Chapter 596 It's self-defeating, why don't you compare

Qin Shun was really hurt.

I have worked hard to maintain the relationship for three to five years, but in less than five days, I was snatched away by a newcomer, He Jincheng.

But now what is Qin Shun saying?Do you want to blame Mr. Lin?

Then how should I win Mr. Lin back?

Qin Shun quickly thought about it in his heart, and suddenly had an idea when the performance turned around.

He doesn't believe that He Jincheng really has such superb medical skills. If you say that Mr. Lin is sick, then he is really sick.

Maybe it's you talking nonsense, and then fooling the old man to come to you for treatment, so as to increase your popularity.

It must be like this, there is nothing wrong with it, this kid must have fooled Mr. Lin.

Compared with my usual acupuncture and moxibustion health care with Mr. Lin, it is a real health care, and it is impossible to have the slightest element of deception.

"Mr. Lin, I think you have misunderstood. I have given you acupuncture and moxibustion before, and I didn't find any abnormalities in your body. I think Xiao He must have made a mistake. He is a newcomer to our hospital." I was eager to get some results, so I made a mistake."

Qin Shun felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. First of all, He Jincheng was indeed very young, and he had just come to the hospital not long ago. If he remembered correctly, today was He Jincheng's second visit to the People's Hospital. Bar.

So, no matter whether what he said is true or not, at least it can make Mr. Lin doubt He Jincheng.

After saying this, Qin Shun waited for Mr. Ling to question He Jincheng.

As a result, after waiting for more than ten seconds, Qin Shun felt that something was wrong, because the leader had a child, and Lin Keke and the foreigner were all staring at him with very strange eyes at this moment.

How should I say this look, it's like looking at a fool.

Xiao Ma was immediately puzzled. He heard that these people were given some kind of ecstasy soup by He Jincheng?Why don't they seem to hear what they just said?

"Doctor Qin Shun, I wonder if there is some misunderstanding between you and Xiao He? I know Xiao He's medical skills. In your People's Hospital, there is probably no one with better medical skills than him."

Mr. Lin's tone was quite polite, but his words were full of displeasure.

And he also gave He Jincheng a very high evaluation. There is no one with better medical skills than He Jincheng in the entire People's Hospital?

This is probably too much to say.

"Old man, what I said is true. I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, you can ask other people in the hospital. Doctor Xiaohe really just came to our hospital this week."

Qin Shun quickly opened his mouth to explain, thinking that Mr. Lin might have misunderstood what he meant. He was just saying that He Jincheng might have misjudged and misdiagnosed. After all, he is still very young. A fairly normal thing.

It's a pity that Qin Shun used the wrong person completely.

Elder Lin has already told him that He Jincheng saved Mr. Lin's life, but you are still talking about He Jincheng, isn't that intentional to make Mr. Lin feel dissatisfied with you?

"Doctor, do you think your medical skills are better than Dr. He's? I remember that many of your Chinese civilizations like it. Let's compete on the spot. How about we come to compete on the spot today?"

Smith on the side also heard that what doctor Qin Shun wanted to do was to make He Jincheng look ugly in front of Mr. Lin?

Smith was not worried that He Jincheng would make a fool of himself, because he believed that He Jincheng's medical skills were definitely not inferior to the jealous doctor Qin Shun.

He thought that He Jincheng hadn't refuted a word until now, obviously he didn't want to make the matter big, but Smith really couldn't understand Qin Shun's behavior, so he asked the two to have a competition.

Don't you think He Jincheng's medical skills are not good?Try it out on the spot, if your medical skills are better than He Jincheng's, then you have the qualification to say such things, but you can't say anything at a glance.

Anyway, everything is based on ability. If you have great ability, what you say will be useful. If you are small, you should stand aside.

He Jincheng glanced at Smith, feeling helpless and could only sigh and shook his head.

This Smith may wish to compete with Qin Shun himself, so that Smith can see some more classic cases with his own eyes.

"Of course I can, but it depends on He Jincheng's time?"

This Qin Shun's love for He Jincheng has risen to the extreme, he didn't even call Dr. He, and just called He Jincheng's name.

This is more or less impolite. After all, although He Jincheng is young, he is not under Qin Shun's jurisdiction.

He was personally requested by the director of the People's Hospital. It can be said that he is a specially-appointed teacher, and ordinary people can't find him. Therefore, Qin Shun has no idea what level of He Jincheng's medical skills are.

"Doctor Qin Shun, let's not mess around with this kind of competition. No matter who wins or loses, it's hurtful and meaningless. You can just talk about it as a fact, and we don't have to worry about anyone's medical skills. Higher, okay?"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile, he felt that there was absolutely no need to compete with Qin Shun.

Because this matter is completely meaningless, even if he wins, it will at most embarrass the other party even more.

As for whether he would lose to He Jincheng, he never thought about it at all. With his own medical skills, he might not be his opponent with ten Qin Shuns together.

However, He Jincheng's good intentions retreated, but in Qin Shun's view, it was a kind of timidity.

This kid is worried that his medical skills are poor, and after the historical facts are exposed, he will not be able to save face on Mr. Lin's side.

"Doctor He, you are not very interesting. Winning or losing is not important. The important thing is that we can learn some new things through medical exchanges. You must know that the newcomers from the past come to practice, and they can follow a more serious operation a day. It's amazing. So, Xiao He, you have such an opportunity now, you must cherish it."

Doctor Wang said expressionlessly.

He sneered endlessly in his heart, He Jingren seemed to be in his early twenties, and if he wanted to talk to himself, an out-and-out old Chinese medicine doctor, that would be a joke in the world.

In fact, it doesn't even need to be said, you just have to be obediently inferior to me, this is the normal situation.

"Well, since Dr. Qin Shun insists on competing with me, I think it's better than this. Since Dr. Qin Shun is mainly proficient in acupuncture, then we will extend and discuss from this acupuncture method."

He Jincheng sighed and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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