Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 707 Grandfather and grandson, a pure doctor

Chapter 707 Dialogue between grandpa and grandson, a pure doctor
If it is said that these effects can be achieved only because of acupuncture and moxibustion, a few massages, and then drinking some so-called wild honey water, then no one in this world will get sick.

So, although Mr. Lin doesn't know what was added to the wild honey water, he can be sure that some medicine must have been added to the honey water.

Lin Ke could see that his little thoughts had been exposed, and at the same time, he remembered what He Jincheng had said to him in the hospital before.

The old man didn't take any medicine two days ago, so you can't tell him this clearly, but after taking the medicine secretly for two days, the old man's body has been greatly improved. If you tell the old man now, he will definitely not care too much. Not too excited.

As long as you don't get excited, the disease is not too dangerous.

"Grandpa is like this. In fact, your illness is..."

Lin Keke briefly talked about the content of the conversation with He Jincheng at the People's Hospital.

After listening to Lin Keke's description, Mr. Lin was silent for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful. I didn't expect such a master to appear in our Chinese medicine field. Doctor He Jincheng, right? This young Chinese doctor's understanding of Chinese medicine has obviously reached the point of perfection and proficiency. Look It is very necessary for us to go to the People's Hospital to express our gratitude to Dr. He."

Mr. Lin said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't care much about what his illness was, but what he cared about was He Jincheng.

In fact, my own illness is more or less psychologically expected, but it is now on the bright side.

And after these two days of conservative treatment, his condition has obviously decreased a lot.

Moreover, Lin Keke had agreed with He Jincheng before that he would go for a follow-up visit next time.

And He Jincheng only came here twice a week, Monday and Friday.

Today is only Thursday, so if you want to see He Jincheng, you may have to wait until tomorrow.

"Grandpa, I also want to thank Dr. He, but Dr. He only visits the doctor every Monday and Friday. In fact, I have inquired about it in the past two days. He Jincheng and the doctor are not just Chinese medicine practitioners. He still has a lot of property in his hands. He Jincheng and the doctor are the chairman of the Chen Group who have risen in the southern capital in the past two years."

Although Lin Keke is only 19 years old this year, he is already very familiar with business matters from what he has heard and seen since he was a child.

Their family only has one daughter, Lin Keke, and their assets will grow bigger and bigger in the future. When grandpa and parents are old, the burden of the entire enterprise will naturally fall on Lin Keke's shoulders.

So Lin Keke has been learning how to do business since she was a child, but her personality is a bit introverted, so she didn't often go to the front line to work or inspect.

However, Lin Keke's business talent should not be underestimated. Even Mr. Lin thinks that this girl's business talent is amazing, and she will definitely be of great use in the future.

"This surprised me a bit. If I remember correctly, the He Group has achieved an unbelievable level in just two years. I heard that their turnover this year exceeded hundreds of millions. "

Mr. Lin looked at Lin Keke with some surprise and said. "Yes, grandpa is the Chen Group. And their current development trend is still rapid growth. In addition to the clothing industry, they also own the jewelry industry, hospitals and pharmaceutical factories. Recently I heard that they have also started to get involved in real estate, including employees The dormitory building and their group’s office building.”

"These are all organized by City Group. I believe that this is just a trivial matter. Niu Dao may develop more projects for real estate in the future."

"As I told you before, with the deepening of reform and opening up, people's income is getting higher and higher, and urban infrastructure will be more perfect. By then, the domestic urbanization process will be faster and faster. More people will come to live in the city, and the occupants will become the most important thing that everyone wants to solve."

"If you want to solve the accommodation problem, you need to buy a house. Buying a house has been a very important thing for our domestic families since ancient times. So I think our domestic housing prices will definitely increase at an unbelievable speed. Grow upward."

Lin Keke's concept of business is still very correct. At this time, he has already seen the prospect of Huaxia's real estate industry.

"Yes, you are quite right. But I don't think this Dr. He is necessarily engaged in the real estate industry. In my opinion, he is a person with a purer heart, and the ultimate goal of doing many things may not be to make money. "

Mr. Lin pondered and said, with a kind smile on his face teaching his most beloved granddaughter.

"Grandpa, why do you think so? Isn't business just for money? Only by maximizing profits will we have a greater sense of accomplishment."

Although Lin Keke is indeed talented in business, his mind is sometimes too idealistic and simplistic.

Mr. Lin knew that this was Lin Keke's biggest shortcoming, and if it really only increased the Lin family's property, it was very likely that competitors would take advantage of this weakness.

"Girl, in addition to wealth, there is another thing called dreams in this world. Dreams are pure. Although I don't know much about Dr. He, I can feel that his ambition does not lie in how much money he makes. On the contrary It’s because he should love traditional Chinese medicine or the medical industry in particular.”

Mr. Lin said slowly.

A group boss with a net worth of hundreds of millions actually beat the People's Hospital and came to the outpatient clinic for two days a week.

For a businessman, every day is a race against time, time is money, and there is no time to rest, let alone go to the hospital to see a doctor.

For example, with He Jincheng's medical skills, how much salary will the People's Hospital give him?Even if you give him 1 yuan a month, He Jincheng probably doesn't care.

It is said that He Jincheng is out of fame and fortune, but it seems that He Jincheng didn't seem to have said anything else besides seeing patients and asking about their illness.

Such a down-to-earth young Chinese medicine doctor who treats people in a down-to-earth manner, if anyone says that he is only doing it for fame and fortune, no one will believe it.

But what exactly He Jincheng was doing for, Mr. Lin was also a little puzzled.

I'm afraid that only by seeing He Jincheng again can we see some clues!

However, it can be inferred that He Jincheng is definitely a very pure doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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