Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 630 Asking for an explanation, it is still possible to control violence with violence

Chapter 630 Asking for an explanation, it is still possible to control violence with violence
"Brother Feilong is really happy, so I'll get straight to the point. We came here to ask Brother Feilong if he wants someone. Give him to us. We don't want 300 million!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"An important person? Hehe, it's a joke. No one dares to ask for someone in my territory. Who do you want?"

A chill flashed across Feilong's eyes, and his heart was already getting angry.

"Brother Feilong, there is a man named Liu Qiang, nicknamed Glasses. This Liu Qiang beat one of my men yesterday and broke my equipment. Today I just want to meet Liu Qiang. I don't know if Brother Feilong will give him this face." ?”

He Jincheng said.


Suddenly, Feilong slapped the table and laughed loudly.

In the box, Feilong's younger brothers also burst into laughter, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Boy, what did you say, I didn't catch it just now, can you say it again?"

Feilong smiled for a while, then looked at He Jincheng and asked again.

"Hand over Liu Qiang, this matter ends here!"

He Jincheng repeated.

"Hahaha, boy, do you think that I, Feilong, grew up on a diet, and if you ask me to hand over people, I have to hand them over to you? Do you know what I, Feilong, do?"

Feilong's smile gradually subsided, and his tone became colder.

He finally knew why He Jincheng came here.

Yesterday Liu Qiang took a few younger brothers to Nandu Mountain to play, and when he came back, he excitedly told him that he had packed up some things that didn't look good.

Liu Qiang is Feilong's brother-in-law, and Feilong doesn't pay much attention to him on weekdays. In Feilong's view, things like cleaning up a few people are nothing more than a small matter, so he doesn't care about it.

I really didn't expect that someone would come to the door today.

Interesting, really interesting!

In the Southern Metropolis, apart from some official forces, Feilong knows that he has no ability to move, but for others, Feilong really has nothing to fear!

"I don't know what Brother Feilong is doing. I just know, your little brother, whoever hit me, I want to ask for an explanation. As for me, I don't like to use force. If it can be resolved peacefully, I will resolve it peacefully. This way everyone will save face, I don't know what Brother Fei Long wants?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Okay, then how do you want to solve it? If I hand the person over, what are you going to do?"

Feilong asked.

"It's very simple, bow and apologize to my people, compensate medical expenses, equipment expenses, a total of 8 yuan, this matter is considered closed, and everyone will not owe each other in the future, and will not interfere with each other!"

He Jincheng stated his conditions.

Feilong has been in this area for so many years, and it doesn't mean that the three of He Jincheng, Du Feicheng and Lu can solve the problem. If they really turn against each other completely, maybe this group of people will stumbling him in the future.

It doesn't matter if I'm alone, the key is that I still have my family and such a big company, there are too many people to take care of, Feilong will definitely seek revenge from those around him.

However, although there is some fear, it is still necessary to make an apology.

If we really can't reach an agreement, it's not impossible to solve it by force. "It's interesting. I, Feilong, have been around for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such an interesting person like you! However, I'm sorry, Liu Qiang is my brother-in-law. It's impossible to want someone. As for making an apology, that's even more unnecessary. Think about it!”

Feilong chuckled, and continued, "However, I think you guys still have a bit of backbone. Now, kneel down and give me three bangs. I can let you go, and I promise not to hurt you. My proposal is very good." Not bad right!"

"It's not that good, since Brother Fei Long doesn't give face so much, then we can't do it anymore!"

He Jincheng stood up slowly, thinking that he was able to control the violence with violence, and it seemed that the conversation could not go on.

"Boy, think about it, this is my territory, if you dare to do it, you may not be able to get out of here!"

Feilong was not in a hurry, he smiled and lit a cigarette, and smoked slowly.

There are hundreds of brothers under him, and three of them just want to level their position, which is a bit too arrogant!
"Like I said, face is something we have to fight for ourselves. Since Brother Fei Long doesn't give face, then we can only fight for it ourselves. Are you going to fight together, or should we beat you?"

He Jincheng squeezed his fist and said with a smile.

Since he decided to develop the He Group, he has been busy with work every day. He hasn't done it for a long time, and his hands are really itchy.

"Very good, very arrogant, I like you like this, bald, pockmarked, you go up and down, don't break people, I still have to have a good chat with this brother!"

Feilong waved his hand, and the bald head and Pockmark next to him came out.

The two of them were capable of fighting under Feilong's hands. Feilong asked them to fight, apparently to deter He Jincheng and the others.

These three boys are not bad, at least they are courageous, if they can subdue them, it would be very good to become their capable generals!
"Brother He, Lao Du, I won't bother you, I'll go first!"

Cheng Lu chuckled, and stood up with his fists clenched.

"Boy, you are crazy, one hit two, do you have the ability?"

The bald head has long been displeased with He Jincheng and the others, but because He Jincheng won in front of so many people before, if he did it himself, he would somewhat lose face and be said to be unable to afford to lose.

But it's different now, these three boys dared to provoke Brother Feilong, there is only one end today, that is to be beaten, kneel down and beg Brother Feilong for forgiveness, maybe there is still a chance.

"What's the point, it's just the two of you, I'll take care of it with one hand, hurry up, the three of us brothers will have supper later!"

Cheng Lu hooked his fingers with the back of his hand towards the bald head and pockmarked, and said very arrogantly.

"Looking for death, don't even think about keeping your hand today!"

The bald head was furious, and he strode straight towards Cheng Lu, raised his leg and kicked Cheng Lu's waist with great force.

Although the pockmark was a little angry, he didn't move.

To deal with such an ignorant kid, where both of them need to fight together, a bald head alone is enough.

But the next moment, the smiles on Feilong's faces froze.

I saw that Cheng Lu didn't dodge or dodge, just raised his hand, and unexpectedly blocked the heavy kick of the bald head, without even shaking his body.

"It's quite bluffing, why don't you have any strength at all, what a waste!"

Cheng Lu shook his head, and then slammed it violently. The 180-jin bald head was thrown out by Cheng Lu just like that, knocking down several younger brothers at once, and there was a commotion in the box.

(End of this chapter)

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