Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 598 Comparing Needle Techniques, He Jincheng Changes Needles

Chapter 598 Comparing Needle Techniques, He Jincheng Changes Needles
A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Shun's mouth.

Qin Shun may feel a little guilty about other things, but in terms of acupuncture, Qin Shun is really not afraid of anyone.

Immediately, he took out the silver needle that he had used for more than ten years, raised and lowered the needle, and neatly left five needle holes on the quick tofu. The speed was so fast that many people present did not realize it.

"That's it, how about it, do you dare to compare?"

Qin Shun said with a smile, his eyes fixed on He Jincheng, he wanted to see if this kid dared to accept the trick.

"What's so difficult about this?"

He Jincheng laughed and took out his silver needle, and then raised the needle and dropped it, leaving five needle holes on the piece of tofu in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at each other.

It is relatively simple to poke holes in tofu with a needle, but if you want to make five pinholes in an instant, and at the same time, the distance between the five pinholes is still exactly the same, it is not a simple matter.

If we study more carefully, we can actually find that the depths of Qin Shun's pinholes are actually different.

However, He Jincheng's depth is the same.

But in terms of speed, the two are evenly matched, evenly matched.

Seeing that He Jincheng's true method turned out to be so fast, Qin Shun's eyes flashed with surprise, and at the same time, his face also showed a dignified look.

It never occurred to him that He Jincheng was also good at acupuncture.

And judging by his real skills, he is obviously not much weaker than himself.

But after thinking about it, Qin Shun became confident again.

Acupuncture and moxibustion cannot be practiced in a day or two. When I used to practice by myself, I had to stick needles tens of thousands of times a day, or even more, to grind blood blisters on my fingers.

Even with such hard work and hard work, I have practiced for eight years before I can truly become a teacher.

How old is He Jincheng? Even if he was asked to practice acupuncture since he was a child, he might not be as good as himself.

The written test of this first level is only the most basic performance of acupuncture, and the real strength of the acupuncture practitioner cannot be seen at all.

The next step is to leave five needle holes on the pigskin. This is the time to really test the strength of the needle performer.

"It seems that you still have a little foundation, but the next time is the real test. Do you still dare to accept the challenge?"

Qin Shun smiled lightly. Although he had to admit that He Jincheng did have some acupuncture foundation, Qin Shun felt that He Jincheng must not dare to take it.

Acupuncture on pigskin requires a certain amount of strength.

Pigskin is much rougher than other people's skin, and the strength required is also greater.

Traditionally used silver needles are relatively soft in texture, and sometimes they can't penetrate some muscular people with needles, let alone the rough and thick pigskin.

Qin Shun's technique is naturally able to use needles on pig skin, but he is also very aware of his own strength, it is definitely not as easy as using needles on tofu.

"It's just pigskin, so I'll go first this time."

He Jincheng chuckled, then put down the previous silver needle, and then took out the thinnest silver needle from the needle bag.

"What do you mean? Why do you need to change the needle?"

Qin Shun frowned slightly, and asked in great puzzlement.

Everyone was also a little surprised, not understanding what He Jincheng was doing.

The pigskin is rougher and it is not easy to pierce the silver needles.

However, He Jincheng actually gave up the thicker silver needle and chose the thinner one instead. This was not intentional, it made it more difficult.

"It seems that the competition between us didn't stipulate what kind of silver needles should be used."

He Jincheng shook the silver needle in his hand.

This silver needle was six inches long, and as thin as a hair, it swayed back and forth in the air with He Jincheng's shaking, which showed how soft this silver needle was.

It is really hard for such a person to believe that such a soft and thin silver needle can really penetrate pigskin.

"Hmph, it's up to you to choose which silver needle to use, but let me remind you, if you can't penetrate the pig's skin with this eye needle, then you will automatically admit defeat in this regard."

Qin Shun naturally would not let go of this chance to win.

Although he has absolute confidence in his acupuncture techniques, how can a person walk by the river without getting his shoes wet? Just in case, Qin Shun must take all the things that are beneficial to him.

"Don't worry, since I choose to use this silver needle, I will be willing to admit defeat."

He Jincheng said with a smile, and pinched the six-inch long soft silver needle between his two fingers.

Everyone watched He Jincheng use the silver needle intently.

Seeing him grabbing the silver needle fiercely and pressing it down, the pigskin, which should have been extremely hard, was pierced through by He Jincheng's silver needle.

Withdrawing the silver needle, He Jincheng pressed it down again, as if it was not blocked by half a minute, the silver needle sank under the pig's skin again.

Before everyone even reacted, five neatly arranged needle holes appeared on the pigskin.

"Okay, good acupuncture. Today I have seen it. I didn't expect that acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine can do such a thing."

Mr. Lin clapped his hands and applauded, his face was full of excitement.

He felt that he had spent most of his life in vain, and he didn't even learn about Chinese medicine.

You must know that in the era when Mr. Lin was young, there were many more powerful Chinese medicine practitioners than in this era.

If it is said that Mr. Lin could realize the magic of Chinese medicine early on, there would be no such thing as almost delaying his illness this time.

The others were also shocked, because they felt that He Jincheng was like a martial arts master.

This is just invisibility. If He Jincheng was replaced with a steel bar and poked at a person like this, I am afraid that the strongest person in the world will be pierced through the heart.

For a while, the eyes of everyone looking at He Jincheng changed a little, and some people were even vaguely afraid. He Jincheng wanted to do acupuncture for himself in the future, so he really had to consider whether to invite this great god to do it. up.

Of course, these are all jokes. After all, He Jincheng's medical skills are placed here, and his character is so good, how could he use this method to do some outrageous things?
Qin Shun was the only one in the whole consultation room with an ugly face.

As a master of acupuncture and moxibustion, how could he fail to see how powerful He Jincheng's acupuncture skills are, probably only a lot more than himself.

He was very puzzled in his heart, He Jincheng is so young, how did he practice such a skill?Acupuncture is even more powerful than myself!
When I was at He Jincheng's age, I seemed to follow the master's ass and learn how to prick tofu and radishes with needles.

(End of this chapter)

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