Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 71 Poor man, He Erlong suddenly opened his mouth

Chapter 71 Poor man, He Erlong spoke suddenly

After hearing He Jincheng's words, Li Huajia felt much more at ease.

No matter how capable you, He Jincheng, are, you are just a country doctor, can you be better than your college student son?

"Hehe, Xiao He, don't worry, when Brother Changlin really becomes an official in the future, I will let him take good care of you!"

Li Huajia smiled and patted He Jincheng on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Uncle Hua Jia!"

He Jincheng remained calm, smiled and said.

He knew that Li Changlin really became a big official later, with a high position and great power.

However, the random flowers are becoming more and more charming, Li Changlin did not keep his bottom line in the end, made a serious corruption mistake, and was finally imprisoned and sentenced to death.

Now Li Huajia, who was proud of the spring breeze, was directly hospitalized with anger after his son was imprisoned, and finally died of no illness.

This is also a tragedy. If there is a chance in the future, He Jincheng is going to remind Li Changlin. As for whether history can be changed in the end, it is not up to He Jincheng.

It is already very difficult for a person to live and make himself and his loved ones around him happy.

Ye Qingmeng was also very happy today, helping out in the back kitchen with Guo Lan, and busy serving dishes.

But when she thought that this was a banquet hosted by her own man, she felt very happy in her heart.

A few months ago, such a thing would have been unthinkable.

It's all right now, He Jincheng has opened a medical clinic, his family has built a new house, his student status has been resolved, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Now Ye Qingmeng is full of infinite longing and anticipation for the future.

Everyone drank lively, and He Jincheng also accompanied a lot of wine, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, so he ran to the door to sit and rest for a while.

But he saw a familiar figure at the door, squatting there smoking a cigarette.

"Uncle Erlong, why didn't you go in to eat, what are you doing sitting here?"

He Jincheng asked in surprise.

Uncle Erlong, whose name is He Erlong, is considered a big family with He Jincheng.

He Erlong's mother is He Jincheng's grandmother's younger sister.

However, He Erlong's family was miserable.

In the early years, my parents did not survive the famine years, and starved to death.

Later, the eldest brother He Dalong went out to do some illegal things in order to support his family and was shot.

In He Erlong's lineage, he is the only one.

Fortunately, he is honest and responsible. If anyone in the village has something to do and asks him to help, he doesn't say a word and concentrates on working.

Later, someone introduced him to a dumb wife, and they got married and gave birth to a daughter.

But sometimes God is unfair to honest people.

One day when it rained heavily, He Erlong came home late after working outside. His house was washed away, his wife was crushed to death on the spot, and his seven or eight-year-old daughter, He Lianlian, had her leg broken.

He Erlong was in great grief, thinking that he had hurt his wife and daughter because he didn't go home early.

Since then, He Erlong has been so devastated that he can't even take care of his daughter.

Later, the villagers felt sorry for He Lianlian, so they pooled some money together with the village head, and sent He Lianlian to a school for the disabled in the county seat through their connections.

There, He Lianlian could learn a skill and at least be able to support herself.

He Erlong didn't stop him. Ever since his daughter was sent away, he has become more silent and more withdrawn.

Although he is still on call, he never talks to anyone, as if he has become a mute.

He Erlong turned his head and smiled at He Jincheng when he heard He Jincheng calling him, with two rows of scorched teeth showing on his dark face.

He shook his head slightly, then pointed to a bowl he had brought.

He Jincheng understood what he meant and sighed secretly.

Uncle Erlong didn't want to have dinner with everyone, he wanted to take some back.

But because of the large number of people in He Jincheng's family, he didn't have the nerve to go in. He squatted outside and waited for everyone to eat enough, so he could go and fill up some leftovers by himself.

He Jincheng really wanted to drag He Erlong in for dinner, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

How can ordinary people imagine how stubborn a person who has been unwilling to speak for more than ten years can be.

"Then wait for me, I'll serve you some food!"

He Jincheng took the broken bowl from He Erlong's hand, got up and went home, and told his wife about it when he came to the kitchen.

Ye Qingmeng didn't object, and she also knew that He Erlong was a hard-working man, so she filled a big bowl full of vegetables for him, took another bowl, filled it with meat, and finally wrapped seven or eight steamed buns in paper.

"There is still half a bottle of lotus wine here, you can also give it to Uncle Erlong, I remember he also likes to drink!"

Ye Qingmeng gave He Jincheng the half bottle of wine next to him.

"Okay, wife, you are so kind!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hurry up, don't let Uncle Erlong starve!"

Ye Qingmeng gave He Jincheng a blank look, and urged.

Uncle Erlong also helped when he built the house in He Jincheng.

He Jincheng packed the steamed buns and the half bottle of lotus wine in a bamboo basket, and took them outside the door.

Seeing that He Jincheng brought out so much, He Erlong waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that there were too many things.

"Uncle Erlong, don't be too polite with me, we are from the same family, and you still help me build a house. Now I have a little money, and this food is nothing!"

He Jincheng forced the food into He Erlong's hand, and at the same time stuffed something sealed in an envelope into He Erlong's pocket.

"This is the wages for this period of time. I will pay you as a part-time job. Two yuan a day, a total of 35 days of work, and you contribute the most, so I will give you 100 yuan!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, He Erlong shook his head, took out the envelope from his pocket, and was about to return it to He Jincheng.

"Uncle Erlong, you deserve this. If you don't accept the salary, how can I have the nerve to ask you to help me again in the future!"

He Jincheng had a hard time persuading him, and finally got He Erlong to agree to accept the 100 yuan.

With food and 100 yuan in his pocket, He Erlong didn't have much joy on his face.

He looked at He Jincheng, hesitant to speak.

"Uncle Erlong, do you have any other needs?"

He Jincheng saw that He Erlong seemed to have something to say, so he didn't rush in.

He Erlong thought for a while, then took out the envelope and handed it to He Jincheng.

"Uncle Erlong, why are you doing this? I've already told you that this is your salary and you deserve it!"

"Jincheng, I know you are helping me, uncle thank you! I accept the money, but I hope you can do uncle a favor."

He Erlong spoke suddenly, his voice hoarse, as if there was a handful of sand in his throat.

This startled He Jincheng, and almost thought he heard it wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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