Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 691 Annual General Meeting, Ye Qingmeng Registration Party

Chapter 691 Annual General Meeting, Ye Qingmeng Registration Party
It can be said that He Jincheng is a successful businessman, but it can also be said that he is not a businessman in the traditional sense.

He doesn't care much about money and interests.

If you have money, spend more, if you don’t have money, spend less, anyway, you won’t starve to death.

Now that the group has made so much money, of course it must give back to its employees.

Everyone has also worked hard for a year. If you can take an extra day of money to go home for the New Year, you will be happier, and you will work harder for the company every year.

He Jincheng read last year's financial statements before, and the net profit has almost reached [-] million.

The company's previous loans can not only be fully repaid, but also can carry out office building projects and R&D building projects.

Even the previous loan does not need to be repaid to the bank. We also know that the He Group's profits this year are very considerable, and this loan can be transferred directly, also in accordance with the low-interest policy.

As long as the interest rate is appropriate, no company is unwilling to borrow money.

To put it simply, if a company's net profit reaches 20.00%, then it is absolutely willing to bear about [-]% of loan interest.

However, He Jincheng's current loan interest of tens of millions is only 5.00%, and the group's current net profit has reached a terrifying 60.00% or more, so this 5.00% loan interest rate is really a bargain for them.

Even if He Jincheng wants to carry out so many projects at once, he may need to get another loan for financing.

Fortunately, the company's operating income and profits are getting higher and higher. The prospect of development is here, and the banks can naturally see it, so basically there will be no problems in terms of loans.

This year's annual meeting, bought according to He Jincheng's request, was also very lively.

A total of two days, the first morning is some business reports of the main department.

The reporting meeting was very short, and all of them were reporting and talking about the most important things.

When the employees heard the numbers that stunned them, everyone became excited.

Everyone knows that the boss is a very generous person and will never treat himself badly. As long as the company makes more money, everyone's benefits will definitely increase.

After the reports from all departments were completed, He Jincheng took the stage and delivered a concluding speech.

At the final meeting of the speech, it was promised that the wages of all employees would increase by at least [-]% in the new year.

This one at least shows that there is a higher increase rate.

Specifically, how to obtain a higher growth rate, the employees actually have certain expectations. It is nothing more than working hard and making more contributions to the company.

In addition to the most basic salary increase, the company also issued more year-end bonuses this year.

In addition to the year-end bonus of one month's salary for each employee, at least half of the employees have received special awards of various sizes.

Some people even got several awards, and the total amount of bonuses was even higher than his annual salary, which made others envious.

But everyone is just envious, and they are not jealous or feel unfair, because all the awards that have been judged are based on evidence, everyone is convinced of every award, and the blame can only be blamed for not doing well. Others are better.

The company's profit reached 800 million, and the rewards from this year's annual meeting were 800 million.

This ratio is definitely not low, because the company still needs to develop, and many projects need to spend money.

It is absolutely impossible for another company to spend so much money as extra rewards.After the morning report and summary meeting, there was a day and a half of team building activities.

For a day and a half, the employees just had to have fun, eat, sing, and play games.

The reason why he organized the environment for such a long time was that He Jincheng also thought that there were many single young men and women in the company.

In this way, as long as the communication continues, maybe a few young couples can be matched.

After He Jincheng attended the annual meeting on the first day, he did not continue to participate in the rest of the trip.

Because Ye Qingmeng's school organized a gala, He Jincheng had promised Ye Qingmeng to attend the gala together.

I heard that Ye Qingmeng also prepared a program for the party.

He Jincheng is not a student of the school, so of course he is not qualified to perform, so he can only sit and wait below.

After the annual meeting ended that day, He Jincheng drove to Nandu Normal University immediately.

After some identity verification, He Jincheng came to the school's auditorium.

Because there is no fixed position and lighten up the position, I randomly chose a position near the aisle and sat down.

The line of sight in this place is relatively wide, and the situation on the stage can be seen clearly, and it is also convenient to leave.

It's just that He Jincheng didn't see where Ye Qingmeng was after looking for a long time, but because he had already made an agreement with Ye Qingmeng, He Jincheng was not in a hurry, anyway, he just waited below.

This gala is actually held every year by Nandu Normal University.

Ye Qingmeng didn't participate in the previous few times, but this year because Ye Qingmeng joined the student union and is about to graduate, if he doesn't participate again, he will leave some regrets.

So Ye Qingmeng plucked up the courage to apply for a program, but unexpectedly passed the review right away, which actually made Ye Qingmeng nervous.

He Jincheng went on a business trip during this period, and Ye Qingmeng didn't have too much to worry about, and practiced her own program at home all day long.

The practice of the show went fairly smoothly, but at the end of the period, as soon as she got on the stage, she would be very nervous.

After doing it for a while, He Jincheng saw that the stage lights dimmed, and then two spotlights shone on the stage. Two hosts, a man and a woman, wore gorgeous costumes, and the microphones that hosted the stage walked onto the stage with sunny smiles. .

"Guests, leaders, and students, welcome to the [-]th Nandu Normal University Gala."

"For this gala, we uphold an open mind and embrace the future. We have prepared a lot of innovative programs. We only present a visual and auditory feast for everyone..."

The two hosts, you talk to each other, and the hosts who sing and harmonize are quite experienced.

He Jincheng was sitting below, looking for Ye Qingmeng, but he didn't find her.

"This girl won't be so nervous, she won't even come out to see me."

He Jincheng murmured in his heart. He knew that Ye Qingmeng was a slightly introverted girl, especially performing in front of many people was indeed a very big challenge for her.

This time Ye Qingmeng signed up for the gala, which really surprised and looked forward to He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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