Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 72 A Letter, Heading to the Star Glove Factory

Chapter 72 A Letter, Going to the Star Glove Factory

"Uncle Erlong, have you spoken? That's great! If you want me to help you, just say it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Being able to speak showed that Uncle Erlong had some kind of entanglement again.

One cannot live without fetters, otherwise, what is the purpose of living in this life?

"I'm sorry Jincheng, I didn't scare you!"

He Erlong scratched his head embarrassingly, with a childlike shyness on his face.

"It's nothing, it's a good thing for you to speak up, I'm too happy to be happy!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

"I know you take care of Uncle, so Uncle has the cheek to accept the money, but I don't need it, so I would like to ask you to help give this money to Lianlian."

He Erlong said in a low voice, and when he mentioned Lianlian's name, his voice was obviously trembling.

He Jincheng was startled, and was greatly moved.

Sure enough, it was because of my daughter.

"Okay, Uncle Erlong, I will definitely deliver it to you! I heard that Sister Lianlian is working in a glove factory now, and her life is pretty good, so you don't have to worry too much!"

He Jincheng nodded, and solemnly took the envelope back.

"It's all my fault that Lianlian has suffered so much. I really feel ashamed to see her. When you send money, don't mention my name. It is said that Lianlian's uncle gave it to her!"

After He Erlong finished speaking, he wiped away his tears and left without losing his figure.

Seeing He Erlong leaving, He Jincheng secretly sighed.

It was not He Erlong's fault back then, no one thought that the house would be washed down by the heavy rain.

All this is a trick of fate.

With a lot of emotion in his heart, He Jincheng returned home.

The guests had almost eaten, so He Jincheng sent them out one by one, thanking everyone for coming.

Inviting people to eat is not without benefits. Basically, the people who come here give some things, such as tables, chairs, benches and other objects, which happen to be available for the new house.

The village head stayed at the end, pulling He Jincheng to talk about the matter.

"Xiao He, do you think our medicinal materials can be harvested well? How about the purchase price at that time, is it the same as before?"

Now the village chief Huang Baofu is most concerned about the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicines.

Almost every once in a while, he would come to He Jincheng to understand the situation.

This is more than 100 mu of land, and it is still operated in the name of the village collective. If something happens and the villagers lose their crops, or they haven't earned much from growing food, the village head will be the first to be unlucky.

"Village chief, you are too anxious. It will take two or three months for the medicinal materials to mature. How can it be so fast! Don't worry, I will often go to the field to watch, and I will give the villagers who planted medicinal materials irregularly. Let me explain the key points of planting, this Chinese herbal medicine is not difficult to grow, everyone has mastered it well, and when it comes to the next season, I don't even need to direct it!"

He Jincheng said dumbfoundedly.

"As for the problem of sales, you don't have to worry about it. I have already contacted them, and I promise that there will be no problems!"

He Jincheng patted his chest to reassure Huang Baofu.

"Success, if you say it's okay, then it's definitely okay! If the harvest is really good this time, I'll let everyone plant it next year!"

Huang Baofu said with a smile.

In the end, He Jincheng brought another bottle of lotus wine to Huang Baofu before sending the village head away.

After moving into a new home, the living conditions immediately improved.

The height of the room is relatively high, and the space is spacious, so it is not so hot this summer.

Coupled with the fact that it is now autumn and the weather is getting cooler, living here is very comfortable.

Tingting was playing with her grandmother in the yard, while Ye Qingmeng was sitting at the desk reading English.

In a few days, I will be going to participate in the English speech competition. During this period of time, under the guidance of He Jincheng, Ye Qingmeng's English has improved rapidly. Although there is still some accent, the whole reading is very smooth and clear.

This gave Ye Qingmeng a sense of accomplishment.

As for other homework, Ye Qingmeng didn't miss out either, as long as she had time, she would read books and improved very fast.

He Jincheng is sorting out some medicinal materials and studying medical skills at the same time.

The so-called learning has no end, and the sea of ​​medicine has no limit.

Although He Jincheng knows that his medical skills have reached a very high level, there are still many things he has not learned.

The moon is as bright as water, hanging high in the sky.

The autumn wind blows gently, making people refreshed.

All this is so beautiful, He Jincheng's heart is full of happiness.

In the first rebirth, I must protect this happiness.

The next few days were very peaceful.

One thing that surprised He Jincheng was that someone sent him a letter.

However, the letter was only sent to the town, and He Jincheng had to go there.

So, taking advantage of the fact that no one came to see a doctor that day, He Jincheng simply went to the county first, then returned to Pingyao Town to pick up the letter, and then went home.

Arrived at the county seat at about ten o'clock in the morning.

When Liu Hao learned that He Jincheng was here, he dragged him and called Qiu Lin to have a meal together.

I didn't drink much because I had work to do.

During the meal, He Jincheng asked Liu Hao about the glove factory.

He wanted to send the money to He Lianlian, but He Erlong didn't know where He Lianlian lived, so he had to go to the glove factory to find her.

Liu Hao is naturally very familiar with all the factories in the county.

There is only one glove factory in the entire county, named Xingxing Glove Factory.

This is a state-owned enterprise, so a workshop specially made up of disabled people will be set up.

Liu Hao had other things to do, so He Jincheng didn't let him take him there. Anyway, he was just going to send money, so there was nothing difficult, so after asking where he was, He Jincheng went there by himself.

When he came to the gate of Xingxing Glove Factory, He Jincheng was stopped by the security guard.

"What are you doing? The factory is an important place, and idlers are not allowed to enter!"

The security guard was very airy, and spoke with a bit of pride.

This Xingxing Glove Factory is a state-owned enterprise, and the benefits are not bad, so the income of working as a guard here is also quite a lot. It is inevitable that there will be a feeling of being superior to others when talking and doing things.

"Oh, hello, I want to find a person from your factory, named He Lianlian, do you know me?"

He Jincheng took out a piece of Hongtashan and handed it to the security guard.

When the security guard saw that it was Hongtashan, his eyes lit up immediately, he took the cigarette with a smile, and pinned it to his ear, he took out another pack of red plums, took out one, lit it and took a sip .

"Look for He Lianlian. I know everyone in the factory! But now it's working hours, so you can't get in. Well, I'll ask the workshop director. You can only go in if he agrees!"

The security guard said with a smile, and then went in to make a call.

Soon, the security guard got a response, saying that He Jincheng could come in.

(End of this chapter)

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