Chapter 75
A few months ago, in order to make a quick buck, He Jincheng read an article about the He family seeking medical treatment in the newspaper.

After treating Mr. He, he received a consultation fee of 1 yuan and spent more than 1000 yuan to open a tailor shop for Zhao Qianlan's mother and son.

His original intention was to take care of the hero's family, give her a hope to wait, and live a good life.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, she actually earned 3000 yuan for herself.

After reading the letter, He Jincheng was deeply moved.

In the letter, Zhao Qianlan described her energy during this time.

In the first half month since the tailor's shop opened, there was almost no business, only someone nearby whose clothes were torn, came to sew and mend them, and the money they earned was not enough to eat.

Zhao Qianlan was very grateful to He Jincheng, and didn't want the tailor shop to be so dirty, so she began to study all kinds of strange clothes that He Jincheng drew for her.

Although He Jincheng's painting is not very good, but the basic styles and styles are clearly expressed.

Zhao Qianlan herself has some background in tailoring, so she started to try to make new clothes with the more popular fabrics.

She tried more than a dozen times, and finally made a dress with a novel style and modern aesthetics.

The next day, after hanging at the door for less than half an hour, someone bought it.

This was Zhao Qianlan's first real business, which gave her a lot of confidence.

In addition, that style of clothing is indeed very fashionable, and the minds of the people in the city have gradually opened up. When they saw new items, they all liked to join in the fun. On the same day, several people said they wanted to buy that style of clothing, and some people paid a deposit.

So, Zhao Qianlan rushed to make clothes overnight, hung up five pieces the next day, and sold them out again, and even took an order of ten pieces.

All of a sudden, Qianlan Tailor's shop became popular, and the business also improved. Even when the price was increased, there were people rushing to buy it.

That style of clothing sold for up to ten yuan a piece.

This is definitely a luxury in this era when the average salary is only 30 to [-] yuan.

In this way, as the business of the shop got better and better, Zhao Qianlan couldn't handle it all by herself, so she hired two small workers, who were in charge of cutting, and Zhao Qianlan was in charge of the final stitching, which greatly improved the efficiency.

Now the shop can sell thirty or forty pieces of clothes a day on average, and the income is so much that Zhao Qian couldn't believe it for a while.

Later, Zhao Qianlan continued to launch modified clothes based on the drawings given by He Jincheng, and each piece became a popular style. In the words of the 21st century, it was a hot style.

Now there are six workers in the tailor shop, just like a small garment factory, which can barely meet the sales demand for the next day.

In just two or three months, the profit of the shop reached as much as five thousand.

When there was more money, Zhao Qianlan sent part of it to He Jincheng, and the rest was used for the normal operation of the shop and the next expansion of enrollment.

At the end of the letter, Zhao Qianlan invited He Jincheng to bring his family to Chaoyang City.

After reading the heart, He Jincheng was filled with emotion.

Sure enough, good people are rewarded with good rewards. My unintentional actions have created a tailor shop with considerable profits for myself.

If things go on like this, maybe we can really open a clothing factory.

"As expected of a family of heroes, this ability is simply too strong!"

He Jincheng smiled in his heart.

After thinking about it, He Jincheng wrote a reply letter at the post office.

The general content of the letter is to let Zhao Qianlan not have to send money to herself, and just concentrate on running the tailor shop well, and decide how to run it. He Jincheng just gave some experience and suggestions.

At the same time, he drew seven or eight clothes that will be more popular in the future, which should be enough for a tailor to use for a year or two.

In the end, He Jincheng also said that he would definitely take his wife and children to the tailor shop when he had time.

After posting the letter back, He Jincheng returned to Lianhua Village.

As soon as she entered the door, Tingting happily ran over and jumped into He Jincheng's arms.

"Dad, where have you been, Tingting misses you!"

"Father misses Tingting too, are you being good today, you didn't make mom angry!"

He Jincheng hugged Tingting dotingly, and at the same time took out a few candies,

"Tingting is very good, mom is studying, and Tingting is counting ants!"

Tingting held the candy in her little hand and said happily.

"Really, how many ants have you counted?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"One, two, three... one, two, three... Tingting counted three!"

Tingting really counted with her fingers seriously.

It's a pity that this girl is only two years old, and she doesn't know how to count at all. After breaking her fingers for a long time, she can only count one, two, three, one, two, three, and finally said that there are only three.

This made He Jincheng laugh, and taught Tingting how to read four to ten.

"Okay, you father and daughter don't get bored there, hurry up and have dinner!"

Ye Qingmeng came out of the kitchen and said helplessly.

"Let's go, let's eat!"

He Jincheng carried Tingting into the house.

On the table, there were three or four side dishes, as well as steamed buns and porridge.

When the family has money, the standard of living will immediately rise.

Ye Qingmeng was not as stingy as before, which made He Jincheng feel a sense of accomplishment.

"Honey, the dishes you cook are really delicious. I want to eat six steamed buns today!"

He Jincheng laughed and said.

"Tingting wants to eat... four five six, six steamed buns!"

The little girl snapped her fingers and said very seriously.

This girl is very smart, she can count to six after only a long time.

"Silly girl, don't be afraid of breaking your stomach! One steamed bun per person, and porridge when you're hungry!"

Ye Qingmeng gave He Jincheng a blank look, look at how you have brought up your daughter, and you still have six steamed buns, why are you not afraid to support the child.

The family had dinner amidst laughter and laughter.

At night, Tingting went to bed early.

He Jincheng hugged Ye Qingmeng shamelessly.

"Honey, you see we've built a new house, and our kids have grown up, shouldn't it be time for us to be alone?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"what do you mean?"

Ye Qingmeng asked a little puzzled.

"That is to say, can we sleep in separate rooms with the children, and it will be more convenient to do things!"

He Jincheng smirked.

"What are you talking about, what are you doing, I don't understand, stay away from me!"

Ye Qingmeng blushed immediately, moved her body slightly, and kept a distance from He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was very disappointed, okay, when is he so big these days, holding such a beautiful wife, but can't do anything, it's really tormenting!
As a result, just as He Jincheng was crying inwardly, a soft body returned to his embrace.

Then, before he had time to react, a burst of warmth came from his mouth.

He Jincheng's eyes widened, and his breathing became rapid.

Coming and going in a hurry, after Ye Qingmeng took the initiative to attack He Jincheng, he immediately turned his back and stopped making any further moves.

(End of this chapter)

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