Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 593 There is a loophole, the number of top research institutes

Chapter 593 There is a loophole, the number of top research institutes
That's true. For example, when we usually meet people, we will occasionally say hello and say that you look very good today.

This shows that your body is very healthy recently.

And some people may stay up late the night before, and the next day they look tired and even have dark circles.

Ordinary people like us look at each other, they didn't sleep well yesterday, either they suffered from insomnia, or they stayed up late.

This is the simplest way to look, hear and ask.

As for the deeper level, it is somewhat similar to the observation and interpretation of human micro-expressions or movements in Western psychology.

For example, when a person's legs are uncomfortable and afraid of walking, there may be some deviations in the frequency of the two legs.

A person who has a toothache may make a sisi sound of inhaling when speaking.

Things like these actually belong to the category of looking, hearing, asking, and seeing.

Of course, some people may think that this is just what we observe other people doing in our daily life. What does it have to do with Chinese medicine?

Don't forget that the purpose of Chinese medicine is people-oriented.

In many cases, the diagnostic methods or treatment methods of Chinese medicine are actually originated from daily life.

Many treatments in traditional Chinese medicine are designed to help people return to a state of natural balance.

Therefore, to a large extent, Chinese medicine is actually derived from life and is higher than life. It is impossible to exist independently of life.

Everyone nodded their heads repeatedly. Mr. Lin is also more and more interested in Chinese medicine.

"Oh, that little foreigner. Are you planning to invest in the construction of a medical school specializing in our Chinese medicine?"

Mr. Lin suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at Smith and asked with a smile.

Smith was stunned for a moment when Mr. Lin called him this name, and he didn't even react.

Fortunately, he didn't get too entangled. In short, he knew that the other party was calling him, and he was indeed a foreigner, and he was younger than the other party. There seemed to be nothing wrong with calling him a little foreigner.

"Yes sir, I am particularly interested in Chinese medicine, so I want to invest in the construction of a medical school dedicated to the study of Chinese medicine."

Smith replied with a smile.

"That's not okay. If you build a medical school and then study our Chinese medicine, what good will it do for us Chinese people? You foreigners, study our Chinese medicine clearly, and then turn around and go back to the country by yourself. Is it a little unkind to start doing things again with the results of the research?"

What Mr. Lin said also made He Jincheng stunned for a moment. He had always upheld the concept of medicine without borders, and maintained a rational attitude towards traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.

So Smith's investment in the construction of a medical school, he thought it was a good thing without even thinking about it, and now he is vigorously promoting it.

Now after listening to Mr. Lin's words, he realized that he seemed to have really neglected this very important matter.

Although everyone in the world keeps saying that science has no borders, medicine has no borders, and art has no borders.

But what about the fact?

We domestic people are very frank in publishing our technology and sharing it for everyone to learn and use.

However, many high-tech foreign countries have been well hidden, and Huaxia is strictly controlled.

Many things in Huaxia were researched by themselves.

For example, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to study which overseas cauldrons could deter the world's weapons.

We have almost exhausted the power of the whole country, and countless ancestors have worked hard and are not afraid of sacrifice.

Only when the technical barriers are truly broken, will the other party tell you that technology has no borders and medicine has no borders.

Even Smith, He Jincheng thinks he is a more rational and conscientious foreigner.

But he also subconsciously expressed that the purpose of building a medical school is to study Chinese medicine.

All the knowledge you acquire at the end of your study of Chinese medicine is the result of your research.

At that time, you will use your research results to benefit your own country, which will really benefit us very little.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the [-] million dollars he invested has nothing to be happy about.

"That's right. Of course, I invested in the construction of a medical school to study Chinese medicine, because I and my country know very little about Chinese medicine. If you don't learn about it, of course you don't know if you don't study it."

Smith seems to have not figured out what He Jincheng and Mr. Ling care about.

"That's right. If you are just doing research, I don't think there is any need to build this medical school."

He Jincheng nodded and said with a smile.

"Ah, why? Doctor He, haven't we already agreed?"

Smith froze for a moment, then asked anxiously.

"Because your investment is very unequal to us in China. That is to say, you invest [-] million yuan in our China's land to do research for your country. Do you think this matter will affect the development of our Chinese medicine in China? How much will it play a role in promoting? I am a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, so I naturally want to protect the interests of our Chinese traditional Chinese medicine."

He Jincheng said with a smile in a very polite tone.

After thinking for a while, Smith finally understood what He Jincheng meant by this sentence.
"Doctor He, I understand what you mean. You mean that my investment in medical school research did not bring any benefits to the Chinese medical community. I really overlooked this point, but I think it is still possible. Make up. How do you see this? My family also has a Western medicine research institute. I can make the decision. Every year, you can select real-name students from the medical schools we invest in to go to which research institute of our family to study and exchange for a year. The medical research institute of our family can rank among the top ten in the world, and we will definitely not treat you badly."

Smith thought for a while and said with a smile.

He Jincheng laughed immediately, because what he wanted was Smith's promise.

The medical research institute that Smith mentioned is called the Smith Research Institute, which is a medical research institute that their family has established for hundreds of years.

Over the past 100 years, countless advanced medicines have been developed from their medical research institute, and it is definitely one of the top research institutes in the world's medical field.

It seems more fair and just that the other party invests in the construction of a medical school to study Chinese medicine, and at the same time provides us with the opportunity to study more top-notch western medicine.

"Hahaha, then we've made a deal, let's just say that."

He Jincheng was in a good mood and took the initiative to shake hands with Smith.

(End of this chapter)

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