Chapter 68
On the same day, the village chief called a meeting of the villagers to catch loaches and eels, and then organized to sell them in the town and county.

Everyone has heard about the fact that someone in the village next door made money by selling rice field eels.

Hearing the village head's call, everyone immediately expressed their support. After the team was divided, everyone started to go to the river pond in the field to catch loaches and eels.

All of a sudden, Lianhua Village became lively, and everyone was full of enthusiasm. Under the command of the village chief, they pulled a full three donkey carts and five carts towards Pingyao Town. .

There was Ye Chunlin in the town to help them, but after talking with each other for half an hour, they sold the rice field eels and loaches in a donkey cart.

This time, the villagers were so excited that they became more motivated.

In the next few days, the business of loach and eel in Lianhua Village is getting better and better.

Every household has earned at least ten yuan in just a few days.

Therefore, everyone is more supportive of this work.

The whole village worked together, and after half a month, everyone had earned [-] or more.

The loach and eel business was a great success, but He Jincheng didn't get any money, so it might be embarrassing.

The village chief came to He Jincheng with some loach and eels, and then gave the things to He Jincheng.

"I've eaten this stuff once. It tastes good, but it doesn't eat oil. Poor people like us can't afford it at all. Only the rich can eat it!"

The village chief laughed.

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile, but did not refuse.

In He Jincheng's view, rice field eels are not only edible, but also used as medicine.

It is recorded in "Ming Yi Bie Lu" that rice field eel is top grade and can be used or used for medicine.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" provides a more detailed introduction to the use of rice field eel as medicine: sweet in nature, warm in taste, and non-toxic.

It is mainly used to invigorate the middle and benefit blood, tonify deficiency and damage, imbalance of Qi and blood, eliminate rheumatism, arthralgia and so on.

It can be said that rice field eel can cover almost all functions.

Therefore, He Jincheng kept the rice field eel, which can be made into medicine when he has time.

After the village chief was sent away, He Jincheng continued to study various pills in the medical hall.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a car horn sounding outside, He Jincheng looked up, and saw an extremely luxurious red flag car, which suddenly stopped at the door of his medical clinic.

These days, there are really only a handful of people who can look up to the red flag.

Beside the car, there were a few men in suits and sunglasses standing, who looked like bodyguards.

Surrounded by these bodyguards, there was a fat man with big ears, combed back hair, and a cigar in his mouth.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, thinking where did this local tyrant come from, why did he come to his side to see a doctor? It's really weird.

While thinking, He Jincheng stepped forward and opened the door of the medical clinic.

"Hey, let me go. Why are you a doctor? What kind of door is closed in broad daylight? Don't you know that I want to see a doctor?"

When the fat man saw He Jincheng open the door, he immediately became unhappy and said very displeased.

"Sorry, I was researching the prescription just now, and I didn't pay attention, what are you?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hehe, of course I came to the medical center to see a doctor, otherwise I still came to see you! You are an apprentice in this medical center, go, call your master over, let him see a doctor in person!"

The fat man chuckled, and as he spoke, he was about to walk inside.

"I am the doctor of this medical clinic, and the only doctor in our village. If you don't want to treat illnesses, please hire someone else!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

He has seen a lot of rich people. Although he really wants to make money, He Jincheng doesn't like this kind of people very much.

He just glanced at it, and he saw what the fat man was like. He had kidney deficiency and dreamy dreams, and he was sweating profusely.

Generally speaking, apart from being physically weak and unable to do things, there is no serious illness.

"Hehe, at such a young age, you can actually become a doctor of Chinese medicine. I want to see if you really have two talents, or are you bluffing and deceiving!"

The fat man pushed He Jincheng away and walked in, completely ignoring He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was very annoyed, but he held back and did not attack.

If I had the same knowledge as this kind of person, I would really have nothing to do.

"Not much nonsense, if you can cure my illness, you will have plenty of money!"

The fat man snapped his fingers, and a bodyguard beside him immediately put the suitcase in his hand on the table and opened it. Inside were stacks of banknotes.

"Here, there is 1000 yuan in cash, which is the reward for curing me, but if you can't cure me, I will smash your medical clinic! To tell you the truth, I have visited more than 20 hospitals, and none of them can cure me. To cure me, I dare not smash a big hospital, but I smashed no less than ten hospitals like yours, you can figure it out yourself!"

The fat man chuckled, his face was full of arrogance, as if Qin Ze begged him to do something, it was really unreasonable.

He Jincheng looked at the bodyguards, knew that the fat man was not joking, and felt extremely displeased. Are rich people so arrogant?Alright, I'll let you bleed a lot today!
"1000 yuan? Hehe, I'm afraid it's not enough! I said this boss, I don't treat people lightly, and your little money is just sending off beggars!"

He Jincheng chuckled and said so on purpose.

In fact, he treats people, especially the people in the village, who basically don't need money. Even if they do, it's like those people who came here today, and the cost price is almost the same.

However, this must be divided. He Jincheng doesn't like this kind of person who thinks that he is superior and that money can settle everything.

Since the fat sheep was delivered to the door, it must be slaughtered.

"Hehe, I still want the lion to open its mouth wide, that's fine, as long as you can cure me, you can do as much as you want!"

The fat man said with a smile, this is the first person to ask him for a price.

"One price, 2000 yuan, if you can't cure me, you can smash it at the clinic!"

He Jincheng stretched out five fingers.

If you can't make money on weekdays, then make some money from this local tyrant.

"Okay, as long as you cure me, two thousand is two thousand!"

Fatty's eyes lit up immediately, and he seemed to see hope in his heart. No doctor had ever dared to guarantee his illness. If this boy could really cure himself, what would 2000 yuan be for his lifelong happiness?
"Come on, feel my pulse!"

With that said, the fat man stretched out his hand and asked He Jincheng to feel his pulse.

In this way, it seems that the fat man is the doctor, and He Jincheng is the patient who came to see the doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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