Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 609 Invited by Elder Lu, the two elders bet on the doctor

Chapter 609 Invited by Mr. Lu, the two old people bet on the doctor
The next day, He Jincheng went out early in the morning.

Today, Mr. Lu Yuan invited He Jincheng to the mansion as a guest, saying that there was an important guest who wanted to meet He Jincheng.

Of course, He Jincheng couldn't refuse Mr. Lu Yuan's invitation.

I am developing here in Nandu, and I still need the help of Mr. Lu for many things.

When he came to Lu Yuan's mansion, in the reception hall, He Jincheng saw Mr. Lu Yuan.

After these days of self-cultivation, Mr. Lu's mental outlook has obviously improved a lot.

There was an old man sitting on the sofa next to Lu Yuan, wearing a Tang suit, who was also looking at He Jincheng.

"Lao Lu, is this the Doctor He you always mention to me?"

The old man had a smile on his face, but his eyes were scrutinizing, and he didn't know what he was thinking of writing.

Lu Yuan laughed loudly, pointed at He Jincheng and said: "What about Lao Kong, is Dr. He a talented person? Despite his young age, I have never seen such a high level of medical attainments!"

However, Lao Kong smiled faintly, picked up the tea cup and drank the tea without saying anything.

This made Lu Yuan frown and said very unhappily: "Husband, do you mean that I am bragging to you?"

"It's hard to say whether I'm bragging or not, but there are no serious and good Chinese doctors these days, let alone such a young guy who hasn't even read a few medical books!"

Obviously, this old Kong didn't believe what Lu Yuan said before, and felt that He Jincheng's level was definitely not good. Maybe it was just a coincidence that he cured Old Man Lu.

"When arsenic comes in, you can live, and when licorice comes in, you kill someone. Have you ever heard of this, Doctor He?"

Lao Kong put down his teacup and looked at He Jincheng with a smile.

Lu Yuan suddenly became unhappy and was about to explode as soon as he slapped the table.

He Jincheng hurriedly stepped forward, slightly cupped his hands, and said with a smile: "Don't be angry, Mr. Lu, because I have affected the friendship between the two of you! Moreover, in Chinese medicine, what Mr. Kong just said is indeed included. It’s what a famous Chinese doctor said, but it’s basically misunderstood by people now!”

"Oh? Misunderstood, then you can tell me how I misunderstood? You also said that this was said by your Chinese medicine doctor yourself, so you can explain it to me!"

Kong Lao laughed and said disapprovingly.

"Mr. Kong only knows one thing but not the other. This sentence is indeed said by a Chinese medicine doctor, but you don't know the cause and effect of this matter!"

He Jincheng said slowly: "The Chinese medicine doctor's medical skills are actually pretty good, but he had a sloppy problem. When he was seeing a doctor, he accidentally took the wrong medicine, and instead treated the seriously ill patient. The patient was cured, so the Chinese doctor became famous and became a famous miracle doctor at that time."

"After a period of time, his level was quite recognized, but later he made a mistake while treating a patient while drunk, and he treated a patient who was not seriously ill to death. In the end, He suffered a fatal disaster."

"Before he died, the Chinese medicine doctor said this: arsenic can save lives, and licorice can kill people. In fact, it was not that there was anything wrong with his medical skills, but that he was too unlucky. "

"That's right, Old Man Kong, you know how to do whatever you want here. Dr. He is a real doctor. How can he be like that kind of confused doctor?"

After hearing He Jincheng's explanation, Lu Yuan suddenly felt that Mr. Kong had made a big mistake, and he was very happy.

"You, you, don't say these useless things, do you dare to take a gamble with me?"

"Oh, what are you talking about betting on?"

Mr. Kong didn't feel embarrassed either, but He Jincheng's explanation surprised him. It seemed like this kid really had his wits about him!

"Let's bet on Dr. He's medical skills. If you let Dr. He take your pulse, he can [-]% tell you what's wrong with you. If I lose, my Nanshan villa will be given to you!"

Lu Yuan trusted He Jincheng to the extreme, and he opened his mouth to a villa. "Nanshan Villa? Old Man Lu, are you really willing to do it?"

Kong Lao's eyes flashed and he was very surprised.

"Then there's nothing you can't bear to part with. It's just a villa. Do you dare to bet? I'll bet on your little mansion!"

Lu Yuan chuckled.

"Haha, so that's what you had in mind. Although your villa is nice, my little mansion has a history!"

Mr. Kong was a little hesitant.

In comparison, although the value of the two villas is almost the same, my own small mansion is a legacy from the Republic of China period, which is of even greater significance.

"If it's too late for you to give in now, I don't want your little mansion, so just give me a dollar!"

Lu Yuan came up with a provocation.

Sure enough, when Mr. Kong heard this, he immediately slammed the table, "Just bet, I'm afraid of you!"

"Hahaha, then it's settled, Doctor He, this little mansion is entirely up to you!"

Lu Yuan laughed loudly and looked at He Jincheng.

He Jincheng smiled faintly, looked at Lu Yuan and then at Mr. Kong.

These two are really old boys, and they start betting on trivial things.

Lu Yuan smiled, waved to He Jincheng, and said with a smile: "Doctor He, come here, give this old Kongtou a good look! I've been keeping an eye on his little mansion for a long time!"

Old Kong also said with a smile: "My big villa, I finally have it!"

He Jincheng shook his head. The two men had already started bickering before the gambling game started.

"That kid is impolite!"

After saying that, He Jincheng sat in front of Mr. Kong and stretched out his hand.

Mr. Kong looked at He Jincheng, then stretched out his hand and asked him to feel his pulse with confidence.

Obviously, this Mr. Kong does not believe in traditional Chinese medicine at all.

He Jincheng just smiled faintly, stretched out his hand to check for a pulse, said nothing, and had no questions.

After 2 minutes, He Jincheng withdrew his hand, then thought carefully for a moment, then said with a smile, "If I guess correctly, Mr. Kong has always been in good health!"

"Hahaha, young man, you are really capable. I do exercise regularly, and now I can run 5 kilometers for 35 minutes!"

Kong Lao laughed loudly.

He is now in his 60s, and it is already very good to be able to run 5 kilometers in one breath. If he can run for 35 minutes, that is an even better result.

"Old man Lu, it seems that you have lost. I will accept your Nanshan villa!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuan became a little anxious.

What's the situation? He Jincheng cured his serious illness easily. Why did He Jincheng become inoperable when it came to Old Man Kong? Didn't he have any minor illnesses at all?how could it be possible!
(End of this chapter)

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