Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 627: After winning 7 games in a row, the bald brother can’t sit still anymore

Chapter 627: After winning seven games in a row, the bald brother can’t sit still anymore
Looking at Wang Zihao's leaving figure, Cheng Lu smiled and shook his head.

Of course he knew that this place was not simple. If it were simple, he, Mr. He and Du Fei would not come here!
After winning the first game, Cheng Lu has the right to choose whether to continue the competition. The organizer will arrange a new opponent for Cheng Lu.

Of course Cheng Lu wouldn't refuse. He was here to cause trouble today. It was just a game, so of course he couldn't attract the opponent's attention.

Soon, Cheng Lu's second opponent was arranged. He was also a player with good driving skills, but this person was obviously not as easygoing as Wang Zihao, and he threatened Cheng Lu when he came up.

"Boy, your driving skills are very good, but on this track, the competition is not just about speed!"

The man looked at Cheng Lu with a sneer, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Really? Then please be merciful, brothers. It's a competition, we can't hurt the harmony!"

Cheng Lu said with a smile and cupped his hands towards the man.

"Hmph, let's talk about it on the field!"

The man showed no sympathy for Cheng Lu and ignored Cheng Lu with a cold snort.

Soon, the second game began.

As soon as the opponent came up, he hit the front of the car and almost stopped Cheng Lu's motorcycle.

Just when Cheng Lu slowed down, the man just hit the accelerator and rushed out.

Cheng Lu smiled faintly, knowing that the opponent would definitely not let him go so easily, so he still adopted the previous tactics. At first, he followed the opponent inquiringly, and then when the opponent sprinted from behind, he overtook him all at once. In this case, he could Try to avoid any physical conflict with the other party as much as possible.

The opponent thought that the powerful attack he had just launched had an effect, and he was still far ahead, and he felt extremely proud of himself.

As a result, when turning the corner on the eighth lap, the man only felt a strong wind passing by him. Then he saw that Cheng Lu had surpassed him at some point. He didn't even have a chance to make a move, so he could only watch helplessly. He watched Cheng Lu crossing the finish line.

In the second game, Cheng Lu easily won.

As for He Jincheng and Du Fei, they kept buying Cheng Luying, and as a result, their initial capital increased more than ten times.

This is also due to the fact that Cheng Lu is a newcomer, and the payout at the beginning is very high. Even if he beat Wang Zihao in the first game, the payout ratio in the second game is still not low.

As a result, He Jincheng's initial 1000 yuan turned into 1 yuan, and Du Fei's [-] yuan turned into [-] yuan.

"This guy Lao Cheng can do it. If he wins a few more games, we will be rewarded!"

Du Fei said excitedly.

In just two games, the two of them have won more than 1 yuan, which feels great for anyone.

"Lao Cheng's driving skills are indeed very good. I can only say that these guys from the Feilong Gang will definitely be unlucky today!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile.

He finally saw that it was basically impossible to win against Cheng Lu.

If they win ten games in a row, the person in charge of this arena will definitely come out to talk to them.

He Jincheng's guess was right. When Cheng Lu easily won the third game, Hua Ge couldn't sit still and quickly informed the person in charge of the game.

The bald man walked out of the room, ready to see for himself how Cheng Lu's driving skills were.

Then he saw Game [-].

Cheng Lu's opponent was a driver who was just as powerful as Wang Zihao, and he was very violent. He even brought a steel pipe with him. If Cheng Lu wanted to overtake, the man would directly take out the steel pipe to stop Cheng Lu.Cheng Lu almost suffered losses twice, and he immediately refused to tolerate his opponent. He first made a feint and made his opponent throw a stick into the air, then accelerated and passed him from the inside, and at the same time kicked him there. In the back seat of the car.

The man immediately lost his balance, and the motorcycle fell down together with the man, creating sparks on the ground.

Fortunately, the man wore protective equipment and a helmet. He only had a small scratch, but he could only watch Cheng Lu win.

"This guy is a master. Do you know his background?"

A cold light flashed in the bald man's eyes, and he stared at Cheng Lu.

"He just came here today. I still don't know where he came from. This is the fourth game. If he wins four games in a row, the accumulated bonus will be one thousand and fifty. Do you still want him to continue?"

Brother Hua stood respectfully behind the bald head and asked in a deep voice.

"Go on, I want to see this man's skills in two more games!"

The bald head said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll arrange for a more powerful driver immediately!"

Brother Hua said immediately, and then ran to arrange the drivers.

In the fifth game, Cheng Lu waited for a full 10 minutes before he found his opponent.

In these few games, Cheng Lu has completely adapted to the rhythm of the competition here. Although his opponent is also very strong, Cheng Lu lost the game without any surprise due to his more superb driving skills and skills. Lu also directly achieved an impressive record of five consecutive victories.

A newcomer can achieve five consecutive victories for the first time, and directly and smoothly enter the ranks of the top five.

At the beginning, the audience was scolding Cheng Lu because they bet on the wrong person and lost money. However, these five consecutive victories directly refreshed everyone's understanding of Cheng Lu. Gradually, some people began to support Cheng Lu. Even more than half of the people chose to buy Chenglu Yingying.

In the sixth race, another heavyweight driver ushered in. This man had a record of seven consecutive victories, and in the seventh race, his opponent was Wang Zihao. He beat Wang Zihao by a full 50 meters, enough to rank ahead of him. Enter the top three.

Just when everyone thought that Cheng Lu's winning streak would definitely come to an end, a scene that stunned everyone appeared again. Cheng Lu effortlessly threw his opponent 60 meters away and won easily.

Cheng Lu's record has also reached six consecutive victories, with a bonus of 1 yuan. If he wins the seventh game, he will receive [-] yuan.

Such bonuses have begun to put pressure on the organizers.

More importantly, most people are now buying Cheng Lu to win from the outside. If Cheng Lu really wins the seventh game, the organizer will also suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, Brother Hua sent out a driver who had won nine consecutive victories before. This was the second strongest driver in the field and was bound to end Cheng Lu's winning streak.

Some people began to hesitate whether to continue buying Chengluying.

Some people who bought Chengluying also lowered their principal investment.

However, the results did get the crowd going again.

Cheng Lu easily trapped his opponent. The second-ranked driver actually lost the worst. He even tried a lot of tricks, but Cheng Lu easily resolved them.

At this time, the people on the organizer's side finally couldn't sit still.

"Hmph, you're here to cause trouble. It seems I need to take action!"

The bald man snorted coldly and prepared to compete with Cheng Lu.

(End of this chapter)

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