Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 676 Qi and blood stagnation, the person who tied the bell must be untied

Chapter 676 Qi and blood stagnation, the person who tied the bell must be untied
Cai Ziming glared at Liu Shan, feeling very dissatisfied with him.

He didn't even speak. Does Liu Shan have the right to speak here?
"Liu Shan, go outside. You are not allowed to come in without my instructions!"

Cai Ziming said lightly.

Liu Shan was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that Mr. Cai was upset that he spoke first just now, and panicked in his heart.

"President Cai, I..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Get out!"

Cai Ziming said in a deep voice, his tone a little cold.

No matter how stupid Liu Shan is, he still knows that Cai Ziming is really angry. If he disobeys again, he will be in more trouble, so he can only nod his head and walk outside. Before leaving, Liu Shan glares with some resentment. He Jincheng glanced at it.

It's all the fault of this country bumpkin wild doctor. If it wasn't for him, how could he be reprimanded by Mr. Cai?You wait for me, after this incident, I will definitely make you regret it!

"Both, can you tell me how my mother's illness is now?"

After that idiot Liu Shan left, Cai Ziming restored the smile on his face, and asked the two to sit down, and said politely.

"Doctor He, will you speak first or should I speak first?"

Hua Jingu looked at He Jincheng and said with a smile.

"Doctor Hua is a senior, let Doctor Hua speak first!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Okay, let me tell you my conclusion first! Dong Cai's symptoms are indeed strange. Every time he gets sick, his hands and feet will feel stiff and unable to move, but he will be conscious, as if his hands and feet are locked. In our traditional Chinese medicine, this can be called a disease of qi and blood stagnation. At a certain moment, the qi and blood are not flowing smoothly, resulting in numbness and inability to move the limbs."

"In Western medicine terms, it's called intermittent paralysis. Mr. Cai is currently 50 years old and has had the disease for two years. The situation is not particularly bad, but it needs to be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the older he gets, the more likely he will develop the disease. The bigger it gets, the more dangerous it will be!”

Joaquin Gu was talking eloquently, and Cai Ziming opposite him nodded slightly.

"Do you know what treatment method Doctor Hua has?"

The Rainbow Group invited many famous doctors, both Chinese and Western medicine, and the diagnosis results were similar to those in Joaquin Valley. However, this treatment method had been used many times before, but it was not very effective.

"Of course there is. I will prescribe a prescription. I believe that after drinking three doses, it will have an effect!"

Hua Jingu said with a smile, then took out a pen and paper, wrote down a prescription, and handed it to Cai Ziming.

Cai Ziming took a look at the prescription, then handed it to the assistant beside him, and told him to follow the prescription to take the medicine later.

"Thank you, Doctor Hua, what is Doctor He's diagnosis?"

Cai Ziming looked at He Jincheng again and asked.

"Oh, there is nothing wrong with Doctor Hua's diagnosis. I also think that Chairman Cai is suffering from Qi and blood stagnation! It's just..."

He Jincheng nodded, and first expressed his approval of Hua Jingu's diagnosis, but this sentence is nothing more than that, obviously there are other opinions.

"It's just so what? Doctor He, whatever you say, it doesn't matter if you say it wrong, let's just treat it as an exchange of medical skills!" Joaquin Gu was very unhappy in his heart, but he still said it politely.

"Yes, Doctor He, please tell me frankly!"

Cai Ziming also said hastily, but glanced at Hua Jingu out of the corner of his eye, somewhat dissatisfied in his heart.

He had read the prescription of Hua Jingu just now, and it was no different from the prescriptions prescribed by the doctors who came here before, which meant that Hua Jingu's prescription was useless at all.

In order to take care of Hua Jingu's face, Cai Ziming told his assistant that.

It's just that Hua Jingu's tolerance is so small, and he doesn't know if his own prescription will work, but he even went to run on Dr. He, what a small situation!
"Cai Dong's stagnation of qi and blood is not caused by the stagnation of qi and blood in his body. I think Dr. Hua's prescription should focus on dredging qi and blood!"

He Jincheng looked at Hua Jingu and asked with a smile.

Since you are so impolite, then I don't need to give you face anymore.

Hearing this, Hua Jingu was slightly taken aback, and Cai Ziming was also taken aback.

To Hua Jingu's surprise, the prescription he wrote was indeed based on dredging Qi and blood.

To Cai Ziming's surprise, he had seen Hua Jingu's prescription many times. The previous Chinese medicine practitioners were all similar prescriptions, which were useless at all. He was just taking care of Hua Jingu's face, so he didn't say anything. What.

And He Jincheng was able to guess Huajingu's prescription directly, which at least shows that He Jincheng knew the prescription and knew that it was useless.

"Doctor He, please explain in detail!"

Cai Ziming hurriedly asked, he had a hunch in his heart that maybe his mother's illness was really going to fall on the young doctor of Chinese medicine in front of him.

"As long as you know some Chinese medicine, you should know that in Chinese medicine, people's emotions are also called emotions, and the emotions of the human body can be divided into joy, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear, shock, etc., which can also be classified as Joy, anger, worry, thought, and fear are the five aspirations, which correspond to the five zang organs respectively. The center governs joy, the liver governs anger, the spleen governs thinking, the lungs govern worry and sorrow, and the kidney governs fear and shock, etc.”

"If you observe carefully on a daily basis, when people are in a certain mood, they will react on their faces, for example, they will blush when they are shy, and their faces will turn pale when they are frightened. As the emotion subsides, the complexion will return to normal. However, when a person is in the same emotion for a long time, he will gradually become ill, causing various symptoms in the body, like the current Cai Dong The black air condenses on the skin surface and does not dissipate. It should be caused by long-term depression. It can also be regarded as a disease of Qi and blood stagnation. Many times, women who think too much can experience irregular menstruation. This is why many doctors diagnose Cai Dong’s disease and think she is a menopausal syndrome!”

After He Jincheng finished speaking, he looked at Hua Jingu who was on the side.

Hua Jingu's face turned red immediately, he had indeed considered this aspect, but due to the identity of the other party, Hua Jingu was too embarrassed to say it out.

Cai Ziming almost clapped his hands, because many doctors' diagnoses were the same as what He Jincheng said just now, but after treatment, his mother's illness was not cured, on the contrary, it became more and more serious.

"Doctor He, how do you think it should be treated?"

Cai Ziming hurriedly asked.

"To untie the bell, you need the person who tied it. Since Chairman Cai got sick because of overthinking, we must first find out why Chairman Cai is worried about something?"

He Jincheng said slowly.

If Cai Caihong can't be opened up, he will definitely have this disease again in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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