Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 675 Diagnosing the pulse before and after, half a minute counts as a pulse diagnosis?

Chapter 675 Diagnosing the pulse before and after, half a minute counts as a pulse diagnosis?

"Mr. Cai, this Dr. He has not graduated from junior high school..."

At this time, Liu Shan hastily introduced He Jincheng with more details.

This is to say that He Jincheng is just a wild man with no academic qualifications and the boss of the He Group. How can he cure diseases? He is asking Cai Ziming for instructions on whether to drive He Jincheng away.

"I believe Mr. He should not joke about this kind of thing. It's getting late, so let's invite a few of you to go in together!"

Cai Ziming waved his hand and said calmly.

He Jincheng nodded slightly in his heart, and couldn't help secretly praising, this Cai Ziming is much better at life than Liu Shan, then Liu Shan is a snobbish snobbery, when he uses you, he only thinks of you, and when he doesn't use it, he thinks of you You kicked aside, and even stepped on you a few times. You really are friends who can only share wealth and wealth, but can't share adversity!
On the other hand, Cai Ziming, although he comes from a wealthy family, holds an important position and will be the future helmsman of Cai Caihong Group, he does not have any arrogance and treats others with humility. I believe Cai Caihong Group can still achieve many breakthroughs and innovations under his leadership. Yes!
"This way, everyone!"

Seeing that Cai Ziming had spoken, Liu Shan hurried to the front to lead the way.


Cai Ziming asked He Jincheng and Hua Jingu to enter the next bedroom together.

This bedroom is very large, it can be said to be a suite. At the moment in the living room, a woman with gray hair mixed with a slightly fat body is sitting on the sofa, watching the TV in front of her.

This woman is wearing very simple clothes, but the clothes, gestures and hats may require ordinary people to work hard for a year or more!

Cai Ziming hurried to the woman and shouted softly.

This woman is the founder and chairman of Cai Caihong Group, Cai Caihong.

At this moment, Cai Caihong didn't look like a strong career woman at all. She was sitting on the sofa, her eyes were dull and sluggish, her face was swollen and red, she looked very uncomfortable, and she still had a bad smell in her mouth.

Who can connect the boss of a large group with assets of over one billion to this seriously ill woman?

"Oh, it's Ziming here, sit down!"

Cai Caihong's reaction was obviously slow, and after a few seconds, he smiled at Cai Ziming and patted the sofa beside him to let him sit down.

"Mom, how are you feeling these two days? Is there anything wrong with your body?"

Cai Ziming asked with some concern.

"I'm still the same, but I'm a little depressed and my body doesn't have much strength. It's really nothing serious. You don't have to worry about me too much."

Cai Caihong said with a smile, with a kind and kind smile on his face.

"Okay, you're not sick, but you can't be so depressed all the time, so today I invited two famous doctors to show you how to calm your emotions."

What Cai Ziming said was obviously just to get the old man to receive treatment.

Cai Caihong glanced at his son and shook his head slightly with a wry smile, but he didn't object to his son's actions.

Cai Caihong knows best whether he is sick or not, and he is afraid that his body will not be able to hold on anymore.

"Chairman Li, why don't you let me do an inspection for you first?"

At this time, Hua Jingu walked over with a smile, bowed slightly and said.

Joaquin Gu has naturally heard of Cai Caihong's name, so he admires Cai Caihong very much.And if you can cure the strange disease that the Cai family hired countless famous doctors to treat, but all of them died without a cure, then you will definitely have a certain confidence in the medical field.

"Okay, look at the arrangement, I'll just follow your orders."

Cai Caihong smiled wryly and said that he is getting older and his body can't keep up, so many times he really can't help himself.

Be careful, I nodded randomly, stepped forward and sat down, took out my various tools from the image and arranged them neatly. Then Cai Caihong beat his wrist on the pulse pillow.

With just such a pulse, Xiao Jing frowned slightly.

Before he came here, he had already expected that the patient this time would definitely not be simple, and it must not be so easy for me to suffer from the disease.

For this reason, he asked some things about Cai Caihong, especially some things about his illness, so he still had a certain degree of certainty about the diagnosis of this matter.

It's just that after he really got started with this, he realized that his thinking was too simple, and it really wouldn't be so many names that had no effect.

After taking the pulse for 3 minutes, the careful man withdrew his hand. Obviously, his expression did not soften in any way, on the contrary, he became more dignified.

Immediately afterwards, he asked some things that he thought he should ask clearly, and Cai Caihong answered them one by one.

After completing various inspections and inquiries, he carefully packed the things, walked aside, and fell into deep thought.

Jiahua Jingu seemed to be still thinking about the treatment plan, so this kind of person didn't bother him anymore, and everyone's eyes fell on He Jincheng.

Even the well-known Dr. Hua Jingu seems not to be absolutely sure about this disease, so does this wild doctor who came out of nowhere really have a cure for Cai Caihong?
He Jincheng stepped forward and sat where Xiaoxin was before, and then stretched out two fingers to carry Cai Caihong's pulse.

Only half a minute passed before He Jincheng nodded with a comfortable hand, then stood up and stepped aside.

It wasn't just Cai Ziming who was surprised, even the patient Cai Caihong didn't expect He Jincheng to come here suddenly.

"Hehe, it seems that this kid also knows that his level is not good, so he surrendered immediately before this started."

Liu Shan sneered secretly in his heart.

Seeing He Jincheng's recognition, he felt that he could also let out a bad breath.

"Doctor He, what do you mean by this?"

Even Xiang Qianjin asked anxiously.

"My diagnosis is over, and I have already known the result of the diagnosis."

He Jincheng simply explained that Xiang Qianjin knew that he had nothing to say. After all, everyone said that he knew what he knew and that he could definitely cure his illness, so why did he worry about it?

"The diagnosis is over in half a minute. You think we are all fools, so it's impossible to be fooled by you like this?"

Liu Shan couldn't help but said.

What he said is not very level. He Jincheng hasn't said his diagnosis result yet, you start to question him, aren't you too anxious!

(End of this chapter)

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