Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 73 See He Lianlian, I Can Heal Your Leg

Chapter 73 See He Lianlian, I Can Heal Your Leg
The Xingxing Glove Factory is considered a relatively advanced factory in the county.

In this era, only the light industry in China can be sold, and even the military industry lags behind many developed countries abroad.

But He Jincheng knew that these were only temporary.

It won't be long before the motherland will be informed and developed, and gradually move towards the ranks of the world's great powers.

He Lianlian is a very beautiful girl, if not for being in a wheelchair, she would definitely be pursued by many men.

He Lianlian was a little surprised when he heard that someone was looking for her.

It happened to be time to change shifts, so I waited for He Jincheng in the cafeteria.

When she saw He Jincheng, doubts flashed in He Lianlian's eyes, because she didn't seem to know He Jincheng.

"Sister Lianlian, I'm He Jincheng!"

He Jincheng walked over with a smile and sat down in front of He Lianlian.

He Lianlian was startled, and thought for a while before remembering.

"Are you the second boy of the uncle's family?"

She said with some uncertainty.

"Yeah, it's me. I played with you when I was young!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

However, this happened more than ten years ago. Even He Jincheng only vaguely remembered playing with He Lianlian, and he didn't remember the specific things very clearly.

"By the way, I remembered, you kid is the most naughty, and you often bully me and make me cry!"

He Lianlian just remembered that she was two years older than He Jincheng, and her random memory was clearer.

"That's because I was too skinny before. My dad beat me up because I bullied you. Now that I think about it, my butt still hurts!"

He Jincheng said dumbfoundedly.

Thinking of things when I was a child is always so dumbfounding.

"Well, I haven't been back to the village for more than ten years. In these years, except for the village head who comes to see me once a year, you are the second villager I have ever met!"

He Lianlian was very happy, but deep in her eyes, she was also a little lonely.

"Sister Lianlian, in fact, many people still miss you! A few days ago, your uncle came, but he didn't come to the county to look for you because he was too busy."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Uncle? Why didn't I know I had an uncle?"

He Lianlian was a little confused. She remembered that her mother was dumb, and her mother's natal family had no contact with her after marrying her, so she had never heard of an uncle.

"That's because you don't know, it's not that you didn't! Look, your uncle gave it to me and asked me to give it to you. He also said that he would come to see you when he has the chance!"

He Jincheng gave He Lianlian the letter he had prepared long ago, which contained 120 yuan, and He Jincheng added 100 yuan more than the original [-] yuan.

He Lianlian happily accepted the letter, and found that there were twelve cards of Great Unity inside, so she quickly pushed it back.

"Why is it money? I can't ask for it, and I'm not short of money either!"

She works in a glove factory. Although she can only do some simple processes due to inconvenient legs and feet, she still earns more than ten yuan a month.

The factory provides dormitories and canteens. She has disabled legs. Except for asking someone to buy some daily necessities, she basically doesn't go out to buy things, so she basically doesn't spend much money.

Among other things, over the past few years, she has even saved a lot of money, more than 600.

So to be honest, He Lianlian is indeed not short of money.

"Sister Lianlian, there is still a letter inside. After you read the letter, you should consider whether you want it or not!"

He Jincheng knew that He Lianlian would not accept it so easily, so he immediately said with a smile.

Startled slightly, He Lianlian opened the envelope and found that there was indeed a letter inside, so she took it out.

The content of the letter was very simple. He Jincheng wrote some apologetic words in the tone of He Lianlian's uncle. He was ashamed of being an uncle for not taking care of He Lianlian all these years. He made some money recently. Take it, it will be the dowry from my uncle.

After reading the letter, He Lianlian's beautiful eyes were already filled with tears.

For many years, I haven't experienced the feeling of being loved by my family for a long time.

For that incident back then, my father seemed to have lost his soul, and he was half-dead all day long.

At a young age, He Lianlian was sent to a technical school for the disabled by the villagers. After graduation, she has been working in a glove factory.

In fact, He Lianlian wanted to be with her family more. She also hoped that her father would pick her up, but she knew that this was unrealistic.

"Thank you, Jincheng, thank you! Please tell my uncle after you go back, I will save the money, and if he needs it, just tell me!"

He Lianlian sobbed softly.

He Jincheng looked at He Lianlian, feeling filled with emotion.

What a girl, it's God's will to suffer so much.

His gaze involuntarily moved to He Lianlian's leg, and suddenly his eyes lit up, why didn't he try to show He Lianlian's leg injury.

Those legs were broken back then, and because they were not treated in time, they eventually became paralyzed.

Since there was no amputation or paralysis caused by muscle atrophy, maybe he could still be saved.

"Sister Lianlian, would you mind letting me see your legs?"

He Jincheng said.


He Lianlian froze for a moment, stunned.

"Sorry, I said it too bluntly, Sister Lianlian, I'm actually a doctor, so I want to see if I can help you heal your leg!"

He Jincheng quickly said that what he said just now did not take care of the self-esteem of a disabled person.

After hearing He Jincheng's explanation, He Lianlian's complexion became better.

However, for He Jincheng who said to try to heal her leg, she has given up any hope.

Over the years, she has also spent a lot of money on treatment, but it has no effect at all.

He Jincheng claims to be a doctor, but even if such a young doctor is true, how good can his medical skills be?
"Oh, forget it, I'm used to it, I've given up any hope of being able to stand up! Thank you Jincheng, but you don't have to waste your efforts!"

He Lianlian said with a sigh.

"It's up to people, Sister Lianlian, just let me see, maybe I really have a way?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

After hesitating for a while, He Lianlian had no choice but to agree.

After all, He Jincheng did him a favor, so it was hard to refuse.

He Jincheng squatted down and touched He Lianlian's leg through his clothes.

After touching the knees, calves, and ankles for a while, he stood up with a smile on his face.

"Sister Lianlian, I want to tell you that I can cure your leg. I don't know if you believe me or not?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, He Lianlian suddenly raised her head, her eyes filled with surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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