the body.

He Jincheng used the needle from the left side of the wound, with a nine-inch needle, until the silver needle penetrated into the seven-inch-two, he felt that he touched a slightly harder foreign object, and then used a little force, and used the needle again for half an inch.

Immediately, He Jincheng flicked the silver needle lightly, and saw the silver needle vibrate rapidly, and even made a slight buzzing sound.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of black liquid slowly flowed out along the silver needle.

Wang Huixin was terrified, covering her mouth and not daring to make a sound.

On the contrary, He Qingsong didn't feel any discomfort, only when He Jincheng used the needle, he felt like he was bitten by an ant.

In this way, for a full 3 minutes, after the black blood stopped flowing out, He Jincheng carefully retracted the silver needle.

After thinking about it, he took out another medicine bottle from the medical kit, which contained the hemostatic pills he had prepared himself.

"Ma'am, this medicine has a very good effect on internal bleeding, you take it for uncle, as long as you no longer feel chest tightness and abdominal pain, it means it's all right!"

He Jincheng put the medicine bottle in Wang Huixin's hand, and instructed him very seriously.

"Ah, is that all right?"

Wang Huixin hasn't reacted yet. Could such a serious illness be cured in three to five minutes?
This is too fast.

"Master, this situation looks scary, but as long as it is treated in time, there will be no problem!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly and said.

"If you are really worried, you can go to a big hospital for another check!"

"Go to a big hospital, I know my body, and I feel much more comfortable now! Young man, are your medical skills really good? I thought you were here to deceive people before!"

He Qingsong sat up directly and said with a big smile.

"Oh, old man, why are you still moving around? Didn't you hear what the doctor said, your intestines are all torn!"

Wang Huixin was taken aback by He Qingsong, and quickly supported him and said.

"My own body is clear, and it is much better now. The medicine given by the doctor, I will take it when I go back, and it will definitely work!"

He Qingsong waved his hand, and then took out a five-yuan bill from his pocket, "Doctor, how much does this medical fee cost? You can say it, but we can't take advantage of you!"

"No, no, no, I'm here for a free clinic today. It's all free, and I don't charge a penny!"

He Jincheng waved his hands quickly.

"How can that work? You gave me pulse and acupuncture, and there is no loss, but you gave me medicine, of course I have to pay! This is five yuan, if it is not enough, I will go home and get it! "

He Qingsong immediately became unhappy, and forced the five yuan into He Jincheng's hands.

He Jincheng was also afraid that pushing back and forth would hurt He Qingsong again, so he didn't refuse any more, and accepted the five yuan with a wry smile.

"Thank you, doctor, thank you so much!"

After thanking He Jincheng repeatedly, Wang Huixin helped He Qingsong back home.

When he went back, He Qingsong obviously felt a lot more relaxed, and his originally pale face also became a little rosy.

At first, Wang Huixin hesitated whether to give He Qingsong the medicine given by He Jincheng, but when he saw He Qingsong's current state, his doubts disappeared, and he immediately poured a glass of water for He Qingsong to take the medicine when he got home.

After seeing He Jincheng's medical skills, He Qingsong knew that he had met an expert, so he naturally did not refuse.

After taking the medicine and taking a nap, in the evening, He Qingsong felt that he was almost completely healed, his body was extremely relaxed, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

"Hey, you are really a miracle doctor. I didn't expect to be bumped into by us! Old woman, hurry up and buy something, we have to thank the miracle doctor!"

He Qingsong shouted.

"What are you giving me? After seeing the doctor in the afternoon, I left without leaving a name!"

Wang Huixin walked in with a bowl of noodles and said helplessly.

"He's such a good man. That miracle doctor doesn't seem to be very old, and I don't know who raised such a promising child!"

He Qingsong said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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