Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 623 Burning in anger, 8 yuan high price compensation

Chapter 623 Burning in anger, 8 yuan in high-priced compensation
"Report your name if you have the guts!"

He Jincheng protected Cheng Lili, and looked at the glasses man and the others coldly.

"Haha, you kid is still thinking about revenge, right? Okay, you heard clearly, my name is Liu Qiang, and everyone on the street calls me Brother Glasses. Go to Nandu Street and ask, who dares not to give me Brother Glasses face? With just one word, hundreds of brothers can come over and slap you to death with one slap, do you believe it or not?"

Liu Qiang laughed, but before he finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound in his ear, and then there was burning pain on his face.

He Jincheng didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and slapped him directly, slapping Liu Qiang by surprise.

"Damn, how dare you hit me? I think you're really tired, brothers, let's go together, today I'm going to play with this woman in front of this kid!"

Liu Qiang's expression was unbelievable, and then he was extremely angry. With a big wave of his hand, four or five men rushed towards He Jincheng and Cheng Lili.

Cheng Lili hid behind He Jincheng in fright, covered her eyes and dared not look.

She heard a few muffled bang bang bangs in her ears, and then screams of ah ah ah.

When she opened her eyes again, Cheng Lili was a little silly.

Liu Qiang and the others, who were still extremely arrogant, all fell to the ground.

The beauties watching the show not far away were all dumbfounded, and some even looked at He Jincheng with fear in their eyes.

"Damn, boy, who are you? My boss is Brother Feilong. If you don't want to die, kneel down and apologize immediately, or else I, Brother Feilong, will kill your whole family!"

Liu Qiang didn't fall down, his face was swollen from the beating by He Jincheng, and he pointed at He Jincheng and threatened while lying on the ground.

"Kill my whole family?"

The killing intent in He Jincheng's eyes suddenly soared, and the air around him seemed to be a little colder, and that momentum immediately suppressed Liu Qiang.

"Originally, it was just a lesson to you, but since you still want to take revenge on me. It seems that if you don't let you improve your memory, you don't know how painful it is!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice, and then he stepped forward and stepped on Liu Qiang's thigh, and then exerted force suddenly, a very clear click sounded, and Liu Qiang's right leg was deformed directly.

He Jincheng's method of removing a person's thigh would be impossible without more than 20 years of bone-setting experience. If he could not find a bone-setting expert, Liu Qiang would have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.


Liu Qiang screamed like a pig being slaughtered, his forehead was covered with sweat from the pain.

He finally understands the situation now. Compared with himself, he is the real ruthless person!
"Do you want to threaten again?"

He Jincheng asked lightly, Liu Qiang couldn't even look at He Jincheng with those eyes that seemed to have two knives.

"Brother, brother, I was wrong, I dare not, you stop beating, I just talk about it, how dare I touch your family, please, brother, send me to the hospital quickly , it hurts me to death!"

At this time, Liu Qiang didn't have the slightest temperament of a gangster, so he almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed to He Jincheng to admit his mistake.

"It's fine if one sentence is wrong? My two brothers, you beat them like this, how do you count?"

He Jincheng asked in a deep voice.

"I will pay, all medical expenses, I will pay!"

Liu Qiang said quickly.

"What about our equipment?" He Jincheng pointed to the smashed photography equipment and asked coldly.

"I will pay, no matter how much money, I am willing to pay!"

Without even thinking about it, Liu Qiang agreed to lose money.

Just like I frightened Lin Haiyuan and the others just now, Nandu Mountain is inaccessible in this weather, and no one noticed when I threw people to the cliff.

He Jincheng is still the one who doesn't talk too much. If he gets upset, what if he really throws himself away?

"Okay, then let's count it! My two brothers were beaten like this by you. I will pay you a little less for medical expenses, 2000 yuan. In addition, they are injured, so there must be lost wages or something. Yes, let’s count it as five hundred. Besides, my equipment is very valuable. When I bought it, the total cost was 6 yuan. On the top of the mountain, I have to work hard to move the equipment up, and I will charge you [-] yuan. Six is ​​not too much!"

He Jincheng figured it out bit by bit.

"Also, we invited a very important person to shoot. If you delay our shooting progress, then you need to pay 1 yuan in compensation. If you calculate it this way, it's 8. How about this, as I am a kinder person, I will round it up for you, and you can get [-] yuan!"

After such a settlement, Liu Qiang almost cried.

8 yuan, why don’t you grab it? I fool around all day, collect some protection fees, do some stealthy things, and I can’t make ten yuan a day. You just open your mouth for [-] yuan. That's right!

"Brother, isn't this too much? 8 yuan is not worth so much if you sell me!"

Liu Qiang begged with a mournful face.

"A lot? It's a lot for you, but it's not much for me. What's the matter? Look at what you mean, do you want to renege on your debt?"

He Jincheng narrowed his eyes, and the cold killing intent reappeared, and Liu Qiang shook his head again and again in fright.

"Not too much, not too much, 500 is [-], but brother, I don't have much money with me, and there are only more than [-] in total. I will take [-] first, and then I will pay you slowly. Is it okay?"

Liu Qiang struggled to take out a pack of Great Unity from his pocket, and begged.

"Five hundred? Do you think I'm a fool? 8 yuan, why do you have to pay it back until the year of the monkey?"

He Jincheng said with a sneer.

"But I really don't have it. Even if you kill me now, I can't afford so much money!"

Liu Qiang really cried.

He really doesn't have so much money, 8 yuan, it can kill him.

"I don't care about it. My loss is so much. If you are not willing to pay, I don't think there is any need to keep your remaining two arms and one leg!"

As He Jincheng said, he raised his foot and was about to step on his left leg.

"No, no, I'm willing, I'm willing! But I really don't have any money with me now, how about this, big brother, let me go down the mountain first, and I'll take care of Brother Feilong. Brother Feilong will definitely help me, within three days Now, I will definitely send you 8 yuan!"

Liu Qiang endured the pain, wiped his tears, and begged bitterly.

"Brother Feilong, yes, very good, I also really want to see what this legendary boss looks like, take out all the cash on you, and treat it as a deposit, if three days are up , you still can’t afford to pay back, so don’t blame me for not being sympathetic!”

He Jincheng sneered, and then crushed a stone next to him with his foot. The few people who were frightened fell silent, nodded and bowed one by one, extremely obedient.

(End of this chapter)

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