Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 69 Symptoms and people, the awareness of being a doctor

Chapter 69 Symptoms and people, the awareness of being a doctor

"You don't need to feel the pulse, just need to give you two needles, and then drink a dose of medicine, and you will get better immediately!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Fatty's disease is that his body has been hollowed out by wine and sex, so there is no major problem.

"Good boy, if you have any means, just come, as long as it can cure me, I will do anything!"

The fat man was overjoyed. Although He Jincheng looked very young, he was full of confidence, and he didn't look like he was bragging.

He Jincheng first asked the fat man to stand up, then took out the silver needle, flicked it with his fingers, and shot it into the fat man's lower abdomen.

The fat man yelled, covered his only son and squatted down.

The bodyguards on the side immediately tensed up, staring at He Jincheng covetously.

"Don't be nervous. I just stimulated his acupoints with silver needles to make his qi and blood flow more smoothly. Wait for your boss, you should go to the tuba. The latrine is going out and turn right. You are ready !"

He Jincheng said with a faint smile.

The bodyguards froze for a moment, and after glancing at He Jincheng, they then looked at the fat boss.

"What the hell are you doing in a daze, hurry up and help me to the latrine, I'm about to be pulled out!"

The fat man shouted angrily.


The bodyguards quickly picked up the fat man and walked out.

He Jincheng had a playful smile on his face, and it was conceivable that the fat man must be about to bombard him wildly.

After a full half an hour, the fat man finally collapsed, and was supported by several bodyguards and walked back.

"He Jincheng, you quack doctor, are you trying to kill me? I was almost dragged to death in the latrine!"

The fat man panted heavily and said out of breath.

"Hehe, how do you feel now?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"How do you feel? I'm so fast... Hey, I feel a little comfortable in my abdomen, it seems that I can feel a little reaction below!"

The fat man had just spoken halfway, when a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"I gave you an injection just now, which can be regarded as helping you open up the dry meridians of the lower body, so you will feel abdominal pain and expel some impurities in your body!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hey, little brother, you are really a genius doctor. Just one injection actually made my body a little bit better!"

The fat man was overjoyed and said excitedly.

"Your body is too deficient. Just one injection is definitely not enough. You also need medicine to recuperate. Drink this bowl of medicine for half a month, and you will be completely cured!"

He Jincheng gave the fat man the medicine that had been decocted long ago, and said with a smile.

"Hey, ok, ok!"

The fat man seemed to have received a treasure that was hard to buy, and he drank the medicinal soup in just two gulps.

"Oh, it's so comfortable, Miracle Doctor He, do you have any more? Have another bowl!"

Fatty said with a smile.

"You think it's wine, and you want another bowl. Remember, you can only drink one bowl a day, and then keep drinking for half a month, and your body will be fully recuperated!"

He Jincheng handed the prescription to the fat man and said.

"Thank you, genius doctor, thank you genius doctor! 2000 yuan is definitely not enough, I will add another 2000 yuan as a consultation fee for the genius doctor, and it can be regarded as an expression of my respect for the genius doctor!"

Fatty waved his hand and said proudly.

Then his bodyguard took out another 2000 yuan.

These days, the biggest denomination is the Great Unity of 10 yuan.

For 4000 yuan, there are [-] sheets of paper and pens, and they are stacked in bundles of [-], which seems to be a lot.

He Jincheng was not polite and took the money directly.

When poor people come to see a doctor, He Jincheng can take nothing.

But of course, He Jincheng would not refuse a rich boss like this.

At this time, the fat man also began to declare his family name.

"Miraculous doctor He, my name is Hu Youwei. I'm just an ordinary person. I have nothing else but a lot of money. The 4000 yuan is just a part of the reward. If my illness really recovers completely, I will definitely be thankful again in the future!"

Fatty Hu Youwei laughed and said.

"Good talk good talk!"

He Jincheng accepted the money unceremoniously. If you have money, you don't make a bastard. What's more, the other party is a local tyrant, so He Jincheng accepts it with peace of mind.

"By the way, Miracle Doctor He, I would like to ask, is your medicine expensive?"

After Hu Youwei looked at the prescription for a while, he frowned and asked.

"They are all common medicinal materials, not expensive, and the dosage for half a month is only a few tens of dollars!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Ah? It's so cheap? How can this work? I'm such a rich person, and I take such cheap medicine. If it spreads, I won't be laughed at. Dr. He, you can give me some more, the most expensive medicine, how much?" Anything expensive!"

When Hu Youwei heard this, he immediately became unhappy, and slapped the prescription on the table.

He Jincheng was stunned.

Good guy, when people come to see a doctor, the cheaper the medicine, the better. When it comes to Hu Youwei's place, it becomes a shameful thing.

This is the first time I have encountered a patient who thinks the medicine is cheap, and this Hu Youwei is really weird.

"Uh, what do you mean, my fee is too cheap?"

He Jincheng said dumbfoundedly.

"Of course, what status am I, but in the end I can only take medicine worth a few dozen dollars. If word spreads, how can I face others? Doctor He, just add medicine, the more expensive the better, my old man What is the money!"

Hu Youwei laughed and said.

He Jincheng was very speechless. The medicine he gave Hu Youwei had the best properties and efficacy. If other medicines were added, it might affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Besides, whether the medicine is good or bad does not mean how effective the medicine is. The best combination and formula is the most important thing in a prescription.

This Hu Youwei's request is really a bit unreasonable.

"Boss Hu, I'm afraid this matter is difficult to handle. Other medicines can also be added, but this will make the medicine less effective and prolong your healing time. If you can't be cured by then, you can come here If you trouble me, then I can't say it!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, as long as it can cure me, the more expensive the medicine, the better. It's really hard to afford these tens of dollars. How about it, Dr. He, for a pair of medicines, you can prescribe it in the direction of 100 yuan. There is no limit to more, that's fine!"

Hu Youwei waved his hand and said proudly.

"Well, let me think about it..."

He Jincheng thought for a moment, smiled and said, "If you say that, it's true. Boss Hu, wait a moment, I'll get you something good!"

After speaking, He Jincheng got up and went to the backyard, and took a paper bag back after a while.

"Boss Hu, this thing is called Thousand Gold Soil. It also has some effects on your illness, and it is only available in my place in the whole country. I guarantee that there is no semicolon! Why it is called Thousand Gold Soil is because it is rare. One gram of Thousand Gold Soil , the market price is 88 yuan, and you, take two grams each time, so your medicine is worth nearly 200 yuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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