Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 649 The new year is approaching again, a family of 1 visits the temple fair

Chapter 649 The new year is approaching again, a family of five visits the temple fair

For He Jincheng's call to work overtime, the employees not only did not feel disgusted at all, but applauded.

Firstly, it is of course three times the salary, secondly it is not mandatory by the company, and finally, the company will give employees seven days of paid leave after working overtime.

Not everyone can enjoy the Chinese New Year. Some workers whose families are struggling can't wait to work in the factory every day to earn more money for their families.

Therefore, He Jincheng's decision was supported by most of the workers.

After the annual meeting, He Jincheng asked Zhou Qingyuan to buy some new year goods and distribute them to the employees together with the year-end bonuses on the 29th of the New Year.

As the new year approaches, the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year is getting stronger and stronger.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, every household has to carry out a general cleaning to clean the house, and the new year starts with a clean environment.Then, the parents started to buy new year's goods, candy, candied fruit, melon seeds, peanuts and other snacks were placed on the plate for guests to taste.

At the same time, it is also necessary to buy rice, noodles, oil, meat and other ingredients. Even if the family has no money, they should buy more or less to ensure that they can have hearty meals during the holidays.

Children will follow their parents to the New Year Market on the street, watch lanterns, buy toys, and set off firecrackers.

I will also go to the temple to pray for peace.Every household will also paste the word "Fu" on the door to express good luck in welcoming the new year.

He Jincheng has been very busy in the month before the Chinese New Year. Today is the 29th Chinese New Year, so he needs to go home to spend time with his family no matter what.

The second baby, He Meng'en, is one year older and has started to walk on his own now, but he can't talk yet. He is extremely naughty and runs around the room. Sometimes he falls down without crying, gets up and continues again. run.

The adults are not surprised by Er Bao's situation. This little guy looks small, but his body is strong and tight. He will be fine if he falls twice.

Tingting and Xiaoyu combed a doll's hair and put on new clothes.

Xiaoyu has now changed her name to He Xiaoyu. Some time ago, He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng also went through formal adoption procedures.

He Jincheng also helped Xiaoyu find her family, but unfortunately, there was no clue at all, so he had to live in his own house temporarily.

Xiaoyu is a very sensible girl. She is two years older than Tingting, so she has become a very considerate big sister. She will let Tingting do everything she does. Xiaoyu will not snatch anything delicious or fun. She takes good care of her younger brothers and sisters. , seems to be the most important thing in her eyes.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng are also very satisfied with Xiaoyu. Although they are not their own daughters, they also treat Xiaoyu as their own daughters. The old people are also very satisfied with this well-behaved child.

He Jincheng didn't go to the company today, put on a leather jacket, and walked out with a smile.

"I'm going to go shopping today, who would like to go with me?"

As soon as these words came out, Tingting and Xiaoyu immediately put down the doll in their hands, ran over cheering, and hugged He Jincheng's thigh.

"We're going, we're going!"

Hearing the movement here, Er Bao first glanced blankly at He Jincheng's side, and then ran over, imitating He Jincheng's leg, babbling Saying things that I don't understand.

"Okay, okay, let's all go, and mom!"

He Jincheng laughed out loud, Ye Qingmeng also came out wearing a down jacket at this moment.

After some preparations, He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng, Tingting Xiaoyu and Erbao to the temple fair.

In the temple fairs of the 80s, there were a lot less tricks, basically some snacks, gadgets, and the most lively ones were jugglers.

There are a lot of juggling, performing in clothes of various colors, and from time to time difficult movements will arouse bursts of cheers from the crowd.Ye Qingmeng and the children looked at each other seriously, especially when they saw people doing those dangerous actions, the four mothers were so frightened that they covered their eyes and did not dare to look.

He Jincheng was fine, he wasn't very surprised by these things.

Craftsmen, this is what they eat, and they study hard every day just to be able to have a bite of food.

"Dad, the guy you saw at the juggling show was amazing."

Tingting Xiaoyu leaned over and whispered.

"Yeah, it looks amazing."

Seeing his daughter's adoring eyes, He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Then can I learn juggling in the future?"

Tingting asked with her eyes wide open, she seemed to like juggling.

"That depends on you. To learn these things, you have to train from an early age. You need to endure a lot of hardship every day and persist for several years or ten years before you can achieve this step. Do you think you can do it?"

He Jincheng scratched Tingting's nose and asked with a smile.

"Ah, that's too hard!"

Tingting covered her small mouth and said in surprise, obviously she couldn't accept it.

"Of course, if you want to do something well, you need to put in a lot of hard work, whether it's going to school or contacting acrobatics, even if you want to set up a stall to buy things, if you don't want to If you suffer, you will end up with nothing.”

He Jincheng said earnestly.

He doesn't object to his children's choices about their future, even if it's just an ordinary person, as long as they can have no complaints or regrets, isn't that pretty good?

Tingting and Xiaoyu didn't know if they understood, they just nodded vigorously.

The two little girls who vowed to study hard just a second ago were quickly attracted by the many strange little things at the temple fair.

Seeing this scene, He Jincheng could only shake his head helplessly.

It's too early to tell children this.

"Honey, let's pay homage to the Land Lord, and pray that next year will be better!"

He Jincheng took the second treasure from Ye Qingmeng's arms, and then called Tingting Xiaoyu who was attracted by a little sugar figure, and the five of them came to the Earth Temple together, bought five pillars of high incense, and placed them seriously and piously. put.

Originally, He Jincheng was a staunch atheist, but after he was reborn, he began to doubt whether there really were gods in this world.

After earnestly missing a stick of incense, He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng Tingting and the others to play at the temple fair for a whole day. At night, everyone was a little tired. When they went back, except He Jincheng Besides, they all lay down on the car and fell asleep.

He Jincheng drove with a wry smile, woke up several people when they got home, and sent them back to their rooms to rest.

After settling them down, He Jincheng walked to the balcony, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag.

(End of this chapter)

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