Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 694 Myrrh is better, girls' future plans

Chapter 694 Myrrh is better, girls' future plans
Liu Yan's facial paralysis was temporarily cured, so she immediately joined Ye Qingmeng in the intense pre-show rehearsal.

He Jincheng sat on the sidelines and listened to their manuscript review.

It turned out that Ye Qingmeng, Liu Yan and Wang Juan had written a sketch together, and the three of them were going to act in this sketch together at the party tonight.

It's just that the content of this sketch is somewhat embarrassing, perhaps because of the times, so their creative form is still relatively fixed and aging. What they say and do, and the performance scale are very conservative.

Naturally, He Jincheng didn't have the intention to change this traditional concept or influence, anyway, as long as he could watch a feast comfortably.

When they were reviewing the manuscript, He Jincheng would also put forward some opinions of his own from time to time, but all of them were accepted.

As a result, a sketch work originally created by three people and supplemented by He Jincheng was presented in the program performance of Nan Dusheng University.

Then this work received a lot of praise. The applause was one wave after another. In the end, the audience voted for the three favorite shows tonight. The sketch by Ye Qingmeng and the others was impressively ranked first.

After the party, Liu Yan's face became stiff again as He Jincheng said, and it was even more serious.

Fortunately, He Jincheng had reminded him before, so Liu Yan wasn't too worried.

With a great doctor like He Jincheng around, what is there to worry about?

"Dayan, your face shouldn't delay the meal, let's go to the celebration banquet first, and then go back!"

Ye Qingmeng pulled Liu Yan and said.

"Hey, who told us to be kind, today I will sacrifice my face to accompany the gentleman!"

Liu Yan laughed at herself, making everyone laugh.

"It just so happens that we can also grab some medicine. This medicine is easy to prepare. Once you get the medicine, you can get it back to the dormitory!"

He Jincheng said with a smile that he had told Liu Yan how to make the ointment, as long as he had hands, he could make it.

"Okay, thank you Brother He!"

Liu Yan said.

"Brother He, can your ointment get rid of acne? Look at my face. I've been getting acne all the time recently. It's weird!"

Wang Juan suddenly thought of something and said suddenly.

"Of course not, but I can help you with another ointment, which should have some effect. Your body is too humid. It may be related to your environment. For example, you often live in a hot and humid environment, which causes your body to be irritated. It causes the body to be weak, and it can also cause endocrine disorders or dry skin, so it is easy to produce acne on the face."

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"Ah, you all know this. Recently I am working on a graduation thesis topic, and I often have to observe by the river. It is really damp. Not only that, I feel a little heavy!"

Wang Juan said in surprise.

"This is normal for you. In the future, be careful not to stay in cold and damp places for a long time. In addition, you can massage your face before going to bed. You can also take medicine, but the effect will not be obvious. The most important thing is that you can tell yourself When the cold evil is expelled, the acne will disappear naturally!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Oh, okay Brother He, then I'll try what you said!" Wang Juan was a little disappointed when He Jincheng said he didn't need to take medicine. She always felt that there was something wrong with seeing a doctor without taking medicine.

"Hehe, you still want to take medicine. Your idea is wrong. Generally speaking, if you need to take medicine, it is because the patient's condition is relatively serious. If you don't need to take medicine, it means that your condition can completely rely on the body's self-regulation. It can be cured, which is a good thing, you must know that the medicine is three-point poisonous, even if it is an ordinary medicine, if it is taken for a long time, it will not be good for the body!"

He Jincheng said earnestly.

Many people go to the hospital to see a doctor. The doctor is not prepared to prescribe medicine for the patient. Instead, the patient wants to buy some medicine. If the doctor does not prescribe half a pack of medicine for him, he will have no idea.

Several people walked while chatting.

Based on the principle of proximity, a few people came to the night market near the school.

Now more and more people come out to start small businesses, and snacks are small businesses with the lowest cost and low barriers to entry, so the sound of snacks at the school is getting better and better, and it is very lively at night.

Compared with the night market in the future, although the current night market is also lively, there is less food to eat. Staple foods such as buns and dumplings can also become delicious snacks in the night market.

He Jincheng didn't have the habit of eating steamed stuffed buns at night, so he brought the three of them to a barbecue stand, ordered some skewers, bought four servings of tofu nao from the side, and drank it while it was hot.

The tofu nao here is salty tofu nao. In addition to the necessary fresh and tender tofu curd, it is paired with some spicy Hu spicy soup.

The bean curd is fresh and tender, and the spicy soup is spicy. The two conflicting flavors are so harmonious when eaten together. Especially in this cold winter, drinking a sip of warm tofu nao can be said to be delicious in the world!

After a while, the skewers also arrived. Since they were all girls, He Jincheng didn't ask for wine, but asked the boss to bring a bottle of hot water. After finishing the tofu, he drank some hot water.

Several people chatted while eating, first they talked about He Jincheng's medical skills, and He Jincheng also popularized the common sense of Chinese medicine for them by the way.

After chatting and chatting, we talked about work.

Now Ye Qingmeng and the others are all in their junior year, and after the Chinese New Year, it will be the second semester of their junior year, and they will soon face the choice of going out to the society and working.

On Ye Qingmeng's side, He Jincheng wanted her to come to work with the group after graduation, and support the group together with her elder brother.

For the time being, Ye Qingmeng has no objections, because she knows that He Jincheng has contributed too much for the He Group. She studies so hard, hoping that after graduation, she can help He Jincheng a little bit.

Only by helping He Jincheng take care of the He Group can He Jincheng devote himself to medicine.

"Oh, I really envy you, Qingmeng. With such a powerful husband, you can become a proprietress as soon as you graduate, but I can't. I really have no interest in my father's factory!"

Wang Juan held her chin and said with a wry smile.

"You all have factories at home. My family only has two acres of land, okay? I'm waiting for the school to assign me a job. It's actually pretty good to be a teacher in my hometown!"

Liu Yan also said with a wry smile.

Compared with Ye Qingmeng and Wang Juan, Liu Yan's family background is much worse.

It is also because of her family that she can't choose what she prefers to do, so she can only work as soon as possible to make money for the family.

(End of this chapter)

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