Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 709: Unexpectedly, Smith wants to become a disciple?

Chapter 709: Unexpectedly, Smith wants to become a disciple?

He Jincheng said the patient's condition was so serious that Smith moved over to take a look with curiosity on his face.

Although Smith does not understand medical skills, he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away.

Smith looked left and right, and even tested his ankle. He felt that the patient's condition was not as serious as He Jincheng said.

"Well, that Doctor He, how do I feel..."

Smith subconsciously wanted to ask, but as soon as he finished speaking, He Jincheng raised his hand to stop him.

He Jincheng didn't seem to want to tell him the reason for this matter, so Smith wisely shut his mouth.

He only went to He Jincheng and was not the kind of irresponsible doctor. He would definitely tell him the specific reasons after the incident.

"Doctor, what you are saying is too scary. Is my leg really that serious?"

The patient was anxious and panicked at the moment. He had to spend more than 100 million to cure the leg. To be honest, he would rather have his leg chopped off.

Not to mention 100 million, even 1 yuan was too expensive for him and he couldn't afford it.

"I'm not scaring you. It's true. It depends on whether you want treatment. If you don't want treatment, then please go back."

He Jincheng nodded slightly, with a serious expression on his face.

The patient's eyes were full of despair.

He is a manual worker, but now that his leg is broken and cannot be repaired, he will not be able to make any money in the future, and he will become a waste. Not only will he not be able to make money for his family, but he will become a burden.

What's the point of still being alive like this?

The patient was filled with despair and had already made plans to commit suicide.

He opened his mouth and wanted to ask the doctor to cure him, but when he thought of the astronomical treatment cost of 100 million, the patient sighed heavily and stood up slowly to leave.

Just when the patient turned around to leave, he heard He Jincheng suddenly slap the table as if he remembered something.

"Oh, look at my memory, I almost forgot to tell you. I also have a way to heal your legs, but this method is more risky. I wonder if you would like to give it a try?"

As soon as he heard that there was a way to cure his leg, the patient became very excited and turned around suddenly, his eyes full of eager anticipation for He Jincheng.

"I'm willing, I'm willing, I'm willing to accept whatever the risk is."

From the patient's point of view, he can accept it as long as it is not a high medical expense that he cannot afford.

"That's good. This method is not very expensive. It can be done for maybe 100 yuan. Well, come here first and I'll tell you exactly what to do."

He Jincheng smiled and nodded, then stood up and motioned to the patient to come over.

Although the patient's leg was up, he was still very excited and limped towards He Jincheng after hearing that there was a treatment.

"Oh, Doctor He, you are really a living Buddha. As long as my leg can be cured, I will be very grateful to you in this life."

The patient said excitedly.

His eyes were slightly red, and he was almost crying with excitement. "Oh, don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I'll tell you slowly!"

He Jincheng smiled and greeted him, but he walked slowly, while the patient with the leg injury walked faster.

After He Jincheng supported the patient, before he could say a word, He Jincheng suddenly kicked the patient's injured ankle.

The patient was not prepared at all. Although his mind reacted and wanted to avoid He Jincheng's kick, his body did not have time to react.

He just watched helplessly as He Jincheng stepped on his ankle again.

There was a crisp sound of click, and the entire formation was silent. Smith looked at this scene with his mouth wide open, and it was unbelievable at all.

The patient was also stunned and confused. He didn't even know what happened just now.

"Okay, you can walk again and take a look at your legs."

He Jincheng's voice rang out, breaking the silence in the display and going to see him and clapping his hands, then turned around and walked straight back to his seat.

At this time, the patient reacted and quickly checked his leg. As soon as he raised his leg, he immediately felt a completely different feeling from before.

My legs seem to be healed.

"Hey, my legs seem to be fine?"

The patient shouted excitedly, and then began to move his leg.

Smith also quickly looked at the patient's ankle. The originally bulging ankle had now returned to its original state. There was still a little red mark, but it had obviously been reset.

"Oh my God, is this true? Doctor He, you healed this man's leg with just one kick?"

Smith looked like he had seen a ghost, and kept saying "My God, my God."

"To be honest, a patient like this patient's leg injury is actually not very easy to treat. It must be accurately reset without the patient being prepared. This is the case with the Chinese medicine government. Sometimes you wait until you tell the patient that he will be in the next few days. When performing Zhengguo within seconds, he will be particularly nervous, and his body will be in a tight state, which is very detrimental to the repositioning of the bones! Only when your body reaches its most relaxed state can you move in a more natural way. method to reset.”

He Jincheng explained with a smile.

Smith was not a fool. When He Jincheng explained this, he immediately understood why He Jincheng had deliberately told the patient that it would cost more than 100 million in medical expenses.

He was deliberately directing the patient's attention. When all his attention was focused on the high treatment cost of [-] yuan, He Jincheng suddenly told him that there was another way.

It's like a person who has been desperate suddenly sees something again, hoping that his heart will be happy, his whole body will be excited and relaxed, and at the same time, it will be the best moment for the real wife, He Jincheng, to help him reset.

"Wonderful, really wonderful. Doctor He, I am really becoming more and more interested in Chinese medicine. I wonder if you are willing to accept me as your disciple. I also want to learn Chinese medicine from you."

Smith rubbed his hands excitedly and looked at He Jincheng eagerly.

He Jincheng was also made dumbfounded by the girl's request.

He didn't have the habit of accepting apprentices. Besides, Smith had no medical foundation at all. If he accepted him as his apprentice, he would definitely be the one to suffer.

There are many contents in TCM medical books that even the Chinese people themselves cannot understand, and even some old TCM doctors with ordinary medical skills cannot understand them.

(End of this chapter)

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