Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 701 Resources are scarce, Xiao He should be the director of the department?

Chapter 701 Resources are scarce, Xiao He should be the director of the department?
The leaders of the hospital all had weird faces. Such a young doctor of traditional Chinese medicine was able to talk and laugh with the old man. I am afraid that Sun Zixiang would not be so calm!
As a result, He Jincheng just walked and chatted with Gu Gu.

Both of them are masters of traditional Chinese medicine, and they have quite similar views on many aspects of traditional Chinese medicine, and they feel like they hate seeing each other late.

After walking around for a full hour, it was only a round trip at the People's Hospital.

It was said to be a twist, but in fact Gu Xinyu was talking with He Jincheng most of the time, and the dean, Sun Zixiang, rarely had the opportunity to interject, which made Sun Zixiang very depressed.

But there is no way, He Jincheng is not a doctor in his own hospital, even if he has an opinion, he dare not say it in front of Gu Gu!

"Gu Gu, it's almost twelve o'clock, why don't we go eat first and take a rest?"

After walking out of the emergency room, Sun Zixiang immediately seized the opportunity, stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Oh? It's almost twelve o'clock, oops, look at this, I met a doctor who is good at medicine, and I forgot the time immediately after chatting like this!"

Gu Gu patted his forehead and said with a smile.

"Haha, Gu Gu, you are a waste of sleep and food. Many of us have lost this spirit. We need to learn from you!"

Sun Tzu said with a smile, but he felt a little uncomfortable. What does it mean to meet someone who knows medicine? Don't we doctors who follow you know nothing about medicine?

But what can I do, I still dare not say.

"Okay then, let's go and eat something simple, Xiao He, let's go together, I still have a lot to say to you, come on..."

Gu Gu thought for a while, then took He Jincheng's hand, not allowing him to refuse, and dragged him towards the hospital cafeteria.

According to Sun Zixiang's arrangement, everyone was going to eat in the box of the hospital cafeteria.

But Gu Gu directly refused. He felt that since he came to the hospital for inspection, it would be better to treat everyone equally and eat ordinary canteen meals.

Sun Zhiqiang persuaded him many times, but Gu Gu did not let go at all. He even said at the end, either eat it in the cafeteria hall, or I will go home and order noodles by myself.

At this moment, Sun Zixiang had no choice but to bring Gu Gu to the lobby of the hospital cafeteria.

Usually doctors and nurses basically come here to eat, and some long-term hospitalized patients can also pay monthly subscriptions here.

The hospital is not only a place to see patients, but also a lot of auxiliary industries.

Take this cafeteria as an example. If only doctors and nurses eat here, then the entire hospital cafeteria will definitely not be very large.

If the size is small, the canteen will not make money, and naturally no one is willing to contract the canteen.

But this is a hospital. Basically, larger hospitals have their own inpatient department, and since they have chosen to be hospitalized, it means that the patient’s physical condition is not very good, and most of them are unable to get out of bed and cannot freely active.

Therefore, a lot of food delivery services have been derived, which will be called takeaway in the future, but now most of this situation only occurs in the inpatient department of the hospital.

These are all foreign words.

A kind of leaders of the ancient hospital and of course He Jincheng came to the hospital cafeteria together.

Because it is already twelve o'clock, relatively speaking, this is a relatively late meal time, or in other words, many people have already eaten by this time, and there are not even many meals in the cafeteria.So Sun Zixiang quickly said hello to the cafeteria and asked them to quickly prepare a dozen more meals.

When the cafeteria heard that Sun Zixiang was so anxious, he didn't dare to neglect him immediately.

After Gu Gu and his party came to the cafeteria, the cafeteria was re-made. Basically, although the dishes were not particularly rich, they had everything they should have.

At this moment, there are still a few doctors and nurses in the cafeteria who are eating. Some of them may have finished eating, and they are leaning on their chairs and playing with their mobile phones as if they are taking a break.

Gu Gu didn't say anything when he saw this step, he just looked at Sun Zixiang with a smile.

"Your canteen is doing pretty well. But I think it's still necessary to give medical staff more rest time, don't make it so hasty."

Generally speaking, around twelve o'clock is also the peak time for eating, but now it seems that there are only a dozen medical staff talking in the cafeteria.

There are at least 1000 medical staff in Nandu People's Hospital, but there are only a dozen in the market now, which shows that most of them are busy and have no time to eat.

He Jincheng still understands this part quite well.

From ancient times to the present, now or in the future, doctors have been a very scarce profession.

To be honest, people in the 21st century may have some complaints about the outpatient clinics of many hospitals. They feel that they hang up the outpatient number to go to the local place, queue for two hours, and see a doctor for two minutes. registered.

Maybe everyone thinks that going to the doctor is a waste of time, and they don't get the corresponding services.

But in fact, have you ever thought that even with such a fast diagnosis and treatment process, those doctors have to go from morning to night every day, and there is no time to eat at noon.

This is not hyperbole, but fact.

You never know how many patients there are in the hospital until you go to the hospital.

It seems that there are endless numbers of calls every day, and the inpatient department is overcrowded every day.

Compared with other industries, doctors are indeed a higher income group.

But their income is also based on their own abilities.

And basically high-income medical staff are basically a small part of that head.

The income of grassroots doctors is actually not as much as imagined.

It's better for outpatient doctors. After all, there is a registration fee, and they can get a little share here.

"I can't help it. Although our hospital is the largest general hospital in this city, the medical resources still need to be improved, especially the talents! Although our hospital also has a department of traditional Chinese medicine, its medical skills can be as good as yours. Yes, that’s true, not to mention being on the same level as you, even if only one-tenth of that level of doctors can come to our hospital for consultation, I believe our situation here can be greatly alleviated.”

Dean Sun said with a wry smile.

This is something that cannot be helped. After all, it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice. Without people, money and equipment, it is impossible to develop a hospital better.

(End of this chapter)

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