Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 631 Picking up soft persimmons, Feilong singled out He Jincheng

Chapter 631 Picking up soft persimmons, Feilong singled out He Jincheng
Feilong stood up abruptly, staring at Cheng Lu with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

He was also a soldier back then, and he could tell at a glance that Cheng Lu was very skilled.

However, he was a peace soldier and had never experienced war. But as soon as Cheng Lu took action, Feilong knew that he was the kind of soldier king who had seen blood.

"Who is your Excellency? When did our Flying Dragon Gang provoke you?"

Feilong looked at He Jincheng and said in a deep voice.

Even such a powerful soldier king listens to He Jincheng, so what is the origin of this He Jincheng!

"Yesterday, one of your younger brothers hit one of my people, which caused our company's work to lag behind. Does Brother Feilong know about this?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"You mean, yesterday on Nandu Mountain?"

Feilong frowned, Liu Qiang told him about this matter, it was just beating a few people, Feilong didn't take it to heart, he didn't expect to cause such a big trouble.

"That's right, it seems that Brother Feilong still knows about this, so it will be easy to handle. If you hit someone and cause harm, you have to pay compensation. Brother Feilong shouldn't deny this, right?"

He Jincheng nodded.

"Okay, I'll apologize to you on behalf of Qiangzi, and I'm willing to compensate you for all your losses. Let's just forget about it. How about that?"

Feilong took a deep breath.

Cheng Lu's skills are so powerful, the man next to He Jincheng doesn't seem to be weak at all.

If there is a real fight, the dozen or so people on my side may not necessarily be the opponent's skill.

Although Feilong is arrogant, he is not stupid. If he can't fight, then he won't fight. If the other party is willing to negotiate peace, that's even better.

"If you had said this before, I might agree. Now that we have taken action, it cannot be solved so easily. Let's do this. You can pick three people out at random and win two out of three games. As long as you win, Let's turn around and leave. If you lose, how about handing over Liu Qiang and the few people who did it?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

Feilong frowned, he didn't want to agree to this condition, because he had already seen Cheng Lu's skill, and Du Fei standing behind He Jincheng was definitely not an ordinary person, he had many people under his command, but he could achieve Cheng Lu and Du Fei's level, I'm afraid there really isn't one, even if he is himself, he may not necessarily be Cheng Lu's opponent.

"What? Are you afraid? Or you choose three people and I am alone, how about?"

Cheng Lu squeezed his fist, with a relaxed smile on his face.

He really doesn't pay attention to these crooked melons and cracked dates.

Feilong was a little angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to express it. He really couldn't beat the other party, and they still had reasons, so it was hard for him to deal with it!
After much deliberation, Feilong's eyes fell on He Jincheng.

"Made, I'm sure I can't beat the two kings of soldiers, but you don't look like someone who can fight, so I might as well fight you one-on-one and take a gamble. I want to see if you can still pretend !"

Feilong thought so in his heart, and then he smiled and opened his mouth.

"Brother, your two buddies are very skilled. We are definitely not opponents. How about this? We are both the bosses, so don't let your subordinates do it. Let's learn from each other and the outcome will be determined in one round." ,How about it?"

As he said that, Feilong stared at He Jincheng to see how he reacted.

Although Feilong thinks he is no match for Cheng Lu and Du Fei, everything he does now is done with one punch and one kick. His skills are definitely not bad. Five or six ordinary adult men are no match for him. .Looking at He Jincheng again, he looks elegant and frail, Feilong definitely still has a good chance.

Hearing what Feilong said, Cheng Lu and Du Fei were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Feilong with a strange look.

The two of them had competed with He Jincheng before, but the result was that they teamed up to deal with He Jincheng, but they were still at a disadvantage.

What shocked them even more was that He Jincheng seemed to have spare energy and was very relaxed.

This boy Feilong is really clever but he was mistaken by his cleverness. It's not good to pick anyone, but he just picked the most powerful one out of the three, because he thinks he has a long life.

"Are you sure you choose me?"

He Jincheng smiled and pointed to his nose, also a little surprised.

Could it be that he looks like a soft persimmon?Feilong is so confident that he beat himself?
"Why, don't you dare?"

Feilong squinted his eyes, he seemed to see He Jincheng's cowardice, and he was relieved in his heart, secretly thinking that he really made the right choice, otherwise, today would not be the end of the show.

"Since Brother Fei Long made such a choice, I will accompany you naturally!"

He Jincheng smiled and stood up, not imposing, but just walked out casually, looking calm and calm.

"Okay, then please be merciful, Your Excellency!"

Feilong also stood up and cupped his hands towards He Jincheng.

He is half a head taller than He Jincheng, at a full 1.9 meters. Over the years of being the boss, he has not only thought about prosperity and wealth, but has exercised every day. It can be said that his skills have not been lost at all.

In his line of work, he might have to fight with others one day, and he can't eat, drink and have fun all day long, drinking himself into a pig, how can he lead such a large group of people like himself.


He Jincheng just stood there, smiling lightly.


Feilong gave a low snort. To be on the safe side, he didn't hesitate. He was ready to strike first, his legs bent slightly, and then he kicked the ground suddenly, and he rushed towards He Jincheng.

With a false punch, he smashed towards He Jincheng's face, and when he saw He Jincheng raised his hand to block, his left leg had already been raised, and with a knee bump, he slammed towards He Jincheng's waist.

He Jincheng raised one hand to block Feilong's punch, and then pressed down with the other hand to block Feilong's knee bump.

Seeing that this attack was ineffective, Feilong immediately threw his left fist towards He Jincheng. At the same time, following the force of He Jincheng's downward pressure, he lowered his left leg, turned his body to bow slightly, and swung his right leg in a circle towards He Jincheng. Knee kicked it.

It has to be said that Feilong's skills are pretty good, especially the fighting experience, which is really rich. Most people are afraid that they will be hit with the first move by Feilong, and they will be powerless to fight back.

But Feilong's opponent was He Jincheng, so how could he be an ordinary person.

He Jincheng basically practices ancient martial arts every day, and his physical fitness is stronger than that of the soldier king Du Fei. It is very easy to deal with a flying dragon.

Just when the flying dragon kicked He Jincheng again, He Jincheng squatted down suddenly, so fast that he could hardly see clearly, and then he kicked the flying dragon to the ground with a sweep. .

(End of this chapter)

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