Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 706 Adequate Sleep, Mr. Lin Sees Through It

Chapter 706 Adequate Sleep, Mr. Lin Sees Through It
"Hahaha, okay, I feel much more relaxed now! Then let's have a look tomorrow, and let's hang out together when we have time!"

Mr. Lin laughed loudly, and felt a little strange in his heart. Before taking a nap, his legs and feet were still not very comfortable, but now they are really much lighter, and the dull pain has disappeared.

"Then go to rest early, Grandpa, I'll help you into the room!"

Lin Ke could see that Mr. Lin seemed to have really recovered a lot, and he was very happy in his heart. He helped Mr. Lin into the room.

After Mr. Lin fell asleep, Lin Keke carefully closed the door, walked all the way to the living room, and then let out a heavy breath, patting his chest with his little hands.

She has never lied since she was a child, and this is the first time today, she is really nervous.

I hope grandpa didn't find anything unusual.

Anyway, Dr. He's first medicine seems to have had some effect.

This is Lin Keke's happiest place.

The next day, Lin Keke came to Mr. Lin's bedroom with the same wild honey water as yesterday.

What surprised her was that the old man didn't get up early today, and slept very soundly. Lin Keke didn't bother the old man, put the honey water on the bedside table, and quietly retreated out.

When it was around eight o'clock, Lin Keke heard movement inside and ran in quickly.

Mr. Lin has already woken up, and the wild honey water on the bedside table has been drunk.

Lin Keke was suddenly delighted, it seems that grandpa also felt the benefits of this honey water!

"Grandpa, good morning, today you woke up an hour and a half later than usual!"

Lin Keke greeted him with a smile, and stepped forward to help Mr. Lin tidy up his clothes.

On weekdays, Mr. Lin wakes up at 06:30 at the latest, but it is already past eight o'clock. This is definitely not normal for Mr. Lin.

"Yeah, I haven't slept so comfortably in a long time!"

Mr. Lin stretched his waist. He just felt that he was more energetic today than before. He felt indescribably comfortable all over his body, as if he was ten years younger.

Over the years, Mr. Lin has been conscientious and dedicated to his career. He only sleeps four hours a day. Although he is very tired, he still feels more fulfilled when he was young, and then he developed this habit.

In recent years, the work in his hands has been handed over to his son and daughter-in-law. After a while, Mr. Lin has not slept very well. Today can be said to be the most comfortable day for sleeping in recent years.

Generally speaking, minors need to guarantee eight to nine hours of sleep every day, and adults also need at least six hours of rest.

If someone tells you that you only need to sleep for four hours a day, please give him a straight mouth.

The brain is one of the most important organs of the human body. If the brain is hypoxic, it will cause dizziness, and severe hypoxia may even be life-threatening.

The best way to rest your brain is to sleep.

During four hours of sleep, the brain may have just completely rested and then woke up, which is definitely not a good thing for people.

So, don’t think it’s a good thing to work hard and stay up late every day to study and work. While you are working hard, what you need most is to ensure the minimum rest time.

The biggest reason for death from overwork and sudden death is not getting enough rest time. Therefore, for your own health, you still need to ensure enough sleep time.This is relatively good for the old man, because although he used to sleep for a short period of time, he still wants to sleep for a while at noon every day, and there are usually people taking care of his food, drink, housing and transportation, so he does not spend a lot of energy.

If it is an ordinary person who only sleeps for four hours a day, and then works day and night, you can be sure that this person's life span will never be very long.

There may even be sudden death at work.

Of course, these are some digressions.

Lin Keke now has a complete sense of trust in He Jincheng, or has completely believed in what He Jincheng said before that his grandfather would have a stroke.

She was also grateful for her choice at the time. If she had just regarded He Jincheng as an ordinary doctor who wanted to coax them into the hospital to take medicine, then something serious would happen to her grandpa in the next two days.

After two days like this, Mr. Lin's body had changes that could be discerned by the naked eye.

His complexion is ruddy, his steps are brisk, and his speech is full of air. He doesn't look like an old man in his 70s, but a man in his 50s.

Mr. Lin is not stupid, he knows that he can have such a big change, maybe it has something to do with the wild honey water that little girl Lin Keke has been drinking for the past two days.

So on the third day, Mr. Lin was a little surprised when he saw that Lin Keke had just bought himself a cup of ordinary cool white water.

"Hey girl, why is there no wild bee syrup today?"

Mr. Lin asked suspiciously.

"Grandpa, you really like the wild honey water I prepared for you. The family has run out, and I have asked someone to buy two more bottles, and I will make it for you when the time comes."

Lin Ke laughed and said.

"Of course, as long as my girl prepares it for me, I like it. But, girl, do you think that grandpa and I will be confused when we are old?"

Mr. Lin, squinting his eyes at Lin Keke, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Grandpa, what do you mean? I can't understand."

Lin Keke blinked her big eyes to express that she did not understand Mr. Lin's words.

"You girl, you are still hiding it for me now. You think I don't know. Although you gave me wild honey water to drink these two days, I can't tell what it tastes like in it. Can’t come out? If you didn’t guess wrong, you might have added something to the wild honey water. Is it Chinese medicine or Western medicine?”

Mr. Lin said it with a smile. In fact, he had seen through it a long time ago. He just didn't want to let his good granddaughter lose her filial piety, so he didn't expose it.

But today, seeing that it was just boiled water in the morning, Mr. Lin knew that his course of taking medicine was over.

In the past two days, Mr. Lin himself can clearly feel that his body has improved a lot.

No dizziness, no blurred vision, and even improved sense of taste and smell.

The most serious old cold legs seem to be much better.

With such an obvious effect, Mr. Lin is not really old and confused. Of course, he discovered it easily. He even read some medical books by himself, wanting to check the efficacy of this wild honey water.

(End of this chapter)

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