Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 677 Excessive thinking, the bitterness behind the rich

Chapter 677 Excessive thinking, the bitterness behind the rich
As long as Cai Caihong can open her heart, her disease will be half cured. Then use acupuncture to dredge the meridians and guide the circulation of qi and blood. In just 10 minutes, Cai Caihong's disease can be cured by more than [-]%. There is no need for treatment in the future. You just need to completely resolve the issues in your heart and you will recover naturally.


After hearing He Jincheng's words, Cai Ziming's expression changed slightly.

After being reminded by He Jincheng, Cai Ziming remembered one thing. It seems that his mother's illness was really caused by overthinking.

"Doctor He, let's have a private chat later! Liu Shan!"

Cai Ziming thought for a while, but still didn't tell the truth, but called Liu Shan from outside.

"Boss Cai, what are your orders?"

Liu Shan is much more honest now. He knows that although Mr. Cai looks quiet and easy-going, he is merciless in dealing with those who make mistakes.

"Help me send off Doctor Hua, Doctor Hua, thank you very much today, this is some of my heart, please accept it!"

As Cai Ziming spoke, he took out his checkbook, then wrote a number and asked Liu Shan to hand it over to Joaquin Valley. He Jinshan glanced at the number on the check, and it was clearly a six-digit number. He secretly thought that the Rainbow Group was really wealthy. !

"Uh, this..."

Hua Jingu was a little hesitant. He wanted to say that he could treat the old lady's illness, but he swallowed the words again. Everyone told him to leave. Where can I put my identity as a genius doctor?

"In that case, let's say goodbye!"

Hua Jingu cupped his hands slightly, put the check in his pocket, carried the medical kit, and walked into the elevator accompanied by Liu Shan.

As soon as the elevator door closed, the smile on Hua Jingu's face disappeared instantly.

Liu Shan's face was also very ugly.

He invited Hua Jingu to come here so that he could perform well in front of Mr. Cai. If he did so, he would probably be directly promoted from the deputy of administrative management to the main position of the business department.

You must know that working as an administrator in a large company like Rainbow Group, reaching your current level has actually reached the ceiling, and it is basically impossible to move forward.

Unless you can be transferred to the main business department as the corresponding person in charge, your income and status can be improved.

As one of the people in charge of the administration, Liu Shan specifically told Cai Caihong to hire a doctor, and the purpose was to get the best deal first.

As long as the doctor I hired can cure Cai Caihong, then my future will naturally be limitless.

It's a pity that the invited Hua Jingu had nothing to do with Cai Caihong's illness, but he offended Mr. Cai because of it, and all this was due to He Jincheng who was invited by Xiang Qian.

"Doctor Hua, I'm really sorry this time. I always firmly believe that your prescription will definitely be able to cure Cai Dongdi, but it's a pity that I am soft-spoken and Mr. Cai doesn't listen to me. I would be so foolish to believe that a man who is only twenty Early Chinese medicine practitioners are simply nonsense."

Although Hua Jingu did not cure Cai Caihong's illness, he still had to curry favor with him. After all, Hua Jingu is also a well-known doctor of Chinese medicine in China, and there is absolutely no harm in having a good relationship with him.

"Haha, I'm still old, I didn't expect to lose to a young man."

Hua Jingu just laughed and didn't say much, but his face was indeed full of resentment.

Liu Shan also knew what kind of person Hua Jingu was, so he approached him with a smile and whispered something in Hua Jingu's ear.

A moment later, a sneer appeared on the corner of Hua Jingu's mouth, and then he nodded slowly.

"This matter may not be convenient for me, and I need to trouble Mr. Liu a lot."

Hua Jingu smiled faintly, looked for Liu Shan slightly archer, and then put the check that he got from Cai Ziming just now into Liu Shan's hand.

He is not short of money. Today he can be said to have suffered the greatest humiliation in his life. He went to the house for consultation and never left the palace.And it was impossible for him to argue with Cai Ziming, Cai Caihong, mother and son of Caihong Group about all this, and Joaquin Gu felt very uncomfortable.

And the instigator of all this, Hua Jingu identified He Jincheng.

Now that things have happened, He Jincheng is no longer hiding.

"Doctor He, can you tell me how to treat it? You also know that we do have a little more rules here, but we can't do without it."

He Jincheng nodded non-stop when he heard what his brother-in-law said.

"Let's talk about what happened to Ling's mother first?"

He Jincheng took a sip of tea, and finally asked slowly with Erlang's legs crossed.

"This matter may be a long story. In general, my mother is likely to be thinking too much because of my father's departure."

When Cai Ziming said this, there was also a look of disappointment on his face.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Cai, I didn't expect Lingfu to..."

On the contrary, He Jincheng felt a little embarrassed.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Rainbow Group looks so beautiful on the surface, but in fact it also has its own difficulties.

Cai Ziming is only about 30 years old, and his parents are also about 50 years old. It stands to reason that he should not have lost his father so early.

In this case, it is no wonder that Cai Caihong thinks too much. After all, she is only 50 years old now. If there is no disease, there are still three to forty years.

"Doctor He, you may have misunderstood. My father did not die. He just left us and went to the mountains to become a Taoist priest."

Cai Ziming showed a wry smile on his face, shook his head and said.

"Become a Taoist priest?"

He Jincheng was a little dumbfounded. He never dared to imagine such a big company as the Rainbow Group. In the end, the boss's husband went to the mountains to become a Taoist priest.

"Yeah, I don't know why, I just remember what my father said at the time, he figured it out, and then he never came down after reaching the mountain."

Cai Ziming's face was full of helplessness and bitterness.

He Jincheng has a better understanding of why Cai Caihong thinks too much and causes Qi and blood stasis.

My husband abandoned his wife and son and went to the mountains to become a Taoist priest. If ordinary people have this kind of experience, I am afraid that they will already be depressed.

However, it seems that Cai Caihong's symptoms seem to be much stronger than depression, and may even cause life-threatening.

"Then these few days or today, will it be some kind of day?"

He Jincheng looked at Cai Ziming and asked.

"Well, my father's birthday was just yesterday!"

Cai Ziming said with a serious tone.

(End of this chapter)

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