Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 610 Syndrome of Liver Cough

Chapter 610 Syndrome of Liver Cough
"Dr. He, is your pulse time a little short? Why don't you feel it again? There must be something wrong with this old man!"

Of course Lu Yuan was not willing to lose a villa like this.

The most important thing is that he invited He Jincheng just to show off, but he was laughed at by Old Man Kong, which was of course uncomfortable.

"Yes, yes, Dr. He, you can touch it again. It doesn't matter how long you touch it, lest someone loses and refuses to admit it!"

Boss Kong was very happy and felt that he must have won.

"My diagnosis is very clear, there is no need to look further!"

He Jincheng waved his hand and smiled.

"Ah hahaha, that's really embarrassing. I will accept Brother Lu's villa!"

Kong Lao laughed.

"Look at how proud you are. It's just a villa. I have more. I might as well buy another one! It's so cheap for you old guy!"

Lu Yuan was so angry that he was almost fuming.

"Then I won't be polite! Oh, look at you old Lu, I came to your house as a guest, but you gave me a villa instead. You see, this is such a mess, I'm so sorry!"

Kong Lao said he was embarrassed, but he looked proud.

Both of them are rich and powerful people. A villa really doesn't mean anything, the important thing is face.

Today I couldn't help but feel proud in front of my old friends and verified my knowledge. This is definitely an interesting thing for the old man.

"Hmph, it's just a villa. It's not as good as my Lu mansion. You can take it if you want it. How proud of it!"

Lu Yuan snorted, very displeased.

He was really a little angry, and even a little dissatisfied with He Jincheng.

Why is this guy so off-kilter today?

Seeing the fighting between the two old men, He Jincheng felt a little bit dumbfounded.

"Boy, I haven't come to a conclusion yet. How about we talk about the bet later?"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, both of them were stunned and looked at He Jincheng.

Lu Yuan was even more pleasantly surprised, thinking to himself, this is just right, you kid has learned how to tell the truth now!
"Oh? You say whatever you want, as long as what you say makes sense, then I will accept it. Our Lao Kong's character is guaranteed!"

Kong Lao laughed, but he didn't think He Jincheng could say anything.

How can I not be clear about my own body? I am not sick at all.

"Then let me just say something casually. Mr. Kong's body is indeed relatively healthy, even better than that of ordinary middle-aged people!"

He Jincheng said affirmatively again, but his expression sank slightly, and he continued, "However, I think Mr. Kong must not have been free of illness all the time. If my pulse is correct, I think Mr. Kong must have just recovered from a serious illness. !”

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Kong was stunned, his brows raised, and he was horrified.

How could he not be horrified, he had just recovered from illness a week ago, how could he see it?Could it be that Old Man Lu said it?It’s impossible. Apart from myself and the attending doctor, not even my son knows about this matter!

Seeing Kong Lao's expression, Lu Yuan knew that what He Jincheng said was inseparable, and he was immediately overjoyed.

"Hahaha, Doctor He, just say it. Old Man Kong has said it himself. As long as you say it clearly, he will definitely not default on it!"

Sure enough, Dr. He is still the same Dr. He, with superb medical skills and unpredictability.

This old man has recovered from his illness, and he can still feel his pulse.

It's really amazing. "Dr. He, please elaborate!"

Mr. Kong didn't mean to look down upon He Jincheng now, and his face showed some sincerity and expectation.

“When it’s warm and spring comes back, if you have a persistent cough, pain in your ribs, and blood in your sputum, it’s liver cough!”

He Jincheng said lightly.

Hearing this, the expressions of both of them changed.

Kong Lao was shocked, while Lu Yuan was frightened.

I'm coughing up blood. Could it be that Old Man Kong has some terminal illness?
Although the two of them usually like to quarrel, they actually have a good relationship, so of course they are worried.

What shocked Mr. Kong was that just as He Jincheng said, his cough problem had just gotten better not long ago. How did he see it?
"However, fortunately, this is just a common disease, and it is not particularly difficult to treat."

He Jincheng smiled and shut up.

Lu Yuan was relieved.

This Xiao He was really breathless when he spoke, which almost scared people to death.

"Haha, it's exactly what Dr. He said. It's just a cough, and it can kill people!"

Kong Lao laughed and said with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Old Man Kong, don't be too relaxed. You are so old, and coughing all the time is not good. Xiao He, since you have seen the problem, you should have a way to treat it!"

Lu Yuan looked at He Jincheng.

Since everyone has been invited, it is natural to cure him.

"I believe everyone knows that whooping cough is actually a liver cough. This disease is generally not very serious, but if you cough for a hundred days in a row, everyone will be tortured!"

He Jincheng said.

"Isn't that right? Don't underestimate this cough. I was young and strong back then and was not afraid of anything. But now, I am only afraid of whooping cough!"

Kong Lao said quickly, it seemed that someone had hit his mark.

"Actually, coughing is not only due to problems with the lungs, especially liver cough, but also problems with the liver. As mentioned in the Huangdi Nei Jing, the five internal organs are used to treat diseases caused by cold during the season, and the liver governs spring. , the heart governs summer, the spleen governs the long summer, the lungs govern autumn, and the kidneys govern winter. Coughs in spring are often caused by problems with the liver, which governs spring! Three months in a season is not just a hundred days!"

What He Jincheng said was very simple and straightforward, and both Mr. Lu and Mr. Kong understood it at once.

However, what He Jincheng said was pathological, but the cause of the disease was still not explained clearly.

"If I read it correctly, when Mr. Kong was sick with a cough before, whether it was Western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment started from the lungs, such as moistening the lungs and clearing the lungs. This led to treatment deviations, although it could temporarily relieve the disease. , but it is equivalent to raising the soup to stop it from boiling, and fails to get to the root of the problem! In addition, among the five elements, the lungs belong to metal, the liver belongs to fire, the liver qi is strong and the lung qi is even hotter, and in spring, wood qi is in season. It can be imagined that Mr. Kong, what’s the condition of your lungs now?”

He Jincheng said slowly.

"I see!"

Kong Lao suddenly realized.

My lungs are equivalent to a large boiler, and strong liver qi is equivalent to burning a pot with a large fire. In addition, the wood qi is in season in spring, so I have thrown a handful of dry firewood under the pot, and I have to keep coughing!

"Hahaha, wonderful. We laymen like us can understand Dr. He's words. How about it, Lao Kong? Do you accept our bet?"

Lu Yuan laughed loudly when he heard this and tapped his fingers on the table, not to mention feeling very proud.

"Of course, my old Kong is not the kind of person who doesn't believe what he says. My little mansion is yours!"

Kong Lao lost the bet, but he was not angry at all, but very happy.

The problem that has plagued me for many years, now I finally figured out what's going on, of course I'm happy!
(End of this chapter)

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