Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 708 Visiting the Medical Hall

Chapter 708 Visiting the Medical Hall

Under Ye Qingmeng's idea, everyone came to He Jincheng's medical center.

Before that, everyone didn't know the relationship between He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng, and they didn't know that this medical clinic actually belonged to He Jincheng.

What Ye Qingmeng told everyone was to bring everyone to experience the charm of Chinese medicine, and didn't say much else.

Smith was obviously the leader among these exchange students, and everyone looked to him as the leader. Therefore, if Smith was interested in the Chinese Medicine Center, everyone readily agreed and followed him in a while.

Although Jack Ma was reluctant, but Smith was about to come, so he was not good, so he followed him no matter what.

"This medical center looks quite modern. I thought they were rushing to see a doctor there, but I didn't expect to need to register."

As soon as Jack Mar came in, he said this sarcastically.

Ye Qingmeng was very displeased with this thirst-quenching thing, it was a bit too much, she really treated herself like an onion.

If it weren't for the presence of so many people, Ye Qingmeng would have driven Jack Ma away long ago.

"Who said that Chinese medicine can't be registered. Could it be that queuing up to call the number is invented in your country?"

Ye Qingmeng snorted coldly, suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, and walked in.

Because I told He Jincheng before, and almost everyone in the medical hall knew Ye Qingmeng, so when Ye Qingmeng came in, someone greeted him.

"Miss Ye, you are here. Our boss has already said hello. My name is Xiao Wang. You can ask me if you need to visit and learn anything."

Xiao Wang is an employee of the medical center and has worked here for more than a year.

Although he is not a doctor, he knows all the locations of the medical center quite well, and it is more than enough to give a simple guide and introduction to everyone.

"Xiao Wang, I'm going to work hard for you today. This is my exchange student Jia Smith. Today, Smith wants to learn more about our Chinese medicine culture. This is a good opportunity to publicize our Chinese medicine. You have to do well."

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Ms. Ye can leave it to me. Although I'm not a doctor, we still know the medical clinic very well."

Xiao Wang patted his chest very happily and promised.

"Then everyone will follow Xiao Wang to visit the first hall, but the medical hall is still in normal operation, so if you want to go to the consulting room to watch how the doctor treats the disease, please don't disturb the doctor, just watch from the sidelines Just go."

Ye Qingmeng instructed with a smile.

This point is a reasonable requirement no matter where it is. Whether it is Western medicine or Chinese medicine, I don't like to be disturbed when I see a doctor.

Some external interference is likely to cause doctors to misjudge the condition.

Even a small mistake may have indelible consequences for the patient.

Everyone followed Xiao Wang to visit the medical hall.

In fact, the medical center is not big. It is mainly divided into several areas. The first is the reception at the front desk.There is only one staff member on duty at the reception desk, which is mainly similar to the guidance desk at the hospital to tell patients how to register, do a preliminary registration, etc.

After all, this is the twentieth century, and Chinese medicine also needs to keep pace with the times, and some methods that can improve efficiency can naturally be adopted.

It has to be said that if there is a guidance desk, whether it is January or the treatment process of the clinic, it can be standardized and greatly improved.

Behind the guidance desk is the place to collect medicines, which is more traditional here, just like the traditional Chinese medicine clinics in TV dramas, with a row of medicine cabinets, and two staff members are mainly responsible for dispensing medicines.

Generally, the doctor will write down the required medicinal materials and minutes after seeing the doctor and the prescription, and then the patient will take it to the medicine cabinet, and then hand it over to a professional pharmacist to grab the medicine and pack it for the patient. .

There is actually nothing to say about this, the most important thing is that there are always hundreds of medicine cabinets in rows.

To become a qualified pharmacist, you not only need to memorize the efficacy of these hundreds of medicinal materials, but also need to know what effect the combination of their various medicinal materials will have.

It is indeed not easy to become a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner, and it is also not easy to become a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner.

When everyone saw that the two Chinese medicine masters were grabbing the medicine for the patient at a very fast speed, and some of them had more than a dozen kinds of medicine at once, they found the exact location without thinking, weighed them, wrapped them up according to the treatment schedule, and finally packed them up again. Give it to the patient.

This kind of person is dazzled by all this, it feels like watching a movie, it seems that such a scene can only appear in a movie.

"I'm really getting more and more curious about Chinese medicine. I wonder if I can have a look at my back injury here."

Smith's Chinese language is still a little rusty, but it can be regarded as being able to make people understand what he wants to say.

It seems that Smith has a great interest in Chinese medicine just by seeing the anthers, and he can't wait to have a look at Chinese medicine.

In fact, Smith has always heard how miraculous Chinese medicine is, but he never had the opportunity to get in touch with it before. Today, he finally had the opportunity and saw such a wonderful scene of grasping medicine. Of course, Smith was very moved.

"Mr. Smith, if he wants to see a doctor in our clinic, he still needs to register at the front, but today our boss is in the clinic in person, and the speed of seeing a doctor is very fast, so there are not many people in front of you today. Well, to express our For the enthusiasm of international friends, today you are free of charge for medical treatment in our hospital, including medical expenses."

Xiao Wang said with a smile.

Of course, this was all arranged by He Jincheng. His wife brought people to visit the first hall and gave them a free medical treatment. It's okay.

What He Jincheng had to do was to make Ye Qingmeng look good.

"Really, that's really great. I have [-]% trust in Chinese medicine now, I hope you don't let me down."

Smith is a very straightforward person. He still maintains a very skeptical attitude towards Chinese medicine. Now that he said that he has [-]% trust, he has actually improved this idea.

"No problem, with our boss here, it's nothing to simply ask for it. If other students want to see Chinese medicine for free, they can also register with me. There are about five or six patients in front of us now, at most half a dozen patients." Everyone can experience it in an hour.”

Xiao Wang thought about it and said that his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, but it showed the attitude of forming medical management.

This is also the impact of doing things with a boss like He Jincheng who has an open mind and a relatively lax management.

There is an old saying in China that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

(End of this chapter)

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