Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 67 Make a decision and ask the village chief to do business

Chapter 67 Make a decision and ask the village chief to do business
When He Jincheng returned to the guest house, seeing his wife and daughter, he couldn't bear the sadness in his heart, and cried bitterly while hugging Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Qingmeng didn't know what happened to He Jincheng, so she patted her on the back and comforted him softly.

After a while, He Jincheng calmed down.

"Honey, I'm sorry, I was really an asshole before!"

Thinking of his parents, He Jincheng thought of the absurd things he did before, and at the same time felt that he owed Ye Qingmeng very much.

"Okay, that's all in the past. Don't we have a good life now? As long as our family is together, it's better than anything else!"

Ye Qingmeng said softly.

"Yes, we will always be together and never be apart!"

He Jincheng wiped away his tears and looked at Ye Qingmeng with a smile.

"Father doesn't cry, Tingting wants to hug, and Tingting will always be with you!"

Tingting shouted anxiously from the side, Mom and Dad are hugging each other, why don't they take Tingting with them.

"Haha, Tingting is good, our family will always be together!"

He Jincheng was finally much happier and said with a smile.

In the next few days, He Jincheng kept going to the free clinic near his parents' house in disguise. In just a few days, his superb medical skills won a lot of praise, and some people even suggested that he simply open a clinic here.

However, He Jincheng didn't have these plans yet, so he declined them one by one with a smile.

During the period, I met with my parents several times, and checked He Qingsong several times. I was relieved to make sure that he was fine.

It's just that he never mustered up the courage to recognize his parents.

The current self is no different from having nothing, even if we recognize each other, so what?

In the end, He Jincheng made a decision not to disturb the peaceful life of his parents for the time being, but sent 500 yuan to his parents in the name of Ye Qingmeng.

He knew that his eldest brother was in some trouble with his business and needed money urgently.

I don't know if 500 yuan is enough, but I think it can help my elder brother relieve some pressure.

After doing this, He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng and left Dongyang City and returned to Lianhua Village.

My house has almost been built, and the roof will be capped soon, and then I will renovate it before I can move in.

He Jincheng's goal is to move into his new home in about 20 days.

Ye Qingmeng and Tingting are also looking forward to it, but they can only live in Ye's house temporarily before that.

He Jincheng is still living in the medical clinic for the time being. As his fame spreads, gradually, more and more people come to Huanxin Medical Clinic to see a doctor. Many people even come here from dozens of miles away.

As more people came to see the doctor, He Jincheng's income gradually increased. Even if his fees were much lower than other medical clinics, he could earn about [-] a day, which was more than farming in rural areas, or even It is because some jobs in the city make more money.

More than 100 mu of medicine fields have been sown, and the villagers are very active. They go to water the medicine fields every now and then, and the growth is still very gratifying.

All this means that life is slowly getting better.

He Jincheng's plan is to wait until Ye Qingmeng is admitted to the university, and then he will follow him to the city where the university is located to open a medical clinic. At that time, he will meet his parents and take them over.

These days, in addition to treating people, He Jincheng also began to slowly develop various pills.

These are things like heart-protecting pills, hemostasis pills, and burn ointments for first aid.

In this way, more than ten days passed peacefully, and the new house was built. He Jincheng ordered some wood, and then asked the carpenters in the village to make furniture for the new house. At the same time, the decoration of the new house was also carried out simultaneously.

Not much decoration was done, putty was approved, and the cement floor was laid. In this way, the two-story building of the first home in Lianhua Village was basically completed.

It took more than two months before and after, and it cost almost 3000 yuan.

One day, the village chief came to the door and asked He Jincheng when he would move into his new home.

Because a lot of furniture hadn't been finished yet, and the house needed to be left to dry for a few days, He Jincheng planned to move after a week.

"Oh, Xiao He, you are quite promising. We built a two-story building in our village, and your family is the first one!"

The village head said with a smile.

"As long as everyone works hard and makes money, sooner or later our family will have a two-story building!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Haha, that's for sure. Everyone's life is getting better and better. By the way, Xiao He, you are out of your mind. I want to ask your opinion on something."

Obviously, the village chief didn't come here just to congratulate He Jincheng.

"Village chief, tell me, I will definitely help if I can!"

He Jincheng is not hypocritical, after all, the village chief has helped him a lot.

"Recently, I found out that someone from the next village is selling loach and eels again, and they seem to have made a lot of money. Do you think this is okay? Wouldn't it be a bad thing if someone found out?"

The village head suddenly became mysterious and whispered.

He Jincheng laughed immediately after hearing what the village chief said.

In this era, everyone's thinking is still not open, and they are always on guard against speculation.

However, the loach and eel business can be done, and generally no one will check it.

He Jincheng told the village chief what he agreed with.

The village chief hesitated for a moment, clapped his hands for the last time, and decided to lead the villagers to do the same.

"Village Chief, I think if you catch loaches or rice field eels, you might as well go to the town or county to sell them yourself. You can definitely sell them at a good price!"

He Jincheng said with a smile again.

"But we have no market like this!"

The village head said with some puzzlement.

Originally, his idea was that the loach and eel caught by his family would be sold directly to those who harvested the eel and loach. Would it be possible to save some profits in this way?
"The problem of sales, we can handle it ourselves! Well, I suggest that the villagers divide into three teams!"

"The first team, go to Pingyao Town to sell. I can say hello to Chunlin at that time. He often runs around the town now and is familiar with all aspects. If Ye Chunlin is willing to help, we Even if the market in the town is opened!"

"Of course, the most difficult thing is how to open the market in the county seat. For this, I suggest that you two teams go there, one will sell directly at the entrance of the roadside community or even at the entrance of the vegetable market, and the other team will come to visit The people in charge of major companies can slowly open up sales!"

Hearing He Jincheng's words, the village head somewhat understood.

In short, don't worry that some people will think that this is speculation.

The big deal is to hang a collective name, so there will always be no problems.

"Okay, you're still brainy, I'll arrange it right away. If it really happens, your benefits will be indispensable!"

The villager was overjoyed, rubbed his hands and left.

(End of this chapter)

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