Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 599 Repaying Complaints with Virtue, Deliberately Losing 1 Game and Tie

Chapter 599 Repaying Complaints with Virtue, Deliberately Losing a Game and Tie
Although he was shocked by He Jincheng's almost monstrous talent, Qin Shun did not choose to admit defeat.

As a master of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, he also has his own pride. If he admits defeat before the third written test, he will not have a perfect explanation for himself.

"I admit defeat in the second round. I don't think I can be as relaxed as you. But, in the third round, I think you must not be my opponent. If so, we will be considered a tie."

Qin Shun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice. He didn't try to argue excessively, but just spoke truthfully.

"Then please invite Doctor Qin to come first for the third level!"

He Jincheng smiled and made a gesture of invitation, signaling for Qin Shun to come first.

"Okay, then I'll make a fool of myself. I also practice hard on weekdays, using silver needles to pierce cowhide, but every time the silver needles bend, so I fail every time. But in the past two years, my true method has improved. What he has grown up to, now has a high probability of successfully piercing into the cowhide."

Qin Shun looked at the crowd, and after talking for a while, he picked up a three-inch long needle, took a deep breath, and then began to show it with the needle.

Everyone also looked at it with gusto. Of course, everyone knew that the cowhide was more resilient and the most difficult to pierce.

Just like the beef brisket we usually eat, it takes a long time to swallow it every time.

The texture of cowhide is very tough, and it is generally difficult to pierce it even with iron nails, let alone silver needles as thin as hair.

Make sure that Qin Shun is holding the silver needle, holding the needle head, gently put it on the cowhide first, and then slowly turn the silver needle.

He didn't exert force directly to let the silver needle penetrate into the cowhide quickly, but kept twisting gently like a manual drill.

After about a dozen seconds, Qin Shun exerted a strong force, and the silver needle finally penetrated into the cowhide smoothly.

The earthquake succeeded, which made Qin Shun secretly heave a sigh of relief. At least the beginning was relatively good, and this had a certain positive effect on him in the future.

Qin Shun started the second and third injections today.

It's a pity that the silver needle broke inside the leather during the fourth stitch.

In the end, Qin Shun only completed four stitches, one of which broke in the cowhide.

Even so, such an achievement won everyone's applause and encouragement.

Being able to pierce into the cowhide so quickly is no longer something ordinary people can do. Without a little real skill in their hands, it is really impossible to achieve Qin Shun's level.

Among other things, Qin Shun's acupuncture skills are still very good.

He Jincheng can actually see this.

It's just that Qin Shun was aggressive before. Although He Jincheng has a good temper, he is not the kind of person who can only be angry, so he agreed to have three competitions with Qin Shun.

But through these three competitions, He Jincheng also saw that Qin Shun really worked hard on acupuncture.

At the same time, he could also see that Qin Shun was really a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.

As for why he didn't insist on translating to see and treat people, He Jincheng roughly guessed it, and it should be almost the same.

The living environment of modern Chinese medicine is getting worse and worse, and fewer and fewer people seek medical treatment from Chinese medicine. Even if there are Chinese medicine departments in some large hospitals, there are indeed very few of them in the end. Many people go to specialized Chinese medicine hospitals.

Qin Shun has been at the People's Hospital for more than 20 years, so what supports him to stay here?
Is it money or a dream?

A person with mediocre talent has finally found a job. If you tell him that this job, if you do it, may affect your future career development, should you take it or not?
Qin Shun is such a person, his talent is relatively average, and he can only use acupuncture and moxibustion for health care on weekdays, and the effect is actually very good.

Many patients received acupuncture and moxibustion at Qinshun's side, and even cured many cases of arthritis.

Qin Shun has all these records, but because he is doing traditional Chinese medicine health care work, he needs to conceal the privacy of the guests to a certain extent, so he can only keep in mind some changes in the cases he took over. .

This time he performed exceptionally well. He used four stitches on the cowhide, which was definitely a record for Qin Shun.

He Jincheng looked at Qin Shun and sighed in his heart.

Although Qin Shun has a somewhat competitive personality, he is still a responsible doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and health care.

Since the other party didn't have any obvious faults, there was no need for him to really screw him up.

So in the third round, He Jincheng didn't respond with all his strength at all, and deliberately broke two silver needles. The final result was that the three silver needles formed a needle.

Judging from the results, the first round was a tie, the second round was won by He Jincheng, and Qin Shun won the third round.

Generally speaking, both sides have won one draw and one draw, and the results are still the same.

Qin Shun saw all this, he knew that He Jincheng was involved in this matter, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Look at Dr. He, he is complaining with medical ethics.

I almost pointed at his nose and scolded him, but he was still not angry, but entertained me very politely.

Qin Shun was also thinking about what he did wrong, and at this moment he suddenly understood.

I just have too much prejudice, because I am not good at outpatient clinics, but only good at acupuncture, so if I want to firmly control this platform, the most important thing is to start from the platform.

If you can't really get along with each other, then the problem must be because you are too strong.

All in all, He Jincheng is obviously gaining everyone's approval slowly at this time.

This kind of recognition has nothing to do with anything else, and it is mainly because of being convinced from the aspect of medical skills.

"Then you all win one and draw one, this is a tie."

Lin Keke said with a smile, this kind of result is actually quite good, He Jincheng did not lose, and the department director Qin Shun also did not lose, so it is a good thing that neither side was offended.

"That's right, Doctor Qin Shun is also superb in acupuncture. I feel ashamed. If Doctor Qin didn't deliberately let me in, I'm afraid it would be even more ugly if I lost."

He Jincheng said it very humbly, anyway, he is not a doctor at the People's Hospital. Although he is already here for a consultation, after all, he was invited here. To be honest, there is really no one except the dean who can do it. Can move him.

Qin Shun blushed when He Jincheng said this, feeling very embarrassed.

There must be a gap in strength between myself and He Jincheng, at least I am really not very good at Jincheng.

And when He Jincheng said that, he was obviously trying to save him some face.

After this incident, Qin Shun's perception of He Jincheng took a 180-degree turn in an instant.

Generally speaking, there are less prejudices and prejudices, and more respect.

(End of this chapter)

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