Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 592 Miraculous traditional Chinese medicine, Wang Qi can also cure serious illnesses

Chapter 592 Miraculous traditional Chinese medicine, Wang Qi can also cure serious illnesses
"The old man was joking, you are a disease of wealth, because you ate too well before."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Everyone roared with laughter, especially Lin Keke, she knew the old man very well, he was a master who had no pleasure in meat, especially now that the living conditions were better, the old man couldn't live without meat for three meals a day, and especially It is the kind of fatty meat, such as braised pork, elbow and so on.

Normally, the family members would ask the old man to eat less greasy food, but the old man has a stubborn temper, and whoever dares to speak against him will definitely be severely scolded.

What, I used to eat bran-swallowed vegetables, but now that I have money, why not eat something good?

Especially the Lin family's property, which was built by the old man alone, no one dared to use this to command the old man.

"Oh, Dr. He. What you said is really true. Now that I think about it, I did eat too greasy. When I was young, life was too hard. All year round, I can eat some vegetables with lard. It’s a luxury, so now when I see meat, I really want to eat it! I can’t help it!”

Mr. Lin actually said with some embarrassment, this is very rare, when would the old man usually show such an expression in front of others!
Hearing Mr. Lin say this, He Jincheng not only did not mean to look down on him, but he respected Mr. Lin even more.

People like Mr. Lin used to be cultural people, and it is not an exaggeration to learn a lot.

But they not only caught up with the chaos of war, and finally gained peace, but also experienced a period of heart-wrenching turmoil.

The ups and downs of life have already tossed them to death, or they were really polished by life.

Now the old man's mentality is very peaceful, he should eat and drink, eat meat if he has meat, and drink alcohol if he has wine.

So if it goes on for a long time, the old man will have problems with his cardiovascular system.

It can't be blamed that the old man's mouth is too greedy and he wants to eat something good.

Even in this era, it is very difficult for ordinary people to have a full meal, let alone a big meal.

"It's not that you can't eat meat, it's just that you need to eat it lightly. See you, eat some fish and shrimp or chicken and beef, and eat less pork and lamb."

He Jincheng instructed with a smile, while writing down another prescription.

"Wait a while, I'll give you acupuncture again, and then take three medicines for this prescription, and take one every other day. After eating, you can basically be considered cured. But in the future, old man, you still need to pay more attention to your diet."

After a while, He Jincheng wrote a prescription and handed it to Lin Keke.

"Oh, thank you, Dr. He, I will definitely obey your orders."

Mr. Lin is like a well-behaved elementary school student now. He nodded and agreed to whatever He Jincheng said without any hesitation.

If Mr. Lin was alone, he would have looked down on life and death a long time ago. To be happy in life, you must enjoy it to the fullest. Don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon. This is the motto of the old man's life.

As a human being, being happy is the most important thing.

People inherently eat to death and starve to death, but those are two completely different experiences.

But Mr. Lin still has Lin Keke by his side. Keke is still so young, and I haven't seen her get married and have children yet, so Mr. Lin is reluctant to die.

"Thank you Doctor He, thank you Doctor He."

Lin Keke also wanted to thank He Jincheng again and again.

Thinking of He Jincheng's treatment of the old man, Lin Keke even felt that everything happened in a dream.

At that time, I was with my grandfather, and I just came to the hospital to do some acupuncture and health care.

As a result, he bumped into and sat on the side of the outpatient clinic for a while, and then bumped into He Jincheng with his back.

At that time, He Jincheng had already discovered Mr. Lin's physical condition, so he didn't tell him directly, but gave Lin Keke a wink.

Originally, Lin Keke didn't care about it, but after the acupuncture treatment, her grandfather's complexion seemed to be very ugly, and his body was not very comfortable, so Lin Keke was always worried, so after she settled the old man, she turned back to the outpatient clinic. , I consulted He Jincheng.

As a result, I didn't know if I didn't consult, and I was really shocked when I consulted.

He Jincheng's conclusion made it difficult for Lin Keke to accept and believe.

Later, she also had the attitude of giving it a try. Jiang He Jincheng mixed it with wild honey water, and let the old man drink it without knowing the truth.

As a result, after the old man drank the first cup of wild honey water, his spirit was obviously much better the next day, and his body was also much lighter.

Of course Lin Keke understood that this must be due to the few medicines that He Jincheng gave.

This is why the old man is recovering well now, and he will come back for a follow-up visit.

To be honest, all of this is largely due to luck, and at the same time, there is also some Lin Keke's careful observation.

If there were no coincidences in it, I am afraid that the old man would not be able to talk and laugh in such a healthy way now.

"Doctor He, your medical skills are really amazing. It seems that I chose to invest in a medical school in Nandu this time, specializing in Chinese medicine, which is an absolutely wise choice."

After Smith in the first class figured out the whole story of Mr. Lin's medical treatment at He Jincheng's side, he admired He Jincheng's medical skills even more.

Mr. Lin didn't come to see a doctor, but to take care of his health.

He came to the outpatient room by mistake and sat here for 2 minutes, and He Jincheng actually saw that the other party had a serious hidden disease.

It has to be said that if it is just an ordinary doctor, it is impossible to see it.

Electromechanical is the most famous doctor of western medicine in the world, and it is impossible for him to do this step, at least within the scope of Smith's cognition, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to do this step.

But He Jincheng did it. It has to be said that this is a very miraculous thing, even beyond the scope of science.

"This is not magical at all. This is our traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine mainly relies on the patient's description of the disease and the results of various instrument examinations to judge the patient's condition. Our Chinese medicine first uses the four diagnostic methods of looking, smelling, asking, and cutting. Each step is It is an extremely profound knowledge. For example, by looking, many famous doctors can judge the condition of most of the patients by looking alone. They can even make treatment methods."

He Jincheng explained very seriously and patiently.

Smith, Mr. Lin, and Lin Keke all listened carefully, nodding while listening, expressing their agreement and approval of what He Jincheng said.

(End of this chapter)

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