Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 702 Ancient Attitude, Invitation from the People's Hospital

Chapter 702 Ancient Attitude, Invitation from the People's Hospital

All doctors and doctors are involved in outpatient or emergency, or specialist outpatient clinics, etc., so who has time to study and discuss the feasibility of a project?

And who is going to give advice on new drugs developed?
Therefore, the lack of medical resources will only lead to lower and lower efficiency on the medical side.

"Hahaha, are you complaining to me? It's not that there are no Chinese medicine practitioners, but that you are reluctant to expand the Chinese medicine department. How about this, I recommend Xiaohe to be the director of the Chinese medicine department in your hospital, are you willing? "

Gu Gu laughed, then suddenly patted He Jincheng on the shoulder and said to Dean Sun.

As soon as the plan came out and chatted casually, I was stunned immediately, and didn't react for a while.

"Lonely old man, our traditional Chinese medicine department is indeed relatively simple. If Dr. He is willing to come to our hospital for consultation, of course we will welcome each other, but the hospital does have hospital rules. I am afraid that the director of this department..."

Dean Sun, you can agree to everything else, but after all, the director of the department is the highest part of the management staff of a department, and this is not something he can decide on his own. to be finalized.

"President Sun, don't pay too much attention, Gu Gu was just joking with you."

He Jincheng saw the embarrassment on Dean Sun's face, so he quickly said with a smile.

It's not that He Jincheng is afraid of this Dean Sun, the point is that He Jincheng really needs to think carefully about such a big matter.

Dean Sun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought that these two leaders were going to blow his head off.

"I'm not joking. Xiao He, do you think you would like to come to Nandu People's Hospital for consultation?"

Gu Gu looked at He Jincheng very seriously.

This time, He Jincheng was really surprised. Hearing Gu Gu's tone, he seemed to be satisfied only if he had to go to this hospital for a period of time to study.

"Then if Dr. He is willing to come to our hospital, we will naturally welcome him."

Dean Sun looked at He Jincheng while talking.

Dean Sun knew a little bit about He Jincheng's medical skills, but he didn't know that much, but judging from Gu Gu's respect for He Jincheng, it was obvious that his medical skills would never be weak.

Anyway, the level of the Chinese medicine department in the hospital is not very good, and they usually do some massage and recuperation for some elderly people.

In other words, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Nandu People's Hospital can actually be called the Department of Pension and Health Care.

The two doctors in the department actually know Chinese medicine well, not as good as the doctors in the medical center outside.

However, one of them is good at acupuncture and the other is good at massage, so the hospital left these two, and now they are actually the deputy chief physicians.

Of course, even if the positions of two people were promoted, the traditional Chinese medicine department has not made any good progress. There are only a few people who usually see doctors, and they are basically for elderly care and health care.Over time, even Dean Sun almost forgot about this matter.

"I'd better not show my ugliness. I'm crying. I still have a lot of things on me. It's really not suitable for me to work in the hospital. Please forgive me."

He Jincheng really didn't want to come to the People's Hospital to work. After all, he still has a lot of business as big as the company, and now that several projects are going on at the same time, he really doesn't have much time.

But Gu Gu frowned slightly, as if he was a little displeased, and he didn't know why he insisted on letting He Jincheng come to work at the People's Hospital.

"Xiao He, I know you have a lot of business in your hands, but your talent is definitely a treasure in our Chinese medicine field. I don't want to see you wasting your talent like this. I will give you a compromise The method, how about this, you come to the hospital for one day a week and arrange the rest of the time yourself. Or in a month, you have to come to the hospital for more than four days and the rest of the time you make adjustments yourself."

Although Gu Gu is not Nandu, he is a doctor and leader of the People's Hospital, but as long as he asks, he can agree to these conditions [-]%.

The hospital is not an idiot, the annual hospital expenses are simply astronomical, and the task of working on it like Gu Gu may be able to solve the company's various expenses for a whole year with just one sentence.

So, in Dean Sun's opinion, if He Jincheng is just given the title of a nominal department director in exchange for the company's annual fee increase, then of course everyone is happy, and no one is unhappy.

"Little Doctor He, I want to reiterate to you again, are you really willing to join our hospital for further study?"

In any case, whether to agree or not, this ceremony must be completed, otherwise it is not considered a qualified interview at all.

"If it is true that the practice can be as free as the ancients said, I am naturally willing to accept it."

He Jincheng is not hypocritical. If it is true as Gu Gu said, then he will have a relatively large degree of freedom in the future. He can do whatever he wants at that time, and come to the hospital to sit and see patients when he has nothing to do. There is still salary for a month, just like the Chaoyang Central Hospital next door gave He Jincheng the title of honorary president.

With just such a title, He Jincheng can still receive more than 200 yuan in salary every month.

You don't have to do anything all day long, and you can get a corresponding reward for nothing, and this reward is very high in the eyes of many people.

Of course, He Jincheng really doesn't have much feeling for money now. If you are also rich and rich, then when you spend another ten yuan, twenty-five yuan, more than a hundred, you won't feel bad Yes, and I don't realize that I really spent a lot of money.

But if your financial conditions are average, when you go to the street to buy a piece of clothing, you will definitely have to bargain in various ways, and spending an extra ten yuan can make your heart hurt for a long time.

This is the difference between people, the most important thing is birth and acquired efforts.

In fact, many rich second generations are able to create their own businesses and do better and better, not all because of the support from the rich second generation's family.

Maybe these rich second generations don't have very high academic qualifications, and even if they get high degrees, they are basically bought with money, but there are still many motivated rich second generations among them.

Some people take 1000 million from their elders to start a business, and it becomes [-] million in a blink of an eye. To be honest, most people really can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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