Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 608 One Turns White

Chapter 608 Turned White Together (The Finale)

People who want to get involved, in addition to some private capital, there are also officials.

At the beginning, He Jincheng was adhering to the attitude of working together, but later these people began to interfere with the direction of the research institute, so He Jincheng couldn't bear it anymore, so he made a bureau and drove all these people out.

With the help of several elders with good connections in He Jincheng, the matter quickly calmed down.

After Ye Qingmeng graduated, she started to work in the Ho Group and managed the entire Ho Group with He Jinshan and Zhang Meili. He Jincheng devoted himself to the research of medicine and successfully developed a Chinese medicine made from western medicine a year later. , has a great role in rapid treatment, and has been widely acclaimed once it is promoted.

The rapid popularization of new drugs across the country, some old Chinese doctors were very skeptical at first, but when they really saw the use of new drugs, they all applauded.

As the He Group grows bigger and bigger, it is natural that many people are jealous of it.

With the lesson from last time, these people did not dare to attack the He Group blatantly, but started with the people around He Jincheng.

First, there was an accident. He Tingting accidentally encountered a car accident on the way to school. He was in a critical condition. He Jincheng was on a business trip at the time and did not participate in Tingting's rescue. When she came back, Tingting had already been issued a critical illness notice .

He Jincheng endured the grief in his heart, turned the tide and pulled He Tingting back from the brink of death, temporarily out of danger, but left behind a lifelong hidden disease, which made He Jincheng feel distressed.

Sensing that something was wrong, He Jincheng sent someone to investigate, but before the investigation came out, another accident happened to Ye Qingmeng. Fortunately, He Jincheng sent someone to protect him in advance, but only suffered some skin trauma.

This made He Jincheng very angry, and immediately used all the connections he could use, vowing to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

In this way, three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

During the past three years, He Jincheng has recuperated Tingting's body, her hidden illness has basically disappeared, and the He Group has never had any troubles again.

Just when He Jincheng was about to forget what happened three years ago, an ordinary business cooperation made He Jincheng accidentally discover some clues. The person who almost killed Tingting back then was actually from Lianhua Village.

He Jincheng felt sad and painful in his heart. He has always been kind to those who follow him loyally, but he didn't expect that it would still make people feel different, and he even did not hesitate to cooperate with outsiders to use such indecent means.

After trying to figure it out, He Jincheng finally found out all the people involved in that incident.

Since then, He Jincheng has slowly handed over the power to his elder brother He Jinshan, while he put all his thoughts on medicine and being with his family.

He Jincheng traveled around the world with Ye Qingmeng, He Tingting, and He Mengen, visited famous doctors all over the world, saw all kinds of patients and medical skills, and further improved his medical skills.

Returning again, He Jincheng has become a world-renowned miracle doctor, much higher than his previous achievements.

Tingting also studied medicine with He Jincheng, but her son He Mengen liked literature and started his own writing journey.

He Jincheng kept an open attitude towards this.

In their later years, He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng found a city with warm clothes and cool summer, and built a hut by the sea. Occasionally, people came to He Jincheng for medical treatment, and He Jincheng never refused.

The two would sit by the sea and watch the sunrise and sunset for a long time, and this time He Jincheng finally turned his hair white with Ye Qingmeng.

(End of this chapter)

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