Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 650 Lianhua Village, the hospitality of the villagers

Chapter 650 Returning to Lianhua Village, the warm hospitality of the villagers
If He Jincheng hadn't led them to get rich, Lianhua Village would still be a poor village now.

Although it is said that He Jincheng left Lianhua Village later, he not only left behind the technology of planting medicinal materials, but also the pharmaceutical factory.

Although this pharmaceutical factory is only performing simple processing of medicinal materials for the first time, its annual profits are considerable due to its stable sales channels.

Before He Jincheng left, he handed over the pharmaceutical factory to the village collective. Ye Shanhe was in charge at first, but then Ye Shanhe had an accident and followed He Jincheng to Nandu. The medicinal material factory was handed over to the village collective. .

He Jincheng also discussed this matter with the village chief before, and finally decided to keep only 90.00% of the equity as a symbolic holding, and the remaining [-]% was given to all the villagers in Lianhua Village.

It can be said that the entire villagers of Lianhua Village have received He Jincheng's favor.

He Jincheng has achieved this level, of course the villagers welcome He Jincheng to go home and have a look.

As a result, Lianhua Village became very lively early in the morning. Some villagers pulled pigs and sheep from their homes and slaughtered them directly to make the best ingredients for He Jincheng's family.

The women cleaned up He Jincheng's house inside and out, replaced the bedding with new ones, and even wiped the floor very clean.

For them, He Jincheng is not only their relative, but also their great benefactor.

"Everyone, work harder. He Jincheng and the others will arrive soon. When they got up, they called me and said they were on their way. I guess they will arrive in an hour at most. We will welcome He Jincheng and the others with the warmest applause."

The village chief Huang Baofu loudly directs the villagers to work through the loudspeaker.

This scene is no worse than when someone in the village is about to get married and everyone comes together to help.

After about ten o'clock, several children hurried back from the entrance of the village, shouting loudly. "Come on, here's the car."

As soon as the children shouted, the villagers knew that it must be He Jincheng and the others.

Huang Baofu organized the villagers to run to the entrance of the village, ready to welcome them.

When He Jincheng and the others came to the entrance of the village, they were shocked when they saw so many people, and thought something had happened.

"Xiao He, you've come back for a while, old man, I miss you so much. Oh, Qingmeng, it's been a long time since I last saw you, and she's become beautiful again. This is Tingting, eh, this It is your son."

Huang Baofu hurried over without waiting for the car to stop.

As soon as the car door opened, he greeted He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng very enthusiastically.

"Village Chief, you are still so tough after not seeing you for two years. Judging by your complexion, you are living a good life!"

He Jincheng joked with the village chief with a smile.

"Hahaha, everyone's life is better now. You have meat to eat every day, so of course you look better."

Huang Baofu rubbed his slightly protruding belly, and laughed loudly.

"Old Huang, it really is you. I didn't expect you to be the village head of our village."

At this time, a rather excited voice suddenly came from behind.

Huang Baofu felt that the voice was a little familiar for a while, but when he turned his head to look over, he saw a strange man standing there, laughing at him.

Huang Baofu wondered, who is this person?I don't seem to know him.

However, Huang Baofu's eyes widened quickly, and he finally thought of He Qingsong.

"Oh, old He, why is it you? We haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. I didn't expect you to come back this time."

Huang Baofu clapped his hands and said loudly in surprise.

"Haha, what's the matter? This Lianhua Village is also my home. As the village chief, can't you still let me, a villager, go home?" He Qingsong laughed and stepped forward to hug Huang Baofu tightly.

Since he left Lianhua Village, he had no contact with the village, except for occasionally writing to Ye Shanhe.

The relationship between him and Huang Baofu was also very good back then. Of course he was happy to see his old friend after not seeing him for so many years.

Now that I think about it, I was just angry at my son for not being up to date and unwilling to live with him. As a result, the whole family moved out of Lianhua Village and went to other places to suffer.

At that time, I was more or less impulsive. I left the home where I lived for so many years and went to a strange place to suffer. Now I look at the familiar places of these strangers, and these old friends. He Qingsong's heart Emotion.

"Brother Baofu!"

Wang Huixin also got out of the car and greeted Huang Baofu with a smile.

"Sister Huixin, it's great that you're here too. Has Jinshan come back?"

When I saw Huang Baofu and Wang Huixin, I was also very happy.

"Uncle Baofu, I'm back, and my wife."

He Jinshan also came down, greeted Uncle Huang, and introduced his wife.

"Okay, okay, it's really great. You are all here. It's very lively. Come into the village with me. Today, we all in the village will cook together and have a big pot meal together."

Huang Baofu was very excited, this was the happiest he had been in so many years.

I have to live a hard life all my life, and I have only enjoyed a little blessing by relying on the medicinal material factory in the past two years.

Now the person who led them to get rich is here, and seeing the reunion of He Jincheng's family and the beautiful Huang Baofu is also very happy from the bottom of his heart.

The other villagers also welcomed He Jincheng and the others very much.

In order to welcome He Jincheng's family, the villagers spontaneously moved out all the tables, chairs and benches from their homes, and then set them up in an open space.

He Jincheng's family took the main seat, accompanied by the village chief and several senior elders in the village.

When the food came, it was even more abundant.

Hundreds of people from the village gathered together, and the scene was as lively as it could be.

"Everyone be quiet, let me say a few words first."

As the village head, this opening speech is definitely not missing.

Huang Baofu stood up, and even took a loudspeaker.

"Our Lianhua Village can achieve today's achievements, all thanks to He Jincheng, I propose here, let's respect He Jincheng together for the first glass of wine, okay?"

"it is good!"

As soon as Huang Baofu's words fell, there was a unanimous response, and everyone raised their wine glasses in the direction of He Jincheng.

"Xiao Huang, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the whole village and fellow villagers. All of us will never forget your kindness to us in this lifetime. Uncle Lai will do it first!"

After Huang Baofu finished speaking, he raised his head and drank a bowl of white wine.

(End of this chapter)

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