Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 620 Agree to cooperate, the first shooting mission

Chapter 620 Agree to cooperate, the first shooting mission

Maybe it was because of He Jincheng's amiable face, Lin Haiyuan and the others gradually relaxed.

"Thank you Mr. He for giving us this opportunity. We will definitely do things well in the future and live up to Mr. He's expectations!"

Lin Haiyuan didn't know what to say, so he could only keep showing his loyalty.

"You don't even listen to your own treatment, so you are willing to join our company?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"As long as it allows us to do work related to photography, you can pay whatever you want!"

Lin Haiyuan said immediately, and the other two also nodded in agreement.

"How can that be done? You are all talented people. Let's do this. You are so cheerful. I can't be stingy. The three of you will have the same salary for the time being, 500 yuan per month. Mr. Lin, you will be our photography team. Team leader, I’ll give you another 200 yuan as management subsidy, what do you think?”

He Jincheng thought about it and said.

Now under the group, the wages of ordinary workers are about [-]. Give Lin Haiyuan [-], which is definitely not low.

The three of them were a little stunned after hearing He Jincheng's words.

500 yuan, what kind of concept is this!

Even university teachers don't get 200 yuan a month. The three of them haven't graduated yet, but they can get 500 yuan?

Are you sure this isn't a dream?
The three of them looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. It was really hard to believe!
"What? Not satisfied?"

He Jincheng looked at several people and asked.

"No, no, no, satisfied, so satisfied. Mr. He, this is too much. We are a little flattered!"

Lin Haiyuan quickly waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Mr. He, although we know some photography, we don't have relevant experience after all, why don't you lower it?"

Wu Ming also said hastily, and Ren Lili who was beside her nodded sharply. It was the [-] salary that really shocked them.

"Not much, it's just the salary for the first year. We still have a bonus at the end of the year. The minimum is one month's salary. In addition, the salary will basically be adjusted in the second year. The specific salary adjustment standard depends on the performance, but What I can guarantee is that it will definitely only be adjusted upwards, not downwards!"

He Jincheng said very firmly.

At the same time, he also felt a little emotional in his heart. People in this era are still innocent, and some people think that the salary is too high and take the initiative to reduce it. If this were put in the future, it would be something that he would never dare to think about!

The complexions of the three of them were flushed with excitement, it was like a pie falling from the sky, something that they could not even dream of.

"Thank you, Mr. He, we will go through fire and water for the company, and we will do whatever we want!"

Ren Lili said excitedly.

"You don't need to do this. It's a matter of course for you to contribute your abilities and get paid accordingly. I just hope that you abide by basic professional ethics. Don't let the company train you for two years, and then others spend more money to dig you up. gone."

He Jincheng laughed.

"No, we guarantee with our personality that we will never do anything to betray the company!"

Lin Haiyuan immediately assured. "Well, I believe you. You can go to the human resources department to sign a labor contract later. Your benefits and corresponding responsibilities will be reflected in the contract. By the way, what other equipment do you need, such as cameras? You can say something like that, I will arrange for people to purchase it, and the company will pay the full amount of the funds. Don’t worry about money, just choose the best one to buy!”

He Jincheng nodded, quite satisfied with Lin Haiyuan, Wu Ming and Ren Lili.

These days, it is not so easy to find a professional photography team.

However, the three of them have a certain foundation, and He Jincheng has also seen the works of the three of them. They really have ideas and skills. They will be cultivated slowly in the future, and they can definitely be independent.

You know, the He Group is not short of money now, what it lacks is such talents.

Only with a good photography team can we make better advertisements and product pictures, which is very important to the current Ho Group.

Lin Haiyuan and the others became even more excited when they heard that He Jincheng wanted to buy new equipment for them.

They all dream of having a camera, and this dream seems to be coming true soon.

The three went to go through the entry procedures, and He Jincheng arranged for Zhou Qingyuan to find some more reliable photographers, and planned to give them some training.

And Zhou Qingyuan's channel is to invite people directly from the TV station. As long as the price is sufficient, those people will naturally not refuse.

A day later, He Jincheng received a call from Liu Feifei, and the cooperation was finalized immediately, and a long-term agreement for 25 years was signed.

This made He Jincheng overjoyed. With Liu Feifei's joining, the performance of the He Group will definitely flourish.

Soon, the photography team was formed successfully.

He Jincheng bought the most expensive video camera for them, and invited a professional photographer from the TV station to train them.

A week later, the photography team will officially go out on a mission, and the first thing they do is to take pictures of the celebrity Liu Feifei.

The shooting time this time is a total of three days. The first two days are to shoot some pictures of clothes, and the third day is to shoot a ten-second commercial.

It may sound simple, but it is not so easy to do well.

The photography team has its own studio, which was built according to He Jincheng's requirements.

These days, Lin Haiyuan and the others are working here, seriously discussing what angle, what scene, what to match with each item of clothing, etc.

As for the ten-second commercial, the three rehearsed it hundreds of times before finalizing it.

He Jincheng also saw their creative ideas. Although compared with those advertisements in the future, they are still a bit conservative and traditional, but thinking of the current era, He Jincheng didn't say much, let's shoot one according to their ideas first. , if the effect is general, then replace it later.

Finally, the choice of shooting location.

Product images can be done in the studio, but scene images need to be outside.

Lin Haiyuan submitted several shooting locations, and He Jincheng finally decided to arrange the shooting location on Nandu Peak.

Nandu Peak is a well-known tourist attraction in Nandu. It has beautiful scenery and steep mountains, especially the rolling sea of ​​clouds, which makes the whole Nandu Peak like a fairyland on earth. If you shoot there, the effect will definitely be very good.

Everything was in full swing, and He Jincheng took this opportunity to take Ye Qingmeng with him, and let Ye Qingmeng meet Liu Feifei, after all, Liu Feifei was Ye Qingmeng's idol!

Hearing that she could meet her favorite female star, Ye Qingmeng was equally excited.

(End of this chapter)

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