Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 624: Huge profit business, the rules of victory in the arena

Chapter 624: Huge profit business, the rules of victory in the arena
This is a racing competition organized by the Feilong Gang. Riders compete every day. The winner's prize is very generous. Those who want to watch the competition need to buy tickets, so this is also the biggest source of income for the Feilong Gang.

"Heh, it's really a place where fish and dragons are mixed together. It seems that some people have played this time!"

Du Fei chuckled, and Cheng Lu beside him also smiled faintly.

Both of them were special forces. When they were performing missions, they had sneaked into the enemy. What they liked most was this kind of different competition, especially this kind of violent racing competition. When they saw this scene, they also remembered The time when I was on duty in the army.

"Then let's have fun and see when the boss here will take the initiative to see us!"

He Jincheng chuckled, and then the three of them walked straight towards the crowd.

On the outside of the crowd, there was a barbed wire fence. There were two people at the entrance, both wearing green coats. They were sitting at the door smoking cigarettes and chatting. When they saw He Jincheng and three people walking over, they immediately stopped smiling. He stood up and looked at He Jincheng and the others coldly.

"Miansheng, what are you doing?"

One had a mole on his forehead, and there was a long hair on the mole.

This man was nicknamed Hei Mao because of the hair on the mole.

Others look at this black mole hair disgustingly, but Hei Mao thinks it is his God of Wealth hair, so he cherishes it very much and likes to show off his hair to others.

"Brothers, we heard that the racing here is very exciting and we come here to watch the competition. I wonder if there are any rules?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Watching the game? Okay, tickets cost 20 yuan per person!"

Hei Mao stretched out his hand and said.

20 yuan is definitely a lot of money for ordinary people.

Looking at the number of people inside, three to four hundred in total, one can imagine that the Feilong Gang’s daily income is definitely a large amount!

"It's so expensive. Are there any discounts for the three of us?"

He Jincheng asked.

"Nonsense, we two brothers are here to watch the door for nothing. If you think it's expensive, get out of here. Don't waste my time!"

Hei Mao said angrily.

"Okay, let's hand it over!"

With that said, He Jincheng took out the money, counted six cards of Great Unity, and handed them to Hei Mao.

After paying the money, the three of them were about to step inside, but the black hair took the money and took another step, stopping the three of He Jincheng.

"What? Did I let you in?"

Hei Mao said coldly.

"We bought tickets, why aren't we allowed in? This isn't appropriate!"

He Jincheng frowned and said, Du Fei and Cheng Lu also looked at the two with squinted eyes, wondering if they should do it directly?It's okay, if there is any movement from here, then Zou Feilong, who is in charge, will definitely show up!

"Hmph, who told you that you can go in after paying the money? What if you are the police, I will let you in, and we will take it all together!"

Hei Mao snorted coldly.

"How is it possible? How can we look like the police?"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile, but he was surprised that the black hair was so vigilant, no wonder no one took care of it for several years!
"Like it or not, it's not up to you. Take out all the documents and put them on us. After you come out, we will naturally return them to you!"

Hei Mao said in a deep voice.

He Jincheng and the three of them looked at each other. It was obviously unwise to take action now, so they would just do as the other party said and take out all their IDs.Kuromao and the others collected their documents and then got out of the way.

"Guys, I'm going to put my ugly words up front. If you dare to make trouble inside, or if you are undercover agents, we will make you regret coming here, not only for yourself, but for everyone related to you!"

Heimao took the three people's IDs and shook them in his hand, and said with a cold smile.

He Jincheng and the other two nodded slightly, without saying anything, they pushed open the iron door and walked in.

It seems that this group of people are really ruthless in doing things. It is because of this kind of threat that they have been able to do so until now, and nothing happened.

However, since they came here today, there must be some commotion here.

There are two riders competing in the field, and the scene is very lively.

In this day and age, motorcycles are rare and cannot be afforded by ordinary people. Moreover, the styles of these motorcycles are relatively simple and not as diverse as they will be in the future. Some motorcycles are even more expensive than a house.

However, although the motorcycle is relatively simple, it does not affect everyone's enthusiasm for the competition in the field.

Especially in the competition here, the competition is not just about speed. You can use any means to shoot down the opponent's motorcycle or complete the lap first within the prescribed number of laps to win.

The winner will receive a bonus of 100 yuan for a game, and the bonus will be doubled for consecutive wins. For example, if you win three games in a row, the bonus can reach 600 yuan. This is a very attractive game for most people.

"It's so lively. I didn't expect there to be a place like this in Nandu!"

Du Fei said with a smile, looking at the two riders competing fiercely in the field, rubbing his hands with some excitement.

"You know how to play?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Of course. Back then, I was a man with a motorcycle, rushing out from a crowd of hundreds of people. It's a pity that the motorcycle was later handed over. Think about it, I haven't touched it for several years now. It’s a motorcycle!”

Cheng Lu scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

"Yes, when Lao Cheng was in our class, he was a man known as the King of Motorcycles. I was a little behind, but compared to these amateur riders, I was still much better!"

Du Fei shouted from the side,

"That's good. You can have fun today. Let's go ask what the rules are here!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then took the two of them to find the person in charge.

After asking several people, I finally found the person in charge of the arena.

"Excuse me, are you Brother Hua?"

He Jincheng still asked politely.

The man known as Brother Hua was sitting behind a table counting the bills in his hands. Standing next to him were two boys holding steel pipes in their hands.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Brother Hua glanced at He Jincheng and continued counting the bills.

"In that case, Brother Hua, I found two riders and wanted to have fun here. I don't know what our rules are, so I came to say hello to you and say goodbye to the mountain!"

He Jincheng cupped his hands and said in a quack-like tone.

"You want to play with cars, right? Do you bring your own cars, or do you want to use the ones from our venue?"

When Brother Hua heard that he was here for business, he was a little polite. He raised his head and looked at He Jincheng and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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