Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 594 The dilemma of Chinese medicine, the director of the department is jealous

Chapter 594 The dilemma of Chinese medicine, the director of the department is jealous
Smith shook hands with He Jincheng vigorously, and said with a smile: "Doctor He, I understand what you mean, but I am also a businessman, and most of the time I still only consider issues from a commercial point of view. I consider this matter It's not thorough enough, I hope Dr. He doesn't mind!"

"No, you have agreed to our terms so readily, so of course I won't have any objections!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

I have to say that Smith is still very interesting.

At the very least, he can say something straight.

It is relatively easy to deal with this kind of people. If you don’t want to communicate with some people in China, it’s a trouble. what is the demand.

"That's great, I hope our cooperation will go smoothly."

Smith nodded with a smile.

"This matter is not a specific matter that can be completed in a short time. We just leave it to professional people to do it. If there is anything needed, tell me tonight and I will definitely help."

He Jincheng nodded and said.

"Since you are all willing to make some contributions to the cause of medicine, old man, of course I can't be stingy. How about this, I also invest some money in the medical school as a medical charity fund. I thought about it, the money is mainly used For medical research and medical assistance. I plan to invest 5000 million in the first batch of donations, and at the same time, the property will call on some of my friends to donate, and I believe it should be able to get a considerable amount.”

Mr. Lin's words made He Jincheng overjoyed.

It's not that Mr. Lin's investment of 5000 million is such a big number.

In fact, for He Jincheng now, it is only 5000 million, and he can take it out.

The key is that he hopes that through this charitable foundation, he can unite some medical experts in the industry to study the development of drugs.

If this project is really completed, the drug research and development center here will definitely be of great help in the future.

He Jincheng doesn't care how much it costs, anyway, if he really wants to join forces with the medical school to do some projects, he can definitely invest money into this charity foundation.

"Old man, this move of yours is also a blessing for us doctors. To be honest, we doctors, especially Chinese medicine practitioners, are actually in a very bad situation."

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

In fact, the current domestic Western medicine is still good, because they have a relatively systematic examination, diagnosis and treatment procedures.

There are also basis and standards for various charges.

Compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine is not so easy to handle.

The more intuitive one is Western medicine, which charges patients for various examination items, such as how much it costs for a film, how much it costs for a stomach wash, and how much it costs for an operation. These all have specific charging standards.

But Chinese medicine is different.

The main reason is that the four-step diagnostic method of Chinese medicine is special because it does not need any equipment to judge the patient's condition.

Therefore, when we see Western medicine, the examination fee alone may be a considerable expense.

However, when they go to see a Chinese medicine doctor, they still have to spend more on medicines.

In other words, if you don’t take the medicine, you only need to pay a registration fee, and you basically don’t need to pay other fees.

Of course, some people will say that the price of the medicine caught later is more expensive.

In fact, this kind of situation does exist, but a truly conscientious doctor of traditional Chinese medicine with noble medical ethics will definitely consider the actual situation of the patient before prescribing medicine.

There are many medicinal materials in traditional Chinese medicine that have the same medicinal properties, but their effects are different, so the prices of medicinal materials are also very different.

Therefore, in fact, the current situation of TCM doctors is not very good, and some TCM doctors who are not well-known can't even open the pot.

Moreover, people's stereotype of Chinese medicine is that it must be the kind of old Chinese medicine doctor who is relatively old, and the medical skills will be good.

The young doctor of Chinese medicine is afraid that the patients will not dare to let him see a doctor for him, which makes it even more difficult for Chinese medicine talents to continue.

Doctors are human beings, and doctors are also a profession for earning a living. If this profession has no income, then naturally, more people will choose to give up.

Therefore, the direct purpose of He Jincheng's research on drug development is to lower the standard of doctors' visits.

If, like a lizard, a doctor can prescribe any kind of medicine for a patient suffering from any disease, then the threshold of Chinese medicine will be lowered a lot.

And once the patient accepts this treatment method, he will naturally become more vague about the age of the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and will no longer deliberately require that he must be an old doctor of Chinese medicine before he is willing to treat the disease.

Several people share the same interests. There are relatively few patients in the hospital today. When there is no one, several people chat in the consulting room. More about the construction of the medical school and the establishment of the medical aid fund.

On the hospital side, the two directors of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine saw that He Jincheng's clinic was quite lively, so they came over curiously to check it out.

As a result, they were stunned when they saw it, and then they discovered that there was a foreigner in He Jincheng's consulting room, and an old man with an extraordinary bearing.

What's more important is that this old man, Qin Shun, knew him. He was Mr. Lin who often came to his side for acupuncture and health care.

Mr. Lin, Qin Shun naturally knows a thing or two about his status. Whenever Mr. Lin comes over on weekdays, Qin Shun must regard him as the most precious guest.

When acupuncture and moxibustion, you must use your best technique, for fear that the old man will feel even the slightest bit of displeasure towards him.

At the same time, Qin Shun himself felt that his relationship with the leader was pretty good, and he might be able to help him in his own future in the future.

It’s not that the hospital is selecting excellent doctors recently, Qin Shun has moved some thoughts, if he can be selected as the title of this excellent doctor this time, then he will have a great confidence in the promotion next year to enter the hospital management .

Of course, now Qin Shun can be regarded as a manager, after all, he is also the director of the Chinese medicine department.

But in the Chinese medicine department of the People's Hospital, there are only two doctors of Chinese medicine, he and Wang Chao, and the remaining nurses are not under their own supervision.

It can be said that the Chinese medicine department is like a fake, and there is no difference between being the director of the department and not being the director of the department.

On the hospital side, polite people, when you see him, you call him the director, you have a little seniority, that is, you treat him as a peer, and those department directors at the same level, Brother Ye doesn't take him seriously at all.

So Qin Shun also wants to improve.

So, when he saw He Jincheng chatting so happily with the old man, he was really annoyed and jealous at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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