Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 621 Prepare to shoot, the venue is occupied

Chapter 621 Prepare to shoot, the venue is occupied
"Hello, sister-in-law, please don't call me Young Master Wang. Just call me Yiwei. Brother He is my eldest brother, and you are my sister-in-law. This is my little brother. I hope my sister-in-law likes it!"

Wang Yiwei quickly waved his hands, then took out a palm-sized gift box from his pocket, and handed it to Ye Qingmeng with both hands.

"This... the first time we meet, a sister-in-law should give you something, how can I accept it from you!"

Ye Qingmeng hastily declined.

Although I haven't figured out what's going on now, since Wang Yiwei came here with He Jincheng, then Wang Yiwei didn't talk nonsense.

However, Ye Qingmeng was still unwilling to accept this gift, since it was the first time they met after all.

"Sister-in-law, don't be polite to me. Brother He knows my temper. If you don't accept gifts, I won't be happy!"

Wang Yiwei immediately said with a serious face.


Ye Qingmeng didn't know whether to accept it or not.

This Wang Yiwei is really impatient.

"Qing Meng, since it was given by Yiwei, you can accept it. If you don't accept it, this guy will turn around and leave!"

He Jincheng joked.

"Okay then, thank you Yiwei!"

Ye Qingmeng had no choice but to nod, and accepted Wang Yiwei's gift.

"Hahaha, that's right. My sister-in-law can accept the gift, which is her recognition of me, Wang Yiwei!"

Wang Yiwei laughed and patted his chest.

"You guys come in and chat, I was packing my things just now!"

Ye Qingmeng smiled sweetly. She could also see that although Wang Yiwei's behavior was a bit frivolous, he was still relatively sincere, not the kind of false flattery and flattery, giving people a very sunny feeling, so the impression Not too bad.

"No need, I'm here to give a gift. Now that the gift has been delivered and my sister-in-law has seen it, I can say goodbye too. See you later when the filming takes place!"

Wang Yiwei said with a smile, before leaving, he leaned into He Jincheng's ear and whispered, "Brother He, what a blessing, my sister-in-law is so pretty!"

After all, Wang Yiwei left with a smile.

Ye Qingmeng stretched out his head and glanced at Wang Yiwei, and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Has this young master always been like this?"

Ye Qingmeng said with a wry smile.

"Isn't that right? It's been like this since I met him."

He Jincheng also said helplessly.

"How do you know each other? Wang Jianyun's son, he is an incredible person. When the teacher was teaching us, he even used Qianyun Group as a success story!"

Ye Qingmeng was very curious about how He Jincheng met Wang Yiwei.

"Go, go in and I'll tell you!"

He Jincheng dragged Ye Qingmeng into the room, and then briefly explained the whole process of the incident.

"Sure enough, it's good to be a doctor. It's too easy to make connections!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a look of admiration.

"Really? Let my husband take your pulse and see if my own wife has any hidden diseases recently!"

He Jincheng stretched out his hand with a smirk.

"Oh, don't make trouble, I'm going to shoot later..."

After some frolicking, there was a knock on the door.

The two quickly packed their clothes, and He Jincheng got up to open the door.

"Mr. He, Mr. Ye, we are almost ready here and can start shooting!" Lin Haiyuan stood at the door with a camera and other equipment in his hand and said with a smile.

"Oh, it's time, did Liu Feifei notify you?"

He Jincheng looked at the time and asked.

"Notice, let's go to set up the shooting scene first, and after about half an hour, Sister Liu will arrive at the scene, and we will start shooting directly!"

Lin Haiyuan said.

"Okay, you guys go to arrange it first, and I'll be there later!"

He Jincheng nodded, he was ready, but Ye Qingmeng was not.

She originally thought that when the shooting was over, she would take a few photos herself, and she also brought a lot of nice clothes, so she had to dress up before going out.

"Oh, ok, then we'll go there first!"

Lin Haiyuan nodded quickly, and then took Wu Ming and Cheng Lili to the shooting location first.

Wang Qianqian waited until Liu Feifei was ready, and then took them there together.

Today's shooting location is a very good viewing spot on the hillside of Nandu Mountain, where the most people gather on weekdays.

The viewing point is backed by a cliff, and in front of it is a canyon. When the wind is raging, it will present a magnificent sea of ​​clouds. Coupled with the sunshine, it will look colorful and very charming.

The three of them brought a lot of equipment, some shooting props, clothes and so on, and rushed to the shooting location.

Here they spent 500 yuan in a wallet for a whole day, which was specially used for shooting.

But when they arrived, they found that seven or eight people were camping here.

These seven or eight people were male and female, some were sitting on blankets, some were sitting on rocks, chatting happily in pairs, they looked like couples of young lovers.

Lin Haiyuan walked over with a smile.

"Hello comrades, here we have contracted with the scenic spot, and we will use it soon, why don't you change to another place?"

Lin Haiyuan spoke politely, but he didn't expect the people on the opposite side to be quite ruthless.

A man wearing sunglasses lowered his head and glanced at Lin Haiyuan through the slit of the sunglasses.

"What are you talking about? Louder, I can't hear you!"

"This is where we spend our wallets. We will be filming later. Can you please go to another place first?"

Lin Haiyuan still said patiently.

When going out, try not to cause trouble if you can. Besides, they still have equipment in their hands. If there is a conflict, it will be difficult to handle.

"It's a joke, we came here first, and you said it's done? I'm going to stay here today, young master. What can you do with me?"

The man in sunglasses said with a smile, and blew a mouthful of cigarettes towards Lin Haiyuan.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the management personnel of the scenic spot. We have really booked it here, so please let me know. Look at what we still have. After we finish shooting, can you come to play again? ?”

Lin Haiyuan said with a smile.

"You think I'm stupid. If you dare, I have to go down the mountain and ask people. If you are like this, go down and invite someone up for me, and let him tell me in person. Let's move out. Otherwise, it's so cool to stay there." !"

The man in sunglasses sneered.

"Why are you like this? We'll discuss it with you, and you can't be unreasonable!"

Lin Haiyuan was a little anxious, it was really this man in sunglasses who went too far.

"Reasonable? You don't even ask what your spectacle brother does. In this area, who dare not give my spectacle brother some face? What are you guys?"

As soon as the man with glasses stood up, a group of people cheered and stood up. Regardless of whether they were men or women, they were all vicious, and they looked no different from the punks on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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