Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 74 Picking up letters at the post office, 3 yuan deposit slip

Chapter 74 Picking up Letters at the Post Office, a 3000-Yuan Deposit Slip
But soon, the light in He Lianlian's eyes dimmed again.

She felt that it was very likely that He Jincheng was comforting herself. Her legs had been paralyzed for more than ten years, so how could she be cured.

"Sister, why don't I treat you now, I believe you will feel a little bit."

He Jincheng saw He Lianlian's hesitation, so he proposed with a smile.

"Is it right here?"

He Lianlian looked around, not many people came to eat, so it didn't matter much.

"That's right, I brought silver needles and I'll give you two acupuncture and moxibustion. If my prediction is correct, it can make you feel a little bit."

He Jincheng nodded.

"This... well, I'll trouble you!"

He Lianlian thought for a while, anyway, she was already like this, if He Jincheng really had a way to heal her leg, that would be the best, but if she couldn't heal, she had nothing to lose.

Seeing that He Lianlian agreed, He Jincheng took out the needle bag, and asked He Lianlian to lift the trousers up to his knees.

After confirming several acupoints, He Jincheng began to use needles.

He Lianlian's legs were numb at the moment, but He Jincheng discovered that the broken leg bones had already healed. As long as she could use her strength, it would not be a problem for He Lianlian to stand up again.

After a few needles landed, He Lianlian didn't feel anything.

He Jincheng kept adjusting the angle of the silver needles, adding a few more from time to time.

Ten minutes later, He Lianlian suddenly screamed.

"Ah, it hurts!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, He Lianlian was stunned, and immediately burst into tears.

She felt pain, real pain.

I really feel it in my legs.

He Jincheng took off the silver needle immediately after hearing the words.

After the silver needle was removed, the pain gradually disappeared, and He Lianlian's legs became unconscious again.

"Jincheng, my leg..."

He Lianlian was a little excited, and her voice trembled a little.

This is the first time in more than ten years that I can feel my legs.

This feeling is really wonderful, so can my legs be cured?
"Congratulations to your sister, I can heal your leg [-]%. You can feel the pain, which means that the nerves are not completely necrotic, but you have to be patient. If you want to really stand up, it will take a while to heal."

He Jincheng smiled and put away the silver needle.

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as it makes me stand up, I can do anything."

He Lianlian was extremely excited. After more than ten years, she finally saw hope.

"In addition to acupuncture, you also need medical treatment. I will go out and buy some medicine for you later. This medicine is used for soaking your feet and taken internally. Once a day, it takes about seven days. Your feet will feel warm. After seven days, I will give you acupuncture and medicine, and if all goes well, you will be able to stand up in at most two months."

He Jincheng said with a smile, this is what he said conservatively, after all, he can't be here all the time, otherwise, He Lianlian's legs can be restored to [-]% of normal people's in a month and a half at most.

Hearing He Jincheng's words, He Lianlian cried excitedly, saying words of thanks again and again.

A disabled person who has been disabled for more than ten years suddenly knows that he will be able to stand up soon. This feeling cannot be described by onlookers.

However, He Lianlian's tears of joy attracted the attention of the workers who came to eat nearby.

Seeing He Lianlian crying, several male workers thought they were being bullied by He Jincheng, and immediately came over aggressively.

"What are you doing, dare to bully our employees in our Xingxing Glove Factory, are you looking for death?"

One of the leaders yelled at him sharply, and was about to beat He Jincheng when he came up.

"Du Ming, don't do anything!"

He Lianlian shouted hastily.

This Cuntou named Du Ming has a crush on He Lianlian, but because of He Lianlian's physical disability, Du Ming's family has always been reluctant. He Lianlian feels that she is not worthy of Du Ming, so she has deliberately kept a distance from him.

"Lianlian, are you okay, what does this person do?"

Du Ming didn't continue to attack, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, he's one of my younger brothers, and he's seeing a doctor for me just now."

He Lianlian explained.

"See a doctor? Can he heal your leg?"

Du Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then a light of surprise burst out in his eyes.

If He Lianlian's leg can be cured, then he and she will have a chance to be together, and the family has no reason to object.

In this day and age, the fate of parents is still relatively important. If the parents do not agree, the marriage cannot be discussed at all.

"Just now, my leg felt a little bit, but it will take a while to heal."

He Lianlian said in a low voice.

"Great, Lianlian, you can stand up now, so you are willing to be with me!"

Du Ming was so excited that he looked at He Lianlian with burning eyes.

"You... what are you talking about..."

He Lianlian blushed slightly, and said shyly.

Why doesn't she long for a love?

Du Ming used to be a soldier. He was hardworking and brave, and he worked extremely hard. He was definitely a good man who could be entrusted to him for life.

It's just that my legs are disabled, how can I be worthy of others.

If I can really stand up, it seems that I can really think about this matter.

"That's great, that's great, brother, I'm really sorry, I thought you were a bad person just now, I'll make it up to you!"

Du Ming looked at He Jincheng with some embarrassment, scratched his head and said.

"It's okay. I'm relieved to see you taking care of my sister like this. Brother, I just need to go out to get medicine for my sister. Why don't you come with me and bring the medicine back?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Of course Du Ming was happy for He Lianlian to take the medicine.

After sending He Lianlian back to the workshop, Du Ming and He Jincheng left the factory, found a nearby pharmacy, grabbed a supply for about fifteen days, and explained how to use it, before He Jincheng left.

Originally, he was worried that He Lianlian wouldn't be able to take medicine alone, but now that Du Ming is helping, there is nothing to worry about.

He Jincheng could tell that Du Ming was a nice man and treated He Lianlian very well.

If the two can really get married, it may not be a good thing.

After finishing He Lianlian's work, He Jincheng returned to Pingyao Town and went to the post office in the town.

He Jincheng was a little surprised when he got the letter and saw the signature on it.

It turned out to be a letter from Zhao Qianlan.

The face of the military wife full of fatigue and vicissitudes appeared in He Jincheng's mind.

I helped her open a tailor shop in the city, but I didn't ask her much. I didn't expect that it was me who contacted her.

Inside the envelope was a deposit slip and a letter.

He Jincheng opened the deposit slip and looked at it, and was immediately stunned.

There is a full 3000 yuan on it, even for He Jincheng now, it is a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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