Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 705 Green tea cures diseases, Lin Keke returns to the chapter

Chapter 705 Green tea cures diseases, Lin Keke turns back
"My prescription is very simple, a cup of green tea, one dose will work!"

He Jincheng stretched out a finger and said confidently.

Several people present were stunned.

The old lady has been ill for a long time, if there is a way, there is no need to delay it until now.

Now that He Jincheng actually said that a cup of green tea can cure him, he must be talking nonsense.

"I've never heard that tea can cure diseases. Doctor He, are you sure?"

The middle-aged man asked in astonishment.

He Jincheng smiled and took out a bag of tea from the medical box.

"I carry this Mingqian Longjing tea with me. It is unusual. It can appetize and ventilate. However, my consulting room has just been cleaned up and there is no hot water. I may need the help of my family members to make a cup of hot tea."

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then handed the bag of tea to the middle-aged man.

"Is that all?"

The middle-aged man still asked somewhat uncertainly.

"only these!"

He Jincheng nodded, very sure.

"Okay, I'll get ready now!"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and after explaining to the old lady, he took the tea and went to find some tea.

Not long after, the middle-aged man came over with a cup of tea.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, motioning for the middle-aged man to feed the old lady a sip of tea.

The middle-aged man nodded nervously.

"Mom, let's drink some water, this is Dr. He's Mingqian Dragon Well!"

While talking, the middle-aged man brought tea to the old lady's mouth.

The old lady didn't care at all at first, but when the tea was brought to her mouth, her eyes suddenly lit up, she could only feel the aroma of the tea, penetrated into her body from the nasal cavity, and then her whole body seemed to be a little lighter, and she felt very comfortable What time is it.

"Good tea!"

Without waiting for the middle-aged man to feed it, the old lady actually picked up the teacup by herself, and drank it all in one gulp.

This scene surprised the middle-aged man, and he almost didn't exclaim.

For the past three days, the old lady hasn't eaten a drop of rice, or even drank a sip of water. The number of times she went to the toilet was once in the evening. As a result, all the problems appeared in the next two days.

She was able to drink this cup of green tea today, which shows that the old lady can already swallow things. This is a good start!

"Doctor, this tea smells so good, can I have another cup?"

the old lady asked with a smile.

He Jincheng looked at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man suddenly went to pick up tea again.

Just like that, after another drink, the old lady looked much better. Suddenly, her stomach gurgled twice, and she farted with a puff.

The old lady felt a little embarrassed immediately, and the middle-aged man was also a little stunned, but He Jincheng didn't care at all, but was a little happy.

Farting, it means that the old lady's gastrointestinal function has been adjusted. Wait for a while to excrete, and then she will be back to normal. Eating and so on can become normal.

"Haha, well, old lady, you're half done. It might be convenient later. You can prepare it in advance!"

He Jincheng laughed.Only then did the middle-aged man realize this. The old lady farted just now. The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed and felt embarrassed, but he forgot about it.

"Thank you doctor, you are truly a miracle doctor!"

Middle-aged people have to admire He Jincheng's medical skills. Middle-aged people know how difficult his old mother's disease is. If you don't take medicine or get injections, even if the doctor has a way, he can't give you medicine!

Originally, I came to Chinese medicine practitioners just to try my luck, but I didn't expect that two cups of tea would be enough!
I have to say, this experience was really amazing!
"Doctor He, thank you so much, I have been tortured to death during this time, you really can't afford it!"

At this time, the old lady recovered a lot, and extended her hand enthusiastically, her face full of gratitude.

These words are not serious at all, she has really been tortured to death these days.

Even many times, she wanted to give up treatment.

Rather than being starved to death, it is better to just give up and die.

And He Jincheng not only gave her hope, but also saved her life, how could he not be grateful?
"You're being polite, old lady. It's our doctor's duty to save lives, so there's no need to thank you!"

He Jincheng shook hands with the old lady with a smile, and then said, "Old lady, your illness is only half cured, and the remaining half will depend on your own maintenance and recovery in the future. You need to pay attention to many things, such as eating Reduce salt and oil, eat more fruits and vegetables, and increase some moderate exercise, such as Tai Chi, walking, or our classic Wu Qin Xi, which are all better choices."

"Okay, I've written it all down!"

The old lady nodded with satisfaction.

This young man is good, he doesn't take credit for himself, and cares so much about the patient's recovery, unlike other doctors, who just make the patient get better, and then immediately get complacent and forget about it, for fear that the patient will not thank him.

When I get better, I must send a pennant to this little Doctor He.

"Mom, why don't we go out first? There are still registered people outside!"

The middle-aged man whispered, Dr. He is at work, you just got better, and you started to be alive and kicking again.

"Oh, ok, then Doctor He, I'll come see you again when I recover a bit here!"

The old lady said with a smile, the more she looked at He Jincheng, she was also satisfied, and she seemed to have some other plans in her heart.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your follow-up consultation at any time, but I only come two days a week, Monday and Saturday, so don't miss it!"

He Jincheng reminded with a smile.

"Hahaha, don't worry, when I recover, I can come by myself!"

The old lady laughed loudly, and with the support of the middle-aged man, she left the consultation room.

He Jincheng watched the other party leave with a smile, and then called the next number.

There were not many patients in the afternoon. After seeing seven or eight patients, there was no one outside. They waited until about five o'clock in the afternoon, and it seemed that they were about to leave work. He Jincheng packed up and prepared to leave after get off work.

At this moment, a small head poked out from the door, and then a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl walked in timidly.

"Doctor He, I..."

It was Lin Keke who came, and He Jincheng smiled faintly, knowing that the other party must have seen his hint, which means that he and the other party are still destined, and Lin Zhen's life should not die.

"Oh, it's you, Lin Keke? Did you come here for your grandfather's business?"

He Jincheng motioned her to sit down and said.

Lin Keke nodded quickly, and looked at He Jincheng anxiously.

"Doctor He, I saw the look you gave me, but I don't know what's going on. Is my grandpa okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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