Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 693 Miraculous medical skills, Ye Qingmeng is eager to protect her husband

Chapter 693 Miraculous medical skills, Ye Qingmeng is eager to protect her husband
First, I saw a western doctor. According to the western doctor, I prescribed some vitamins and sodium salicylate for treatment. As a result, the symptoms did not improve.

Later, the man went to see a Chinese medicine doctor for acupuncture treatment, and achieved temporary improvement, but it lasted only a short time, and then returned to the way it was when the symptoms occurred.

It just so happened that a well-known Chinese medicine doctor passed by and heard about this disease. He thought it was very interesting, so he made a diagnosis in person.

After the diagnosis of this old Chinese medicine doctor, this man felt wind-cold in his head, but Western medicine only prescribed vitamins, which did not remove the blood cold, and acupuncture only temporarily removed part of the blood stains, but could not completely remove it, so the previous two occurrences occurred. Treatment is ultimately ineffective.

So the old Chinese doctor prescribed a prescription, 90 grams of cooked aconite, 90 grams of Aconitum aconiti, 60 grams of frankincense, and then ground into fine powder, divided into 8 packs, each time took out a pack and added 3 grams of minced ginger with boiling water Make a paste.

First rub the affected area with hot ginger slices. After the affected area is congested, support the affected area with the prepared paste, and then cover it with gauze to fix it. Once a day, the symptoms will disappear after three times.

In order to consolidate the curative effect, you can continue to take the medicine three to four times until recovery.

The theory of this treatment method is that because the head feels wind and cold, it is more suitable to warm the meridians, dispel cold and unblock the collaterals. Aconite is used to remove cold and dampness, Aconite is used to dispel wind and pain, frankincense is used to promote qi and blood circulation, and ginger is used to relieve the surface and dispel cold. , the whole prescription has the effect of dispelling wind and cold, promoting blood circulation and unblocking meridians, so the effect is so good.

Even if He Jincheng came to rule, it would be nothing more than that.

But if you want Liu Yan to return to normal now, it is impossible, at most you can only keep Liu Yan in a normal state for an hour.

But after an hour, the facial paralysis will be slightly worse, and the later treatment sessions may add another three days or so.

After hearing He Jincheng's explanation of the condition, Liu Yan immediately decided to ask He Jincheng to give herself acupuncture first to temporarily restore facial nerves.

Liu Yan paid special attention to this party, and she didn't want to cause the whole show to collapse because of herself.

"Of course you can recover temporarily if you want, but the subsequent treatment may take longer. If you can accept it, I can help you recover now."

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

Anyway, it's just that the course of treatment is a little longer for a few days, and there are no other side effects, so it's okay to recover temporarily.

"Okay, okay, thank you, Brother He, please help me recover."

Liu Yan was extremely excited, but her excited tone was in sharp contrast with his numb expression, which made people look weird.

He Jincheng didn't say much, took out the needle bag he carried with him, took out a few silver needles, and stuck a few needles in Liu Yan's face.

Soon Liu Yan could feel that her facial nerves seemed to be opened up, and she began to be able to move gradually.

Five minutes later, Liu Yan was pleasantly surprised to find that she could really make some expressions normally.

"Oh, I'm really healed! Brother He, your medical skills are amazing."

Liu Yan touched her face and said in disbelief.

The people around were also dumbfounded, and thought to themselves, what a guy, just now Liu Yan was like a piece of wood, but he returned to normal in a blink of an eye, which is amazing.

At this time, when everyone was watching, He Jincheng's eyes showed a bit of awe, and there was less envy and jealousy in He Jincheng's eyes.

They used to think that He Jincheng looks mediocre, so why should he be worthy of our school belle?

Now they seem to know why.

This seemingly young and unattractive young man actually has such miraculous medical skills. He is simply a miracle doctor! "Doctor He, right? I've been feeling a little unwell lately. How about you take a look at it for me?"

After all, there were still some clever people who would take advantage of the loopholes, so they came over with a shy face, looked at He Jincheng with a smile and said.

He saw He Jincheng's amazing art, and he was very touched. He thought that he had some physical problems recently, so he might as well take this opportunity to let He Jincheng take a look at it for him, maybe he would need a few needles. .

He Jincheng just glanced at the man and saw what was wrong with him.

"You ate something wrong some time ago, so you had diarrhea. You've been feeling a little empty lately, isn't it? It's okay, just eat more fried food. If you feel that your appetite is bad and you can't swallow it, you can eat more Have some yogurt."

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Aha, how do you know that I had diarrhea some time ago?"

The man looked like he had seen a ghost.

This is too outrageous. I didn't even have a pulse to see that I had diarrhea some time ago. The man even wondered if He Jincheng followed him every day.

But this possibility basically does not exist, because I don't know He Jincheng at all.

"Doctor He, please take a look for me too. I don't know what's going on with my wrist, and I feel bad every day."

A good-looking female student walked over quickly and extended her hand towards He Jingzhong.

Out of the doctor's courtesy, He Jincheng stretched out his hand to hit the girl. With a light touch on his wrist, he felt where the problem was. With a light pat, he held the girl's hand and shook it twice.

"Okay, your bones are slightly misaligned, but because it's not serious, you can still use it normally, but there will indeed be something wrong in the process of using it, and now I will help you reset it again."

He Jincheng said.

The girl looked stunned, and tried to move her wrist, and was pleasantly surprised to find that her wrist was really fine.

"Wow, it's really good, Dr. He, you are really amazing."

At this moment, all the onlookers couldn't sit still, and those who were sick or not wanted He Jincheng to take a look at each other to take time. The whole dressing room was in a mess, as noisy as a vegetable market.

"Okay, okay, please stop making trouble. My husband is here to see me today, not for a free clinic. If you want to see a doctor, please come to our medical clinic. Our medical clinic is on Qiangu Street Xinsheng Medical Center."

Ye Qingmeng was not happy about this, and quickly stood in front of He Jiansheng, saying loudly.

Although they are all classmates, you can't use my husband as a free tool.

You must know that my husband usually sees a doctor, and sometimes it may really be a mansion or villa.

It is already very good to be able to see two diseases for you, it is really like seeing them all one by one.

Everyone knew at a glance that this was not a proper thing to do, and they all smiled kindly, but they kept the Xinsheng Medical Center in their hearts.

If you have time, you must go to the medical clinic to see a doctor. If you are sick, you will be treated, and if you are not sick, you will be self-defense!
(End of this chapter)

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