Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 648 Annual Meeting of the Company, Percent of Shares

Chapter 648 Company Annual Meeting, Ten Percent Shares
"Over at Dix..."

Cheng Lu said a little depressed.


He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, and his expression was not very good-looking.

There was a conflict with Dix just yesterday, and the other party also complained about plagiarism by the He Group, which made both sides look bad.

If you go to them now and talk about buying a machine, you will definitely not be able to reach an agreement!
"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence!"

Cheng Lu also shook his head with a wry smile and said.

"Okay, let's put this matter aside for now. We should try our best to build new production lines first, buy more sewing machines, recruit some skilled workers, and increase production as much as possible. If it doesn't work, we can also find some OEMs, but We must control product quality well!”

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

The way to buy machines is definitely not going to work.

And in half a month, it will be the Chinese New Year, and the factory will definitely stop working.

However, for this order, He Jincheng decided to hold the annual commendation meeting in advance.

After all the intensive preparations, on the 21st of the twelfth lunar month, the second annual meeting of the He Group since its establishment was finally held.

Different from the hasty holding of the last time, this year's annual meeting is more complete and mature. Not only are there performances and lucky draws, but also various small gifts are prepared, so that all participating employees can gain something more or less.

After about an hour of opening, the heads of various departments of the company went up to report for the whole year of last year.

The performance of He Group in 84 was astonishing. In 83, it only had a profit of one million yuan. In this 84 years, it has reached an ultra-high profit of more than 5000 million yuan, and its turnover has exceeded [-] million yuan. This does not include There are orders of [-] million for this trade fair.

All employees are very excited about this.

Although they are not shareholders of the company, no matter how much profit the company makes, they will not get a cent, but all the old employees know that the boss is not a stingy person, as long as the company makes money, he will never be stingy with his subordinates.

Sure enough, when He Jincheng spoke, the most anticipated award session also came.

"Hello everyone, our He Group's achievements throughout last year are inseparable from the efforts of everyone. At the same time, we also won a large order of [-] million yuan at the exhibition earlier this year. During this period, not only did everyone not relax, but they worked harder and harder, which makes me very touched and gratified. I believe that with lovely partners like you, He Group will be able to fight harder and achieve greater success!"

He Jincheng's voice was full of real emotion.

The things he said were exactly what he saw and experienced with his own eyes, so what he said was not artificial or pretentious at all.

"In order to repay everyone, I am going to make a bold decision this time, which is to share shares with everyone! Let everyone join me and become the owner of the company!"

Immediately afterwards, He Jincheng threw out a big piece of news, which made the venue full of thousands of people boil instantly.

With shares, you have the right to pay dividends, and the company's profits are closely related to everyone. "Let me explain. The preliminary plan is that our group will take out [-]% of the shares and distribute them according to the contribution of each department. Each department will be given a certain equity and enjoy dividends every year, but it will not have decision-making power. The department then makes certain allocations according to its groups or individuals, and everyone must be covered, but at the same time there must be corresponding gaps.”

Most workers don't understand He Jincheng's explanations. They only know that as long as they have shares, they can enjoy dividends.

For example, if the boss earns 5000 million yuan this year, if he takes out 500% of it, it will be 500 million yuan, and then distribute it to everyone. Assuming that there are only 5000 people in the company, [-] million yuan can be divided into [-] yuan for every one thousand people.

Just a simple calculation like this, after that all the workers belonged to the group, and their faces turned red.

Their salary is more than 100 yuan per month. Although it is quite high, how much money can they make in a year?It's only one or two thousand.

If you can really participate in the company's dividends, then the dividends in one year may even be higher than the salary.

Of course, according to He Jincheng's plan, only if you work harder can you get more dividends.

In fact, the cake is so big that [-]% of the annual profit is used as an incentive dividend, and we strive to cover everyone, but the dividends that everyone can get are definitely different.

Only if you perform well enough, can you get a higher dividend. This also creates a competitive atmosphere among the workers.

"The decision this time will be officially launched after this year's annual meeting, and statistics and calculations will start at this time next year. I think everyone still has a degree of trust in me, He Jincheng. As long as the company does not fail, then this policy will continue go down."

He Jincheng spoke again, and made some guarantees about the policy just announced.

Next, He Jincheng personally announced the list of the best employees of last year.

The company made a lot of money last year, and the number of best employees this time has also increased a lot. Each department allocates some quotas according to the number of people.

For example, in the workshop department, the number of workers is relatively large, so we will select according to the group, and a total of ten people will be selected.

The number of people in the warehouse is more than double that of the workshop department, so four people were selected.

In addition, the financial, administrative, personnel, photography and other teams also selected one person each.

All the best employees are rewarded with 5000 yuan each.

As for other rewards, there are countless ones. In this annual meeting, He Jincheng directly took out 100 million profits to reward various departments or directly distribute benefits.

"This year our situation is even more severe and the task is even heavier. Although we achieved good results last year, I believe everyone has seen how fast the domestic development is now. If we stagnate or are content with the status quo , then it will soon be eliminated by the times.”

"We received an order of [-] million yuan at this year's exhibition, but our current output is completely unable to meet this order. So this year must be hard for everyone. Here, I need to make a decision, that is, the factory will not stop shutting down during the Chinese New Year this year. , All employees who are willing to stay and work overtime will have three times the wages, counting from the [-]th of the new year to the [-]th day of the first lunar month. And employees who ask for leave after the [-]th day of the first lunar month can take a seven-day vacation with pay."

In order to catch up with the schedule, He Jincheng also did the last thing he wanted to do to squeeze the labor force of the employees.

But, despite this, He Jincheng will still try his best to protect the interests and rights of the employees.

(End of this chapter)

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