Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 690 2 Helpers, He Jincheng Background Investigation

Chapter 690 Two helpers, background investigation of He Jincheng
He Jincheng didn't shirk any more. Although he didn't care much about the title of honorary dean, it was always better to have something like this than nothing.

"Teacher, I am the honorary dean, so you are also the honorary dean's teacher, and your official boss!"

He Jincheng joked.

Everyone laughed.

Next, He Jincheng and Cui Hao finished breakfast with Mr. Wang. Because Mr. Wang had other things to do, he asked He Jincheng to come to the provincial capital to find him after the year.

Of course, He Jincheng agreed immediately, and together with Cui Hao sent Mr. Wang outside the hospital.

After Wang Lao's car disappeared from sight, Cui Hao invited He Jincheng to the office again.

"Dr. He, you will be the honorary president of our Chaoyang Central Hospital from now on. Let's do this. I have to prepare an office for you, as well as a letter of appointment, a work permit, etc., no one is missing!"

Cui Hao said with a smile.

"Dean Cui, there's no need for that. As an honorary dean, I'm just a name. I can only come to the hospital once a month. It's too wasteful to set up an office alone!"

He Jincheng quickly waved his hands, thinking that this Cui Hao wanted him to stay in the hospital, which was a beautiful idea, but he really didn't have time!
"Hahaha, even if you only come once a year, you are still the honorary president of our central hospital, and you will still get the treatment you deserve. I will arrange this matter, so you don't have to worry about it! By the way, you Sit here for a while, and I’ll invite two people over!”

Cui Hao looked at the time, then got up and walked outside.

He Jincheng knew that Cui Hao wanted to call the person in charge of the Chinese medicine department and the pharmacy at the hospital to get to know him, so he waited patiently in the office.

Not long after, Cui Hao walked in with two people.

Both men appeared to be in their thirties.

One of them was wearing black-rimmed glasses, a white coat, and a badge pinned to his chest, which read Lu Ming, Chief Physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The other man was just wearing casual sportswear and had a goatee. He didn't look like a pharmacist at first glance, but ah, he also had a badge on his chest, which read Fang Changlin, deputy director of the pharmacy department.

He Jincheng knew that these two people were the ones Cui Haozhi gave him.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the newly hired honorary president of our hospital, He Jincheng, President He. President He, these two are mainly the two I recommended to you before. Lu Ming, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and There is Fang Changlin, deputy director of the Pharmacy Department."

Cui Hao smiled and gave a brief introduction to both parties.

He Jincheng stood up from the sofa immediately, reached out to the two of them enthusiastically, and shook their hands vigorously.

"Hello, I'm He Jincheng. I'm glad to get your help. I believe that with the help of these two assistants, our research and development of traditional Chinese medicine will definitely go very smoothly."

He Jincheng was somewhat excited.

Lu Ming, the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is fine. Anyway, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Central Hospital is a cold office, and most of the people they receive are health care workers, which can be said to be dispensable.

But Fang Changlin, the deputy director of the Pharmacy Department, was very unhappy with Cui Hao's arrangement this time.Although the Pharmacy Department is relatively quiet, it is also very important.

Fang Changlin was doing well in the pharmacy department, and suddenly asked where he was going to do some research and development of pharmaceuticals.

At the beginning, Fang Changlin still had some expectations, thinking that this might be some kind of big project. After the completion of the project, my own qualifications would be improved, and it would be of great help to the timely selection of myself as a director in the future.

As a result, when I came here and saw that the so-called project linker was just a boy in his early twenties, Fang Changlin concluded that this project was definitely not big, and it was probably just a small project that was randomly created.

That's why Fang Changlin was so unhappy.

But I am also in the hospital, and only the deputy director wants dozens of them, and I don’t have much say. The director is the leader of the hospital. He tells you to do something. The good times are over.

So although Fang Changlin was unhappy, he had to accept this project.

For the time being, this superficial work still needs to be done. Anyway, when the time comes when I really come into contact with the project, if the project is just a small project and it doesn’t make any sense, I’ll just do a few perfunctory things myself, and then hurry back and forget it. .

"President He was able to become the honorary president of our hospital at such a young age. It seems that there must be something special about him."

Lu Ming is a discerning person.

Of course he knew what the honorary dean was.

Generally speaking, either you are highly respected in society, highly sought after in the industry, or have strong professional ability in this industry. Otherwise, how could you become the honorary president of the hospital?
So is He Jincheng highly respected or highly sought after?
Normal people know that they have never heard of He Jincheng's name at all, neither of which is definitely possible, which means that He Jincheng's professional ability is definitely not weaker than any doctor in the hospital.

As for becoming the honorary dean through the back door, that's even more impossible.

It is possible for you to get a resident doctor or deputy chief physician through the back door. As long as your back door is big enough, you can basically do these professional titles.

But the words of the honorary dean are not something that anyone can get.

Even if this avatar is given to you, you probably won't be able to wear such a high hat.

So Lu Ming had already made a plan in his heart, no matter what kind of project He Jincheng planned to carry out, he would fully cooperate.

In the hospital, if you have nothing to do, you might as well just engage in research and development. Maybe something good will come out of this, and you can accumulate some qualifications and reputation with this project.

"Let me give you a brief introduction. Dean He is the chairman of the Nandu He Group, which owns clothing industry, real estate industry, jade industry, traditional Chinese medicine industry, and traditional Chinese medicine clinics. I heard that the profit of the He Group this year has already Reached nearly a billion yuan."

Cui Hao said with a smile.

I have to say, it's easy for a capable person to inquire about a person, and it only took a long time for He Jincheng's background investigation to be clear.

Hearing Cui Hao's words, Fang Changlin and Lu Ming were both stunned.

Good guy, I really didn't see it, this young man is actually the chairman of the board, and the industry is so big, with a profit of [-] million yuan, how much he would have to sell in that year, I dare not even think about it!
(End of this chapter)

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