Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 619 Exploring medical skills, Wang Jianxiang is convinced

Chapter 619 Exploring medical skills, Wang Jianxiang is convinced
Seeing He Jincheng's humility, Li Chang nodded slightly.

He is young but not arrogant. He is a good prospect, but he is too young. But if he is given time to develop, given time, he will definitely become the future pillar of Chinese medicine.

However, Li Chang has not yet seen how good He Jincheng's medical skills are. It would be a bit arbitrary to judge based on some traditional Chinese medicine. So this time, Mr. Wang said that he wanted to invite He Jincheng to see a doctor. After he learned about it, he hurriedly I came over and wanted to see He Jincheng in person.

"Doctor He is too modest. I was the one who took care of Mr. Wang's illness before. At that time, I also had some doubts. I felt that it was not completely cured. It's just that my medical skills are limited, but there is nothing I can do. I heard from Yiwei that the last time you saw Wang When he was old, he directly mentioned the hidden illness on his body, and it must be true, but this time Wang Lao’s illness is all due to you!"

Li Chang patted He Jincheng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

He Jincheng just nodded slightly, but he was not too polite.

Li Chang didn't know him before, but he still knew Li Chang.

In his previous life, he had visited countless masters of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Li Chang also enjoyed a certain reputation throughout the country and was known as the Third Needle of China.

The third stitch may not sound that powerful, after all, there are still two stitches on it.

However, you must know that there are countless domestic medical students, and there are also countless people who are good at acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine. However, there are only a few people who can really be ranked. Those who can be ranked in the top three are definitely masters of Chinese medicine old age.

In his previous life, He Jincheng once visited Li Chang, but it was a pity that he did not personally communicate with this acupuncture expert at that time. He just watched him administer acupuncture to treat diseases from a distance. Bamboo, the effect is not bad.

I have been practicing medicine for more than forty years, and I have never missed it.

So, He Jincheng actually admired Li Chang a little bit.

After just resurrecting his life, He Jincheng's medical skills had reached the pinnacle of his time, and Li Chang's generation of veteran Chinese doctors were far from reaching He Jincheng's achievements.

"Senior Li's acupuncture skills are extremely mysterious. I have also read some of Senior Li's works and I have benefited a lot from them. I cannot say anything about them. I can only say that I will try my best!"

He Jincheng cupped his hands and said.

"Doctor He, I also feel a little unwell recently. After taking your medicine, the old man is still stable. Why don't you take this opportunity and help me take a look?"

At this time, Wang Yiwei's second uncle Wang Jianxiang said with a smile.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, but soon saw that Wang Jianxiang's thoughts were nothing more than doubts about his medical skills, so he wanted to try it out.

"Of course there is no problem, please sit down, Mr. Wang!"

He Jincheng pointed to Wang Jianxiang, smiled lightly, and sat down first.

Wang Jianxiang nodded slightly, then sat next to He Jincheng, and stretched out his hand.

As soon as He Jincheng got his pulse, he withdrew his hand after a while, and sat there thinking carefully.

The few people next to him didn't speak. In fact, they all wanted to see if He Jincheng was a veritable miracle doctor.

"If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Wang should be a member of the system!"

He Jincheng spoke slowly.

Wang Jianxiang frowned, but he wasn't very surprised.

He does hold a very high position in the province. This kind of thing cannot be hidden. As long as a careful person does a little investigation, it can be easily found out.As for whether He Jincheng could read the pulse, there was no need to doubt it. If the pulse could be used to detect illness and a person's position, it would be too false.

"That's right, but Dr. He, what does this have to do with my physical condition?"

Wang Jianxiang said calmly.

"In fact, everyone's body has different performances from others. For example, most people's impressions of farmers are that they are dark-skinned and thin. This is a stereotype, but most farmers today are indeed like this. Appearance. For another example, some people think they are rich at first glance, or they are a boss, or a leader, or a soldier, but they can actually see certain characteristics!"

"Mr. Wang, you have the temperament of a literati, and at the same time, you have the aura of a high-ranking person. Obviously, you are a person who has read poetry and books, and at the same time has a certain power. His pulse also betrayed you!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

Everyone didn't know why, although they couldn't understand, they felt that they agreed with He Jincheng's statement inexplicably.

"Doctor He is really good at medicine, but I don't understand why you said my pulse signal betrayed me?"

This is what Wang Jianxiang is most puzzled about. Could it be that he can really tell whether a person's career is not successful by feeling his pulse?
"Mr. Wang's pulse is fluctuating, but overall there is no major problem. If I guessed correctly, there should be something happening recently that will have a great impact on Mr. Wang!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, then looked at the crowd, moved closer to Wang Jianxiang, and said something in a low voice.

After hearing He Jincheng's words, Wang Jianxiang's always indifferent face finally revealed a look of shock, and then he looked at He Jincheng as if looking at an incredible person.

"Doctor He, are you really amazing? You can even see this?"

Wang Jianxiang really couldn't bear it, and expressed such emotion.

Everyone else was stunned, what did they see?
Especially Wang Yiwei was the most surprised. What happened to his second uncle, who was always happy and not showing signs of expression, today?
"Second Uncle, don't be a fool, what's the matter?"

Wang Yiwei still couldn't help asking, he was very curious about this matter.

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's nothing, Dr. He's medical skills are amazing, we don't want to waste time, let's ask Dr. He to show the situation to the elder brother!"

Wang Jianxiang laughed, but he didn't tell everyone what happened just now, the anxious Wang Yiwei felt itchy.

But Wang Jianxiang didn't want to say it, and Wang Yiwei didn't dare to continue asking.

With Wang Jianxiang's status, it's definitely not a trivial matter that can make him lose his composure.

With so many people present, it may be inconvenient for the second uncle to say, after He Jincheng sees the old man's doctor, he must ask clearly.

"Okay, then let's go and see the old man first!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, it seems that his estimation is quite accurate.

Wang Jianxiang stood up himself, led the way, and brought He Jincheng to Wang Jianyun's room.

This made everyone even more astonished. What happened? Wang Jianxiang suddenly became respectful to He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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