Chapter 76
This made He Jincheng anxious.

"Honey, why are you sneaking up on me? No, I want revenge!"

He Jincheng hugged Ye Qingmeng and was about to kiss him back.

"Don't make trouble, the child is still here, don't wake the child up!"

Ye Qingmeng said quickly.

"No, I will be very careful!"

He Jincheng said in a low voice.

"That won't work, just wait, I'm not ready yet!"

Ye Qingmeng insisted.

Although she is also very hot in her heart, she always feels that she is almost determined, maybe because she has not fully accepted He Jincheng.

He Jincheng's fire was extinguished when he heard his wife's words.

He swore that he would take good care of Ye Qingmeng for the rest of his life, so naturally he couldn't go against her wishes.

"Then wait until you're ready, I'm not in a hurry!"

He Jincheng hugged Ye Qingmeng and said softly.

Today, Ye Qingmeng was able to take the initiative to kiss herself, which already means that the relationship between the two of them has taken a step closer, so why should I be anxious?
In the early morning, the neighbor's big rooster woke up He Jincheng.

After getting up, washing up, and practicing martial arts, He Jincheng went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

When he came back from the county this time, He Jincheng bought a lot of things, including eggs, milk, pork and beef.

So for a few days, He Jincheng made the most sumptuous breakfast in recent times.

Ye Qingmeng and Tingting, both under the careful care of He Jincheng, their physical condition has improved a lot, their complexion and condition are just right, the two of them, one big and one small, are all beauties, and He Jincheng is watching like crazy drunk.

After breakfast, Ye Qingmeng continued to stay at home to read and take care of the children.

There are only three days left before the English speech contest, and I need to memorize the manuscript as soon as possible, and even more so, I need to be full of voice and emotion, well arranged and so on.

He Jincheng told her that a successful speech cannot be separated from thousands of rehearsals.

Ye Qingmeng kept this sentence firmly in her heart, and she also put it into action.

He Jincheng came to the medical center and opened for business after a simple cleaning.

Not long after the door opened, a man walked in.

It was Huang Baofu, the village head.

"Village chief, what brought you here? Sit down!"

He Jincheng greeted him with a smile, asked Huang Baofu to sit down, and poured him another cup of tea.

"Can't I come and have a sit if I'm fine? Is your kid not welcome me?"

Huang Baofu said very displeased.

"How can it be, the village head is here, my small medical clinic is full of splendor, it is a great honor!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

The relationship between the two is good, and Huang Baofu can be regarded as taking care of He Jincheng, so the two talk very casually.

There were no patients in the medical hall, so the two sat there drinking tea and chatting.

However, He Jincheng saw that Huang Baofu seemed to have something to say, but he couldn't say it.

"Village Chief, do you have something to tell me? Why are we being so polite? Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

" a bit hard to say!"

Huang Baofu blushed, turned his head and looked around, and after making sure no one was coming, he lowered his voice and spoke.

"That Jincheng, you also know my uncle's situation. I have been married for 20 years, and my mother-in-law has not even laid eggs. You say that I am a dignified village head, and I don't even have a child. Can I not worry?"

Hearing Huang Baofu's words, He Jincheng understood why he came here today.

Thinking about it, Huang Baofu is in his early forties this year, and his wife is two or three years younger than him, and she is also 38.

Both of them look very healthy on weekdays, but they just have no children.

In this day and age, having children is still the traditional concept of rural people, and people will laugh at them if they don't have children.

Huang Baofu also went to the medical clinic before, but nothing was found out, and everything was normal.

I've tried all kinds of folk remedies, but nothing works.

Recently, He Jincheng's superb medical skills were well-known in a radius of more than ten miles. Huang Baofu wanted to ask He Jincheng to show him what was going on.

"That's it, I thought it was such a big deal! Well, I'll give you a free doctor's visit today!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"You have to keep it a secret from uncle, but don't let others know about it!"

Huang Baofu whispered.

He Jincheng smiled and said nothing, and reached out to give Huang Baofu a pulse.

After a while, he withdrew his hand in some doubts, and looked Huang Baofu up and down.

"Hey, what's wrong with me, don't just look at me, it makes me panic!"

Huang Baofu couldn't bear He Jincheng's scrutiny, so he said anxiously.

"Haha, village chief, if I'm not mistaken, did you ever fall from a high place when you were young?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Yeah, that was the day before I married your aunt. I was so happy that I drank too much wine and rolled down a hillside that was not too high or too low. I was sent to the hospital because of it, and almost gave up my life!"

Huang Baofu thought for a while and replied truthfully.

"That's right, when you fell down, did something hit your stomach?"

He Jincheng nodded, it seemed that his judgment was correct.

"It seems to be. It hurts so much that I can't wear it. I was so angry at that time!"

Huang Baofu nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of surprise and anticipation.

He was surprised how He Jincheng knew about this.

What I look forward to is, since He Jincheng has seen the cause of his illness, can he be cured?
"Well, it seems that it hurt your nerves that time. You don't feel it normally, but at a critical moment, some bad things will happen. If I'm not wrong, you must be the kind of person who is late .”

He Jincheng continued.

"Ah? Then what should I do? I didn't feel the slightest danger at the time. Tell me the truth, is there anything I can do about it?"

Huang Baofu said with a wry smile.

"Of course it can be treated, and it will show results soon!"

He Jincheng said very seriously, then got up and wrote a prescription, and prepared the medicine for him.

"This medicine is designed to treat your disease, but it may make you a little tired. You have to be mentally prepared!"

He Jincheng said with a smirk.

"Tired? You can still drink medicine, can't you be tired..."

It was only halfway through the speech that Huang Baofu understood what He Jincheng meant.

"You boy, if this thing doesn't work, I'll have to come and trouble you!"

Huang Baofu rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, just come anyway, as long as the village chief don't walk while leaning on the wall!"

He Jincheng laughed loudly.

His move is called fighting poison with poison,

Because of a collision when he was young, Huang Baofu's position as a man was damaged.

After more than 20 years, other methods are really ineffective. Only He Jincheng's current method can make Huang Baofu go crazy for a night, and there is a high probability that it will be successful.

(End of this chapter)

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