Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 595 It's Strange, I Feel Bad

Chapter 595 It's Strange, I Feel Bad
On the side of the TCM department, I have come to the end of my path. If I want to continue to improve, I need to enter the real hospital management.

During this period of time, Qin Shun was aware of the relationship between all parties involved in the activities, and of course he also thought of Mr. Lin.

You must know that Mr. Lin was personally invited by the dean. Every time the old man came over, the dean would come forward to receive him.

If I ask Mr. Lin to help me say something nice to the dean, then it will not be a big problem for me to get the title of excellent doctor.

As a result, I never expected that Mr. Lin didn't come to his side this week, but he ran to He Jincheng's side, and they were very happy chatting with each other.

This is really strange. When Mr. Lin came to his side before, although he was polite, he was definitely not as happy as he is now.

Qin Shun also just felt that the relationship between Mr. Lin and himself was a little better, and he would never think that Mr. Lin would talk and laugh with him like he is now.

What kind of ecstasy soup did this He Jincheng pour into the old man, to coax the old man into a daze.

Of course, what made Qin Shun most angry was that Mr. Lin was his own patient, and he had been in charge of it all these years.

This kid He Jincheng has quite unique eyesight, and he recognized Mr. Lin's unusual identity at a glance, so he rushed to curry favor with him. Unexpectedly, Mr. Lin was really fooled by this kid.

This is equivalent to his business being cut off suddenly. Director Qin Shun Qin would be surprised if he is happy.

Thinking of this, Qin Shun couldn't bear it anymore, took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin, we haven't seen you for a while. How do you feel after acupuncture at my side last time? Is it much better?"

After Qin Shun walked in, he immediately showed a sunny smiling face, and greeted Mr. Lin very warmly.

"Oh, it's Xiao Qin. I forgot to tell you. I may not go to acupuncture in the future. There is something wrong with my body. Acupuncture alone can't cure it, but it's okay. Your department The young doctor He is good at medicine, and a few medicines have adjusted my body."

Mr. Lin, he didn't shy away from it, he just said it out.

What this old man hates the most is the kind of people who beat around the bush.

Now that I have been cured by He Jincheng, I don't need to do acupuncture and health care in the future, so I still need to make it clear to Qin Shun.

Originally, Mr. Lin was going to ask Lin Keke to talk to Qin Shun.

As a result, I really chatted with He Jincheng when I came here, and I forgot about it for a while.

"Ah, why, old man? If it's something we didn't do well, you can give us your opinion, and we will definitely correct it."

Hearing that Mr. Lin said that he would not come again, Qin Shun became anxious immediately.

For this kind of thing, for example, Mr. Lin is Qin Shun's big client.

In the past, this big customer placed an order of [-] million yuan for Qinshun every year, but this year the big customer suddenly said that Qinshun stopped placing the order after we cooperated with another company.

This can very vividly describe Qin Shun's mood at the moment.

Mr. Lin is the most powerful, deepest and richest old man among Qin Shun's patients.

How long has this He Jincheng been in the hospital?He even snatched away one of his most important patients.

Damn, it's so damn bad.

Qin Shun wanted to kill He Jincheng.

"There is no reason, because my illness cannot be cured by acupuncture and moxibustion at all. Fortunately, Xiao He is here, and Xiao He is also your doctor. He is excellent, especially excellent. You must take good care of Xiao He in the future." .”

The old man said with a smile.

He is my former old man, how could he not know what Qin Shun was thinking?
For Qin Shun, Mr. Lin didn't have any dissatisfaction.

Before meeting He Jincheng, Mr. Lin trusted Qin Shun quite a bit, but this person, unlike He Jincheng, could speak to people's hearts, making people interested in continuing to chat with him.

If I hadn't met He Jincheng and cured my potential stroke disease, maybe I would come to the hospital often to seek acupuncture from Qin Shun in the future.

But now Mr. Lin's mentality is completely different.

His illness is completely cured, his body is very comfortable and unobstructed, and his body age is even much younger, so there is no need for health care at all.

In addition, after seeing He Jincheng's medical skills, how could Mr. Lin still appreciate the level of other doctors.

Now I want to cooperate with He Jincheng and Smith's medical school. This is also the most important choice for the old man in his later years.

He felt that this matter was very meaningful, and he was ready to devote himself more fully to it.

"Qin Shun, don't think about it too much. Xiao He is also your soldier. He cured me, and that should be credited to you. By the way, I heard that your hospital seems to be selecting some kind of outstanding doctor recently. ,right?"

Mr. Lin said with a smile.

His temperament is like this, more straightforward.

When ordinary people talk about this kind of thing, they must say it in private, how can they say such a thing in front of so many people.

Master Lin's background was told in front of everyone, and he also expressed his own thoughts.

"I know that this excellent doctor is a very important award on your side, right? So these days, I have been thinking about which doctor to recommend to the dean."

When he heard Mr. Lin say this, Qin Shun's eyes straightened and his whole body tensed up, looking at Mr. Lin very nervously.

With Mr. Lin's identity and status, as long as he speaks to the dean, he can basically get this title.

"Honestly, my first thought was..."

When saying this, Mr. Lin first looked at Qin Shun.

Qin Shun's face turned red with excitement, and was about to say thank you, Mr. Lin, when the leader turned his head to look at He Jincheng.

"Actually, the first thing I thought of was Dr. He Jincheng. To be honest, my life was cured by Dr. He. If Dr. He can't be rated as an excellent doctor, I definitely disagree. .”

Mr. Lin said with a smile.

And Qin Shun is now in the same place, his face flushed, and he almost blurted out the words of thanks, but when he heard your old man's painting style change, he felt bad all over.

(End of this chapter)

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