Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 628 Negotiation failed, Cheng Lu won the bald brother

Chapter 628 Negotiation failed, Cheng Lu won the bald brother
Baldhead is currently the number one rider in this field. He once had an astonishing record of ten consecutive victories, so he was valued by Zou Feilong and made him the second in charge, and he was also responsible for all the major and minor matters in this motorcycle field.

In the past few years, under the management of Bald Head, the arena has been a very stable source of income for the Feilong Gang, and it must not be destroyed by anyone.

"If you take action against the bald brother, that kid will definitely not be able to do it!"

Brother Hua said complimentarily from behind.

"Go and tell Cheng Lu that if he stops now, we can give him 5 yuan and come to my place to work in the future. If there is still a competition, then increase the stakes and let him weigh it himself!"

The bald head said lightly.

He still admires Cheng Lu's driving skills, so he also has some love for talents in his heart. If Cheng Lu can follow him and become a driver here, it will of course be a good thing for the racing circuit.

If Cheng Lu is unwilling to obey, then he is equivalent to being an enemy of the Feilong Gang. The Feilong Gang will never be lenient when dealing with their enemies.

"Okay, I'll talk about it now!"

Brother Hua chuckled, turned around and went to find Cheng Lu.

At this moment, Cheng Lu, because no one had arranged an opponent on this side of the field, simply parked the car aside and chatted with He Jincheng and Du Fei outside the guardrail.

"I've won seven games in a row, how come they still show up without taking care of their business!"

Cheng Lu was a little bored. The strength of these opponents put no pressure on him at all. If the elephant played with the ants too much, he would find it boring!

"Don't be anxious, it should be here soon. Otherwise, why not arrange an opponent for you!"

He Jincheng said very calmly, and then cast his eyes behind Cheng Lu. A man walked slowly towards this side. When he got closer, he realized that it was Brother Hua who was charging at the door before.

"Hey, it's really here!"

Cheng Lu secretly laughed, then pretended not to see Brother Hua, leaning against the car and whistling.

"Brother, can we have a chat?"

Brother Hua walked over with a smile, glanced at He Jincheng and Du Fei, and finally landed on Cheng Lu and said.

He meant to talk alone and didn't want outsiders to get involved.

"Oh, Brother Hua, what do you want to talk about? Let's talk here. They are also my brothers, there is nothing to shy away from."

Cheng Lu said with a smile.

Brother Hua hesitated for a moment, but thinking that whether today's game could continue would depend on Cheng Lu's wishes, he immediately stated the first condition.

"5 yuan? Brother Hua, are you kidding? I, Cheng Lu, am not a beggar. You guys probably earned fifty or sixty thousand yuan this day. Isn't it a bit stingy to let me go with 5 yuan!"

Cheng Lu didn't think about it for long before he refused directly.

"Cheng Lu, you can buy two houses in Nandu with 5 yuan. This is already a lot. There is no need to break the rules."

Brother Hua smiled faintly and his tone became a little cold.

"Brother Hua, if you say that, then I can't agree even more. In other words, if you find another driver to compete with me, if I lose, I won't take a penny and leave directly. But if you If I lose, then let me continue playing, how about that?"

Cheng Lu said with a smile.

"Brother, you may not know that our racing track is the property of the Feilong Gang."

The bald head meant to let Cheng Lu retreat in spite of the difficulties, but Cheng Lu now wanted to continue the game, which was a bit difficult to handle.

"The Feilong Gang? Are they very powerful? Brother Hua is threatening me. It really scares me to death!"

Cheng Lu pretended to be scared, and then sneered.

"Brother Hua, I have such a big career in Cheng Luhuo, and I rely on my ability and courage. I can't control what happens to your Feilong Gang, but if you want to bully me, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"So it's not negotiable?"

Brother Hua frowned and his face looked a little unsightly.

Cheng Lu spread his hands and said nothing more.

"Very good, I hope you won't regret this decision!" Brother Hua snorted coldly, stopped negotiating with Cheng Lu, and turned to leave.

"It seems that they are also anxious. I believe someone in charge will come over soon."

He Jincheng laughed.

"Hehe, I really need to see what this bullshit Feilong Gang is."

Du Fei chuckled.

Not long after Brother Hua left, the host reappeared and announced that the next match would be between the bald brother who is currently ranked number one in the arena and Cheng Lu.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience erupted.

Bald Brother is the only driver with ten consecutive victories, and he is now mainly responsible for the operation of the venue. Anyone who competes with him must be careful and not go too far.

If anyone really hurts the bald brother, I'm afraid they won't be able to get out of here today.

"Cheng Lu is really doomed now. If the bald brother takes action, Cheng Lu will definitely lose!"

This is the most direct idea in everyone's mind.

As a result, the odds of Chenglu Resort increased again, and most people chose to buy the bald guy to win.

He Jincheng and Du Fei looked at each other and smiled. Originally, because of Cheng Lu's winning streak, his odds had dropped a lot, even to only [-]:[-].

As a result, the bald brother came out to fight, and Cheng Lu's odds suddenly became [-] to [-].

Without any hesitation, the two of them bought Cheng Luying with all their money.

"It seems that I can earn several houses today!"

He Jincheng said jokingly.

Du Fei also had a smile on his face. It felt so good to make money while lying down.

Soon, the bald brother appeared on the stage riding his exclusive motorcycle, which immediately ignited the atmosphere in the arena, and everyone shouted the bald brother's name loudly.

Cheng Lu glanced at his head and raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

It can be said that the person in charge has been hooked out, and then it is up to him to perform.

Soon, the game begins.

The bald man's tactics were very rough. He relied on the large displacement and size of his car to firmly block Cheng Lu's position, and at the same time he kept hitting Cheng Lu's car with his car.

However, road racing skills are not on the same level as bald ones.It was a bit troublesome at first, but soon Cheng Lu came from behind again and gained the upper hand.

On the last lap, Cheng Lu completed the overtake, but Bald and his car were pushed to the edge by Cheng Lu, and were finally thrown off the track.

Everyone was silent, no one expected such a result.

For a moment, the entire arena was in chaos. Brother Hua immediately announced that today's game was over and then began to clear the arena.

Of course, He Jincheng and Cheng Lu stayed here.

The bald head was not injured, but his face was very ugly.

He Jincheng and the other two were invited to have tea as a matter of course.

The bald man had an ugly face. He sat across from the three people and glanced at them fiercely for a moment before suddenly speaking with a smile.

"The three brothers are so capable. How about this? We can spend 100 million and invite the three brothers to come and work in my arena. What do the three brothers think?"

100 million is a lot for the stadium, but it is affordable.

Especially a master like Cheng Lu can quickly help the arena earn back this money.

(End of this chapter)

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