Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 78 Perfect Speech, Ye Qingmeng Meets Love

Chapter 78 Perfect Speech, Ye Qingmeng Meets Love
Sitting next to Gu Rongan happened to be Li Donglai, the principal of the middle school in Maverick Town next door.

The two were classmates before, and later both became the principals of the town middle school. The relationship between them is also quite wonderful. On the surface, they are kind and friendly, but in their hearts they are completely dissatisfied with each other, and secretly compete with each other.

When they were in school, they were almost the same in terms of grades.

After graduation, both of them became teachers, and they were still on par.

Then it took the two of them another ten years to become the principals of the middle school, so the two are still equal.

Then the two began to compare the results of the two schools, which made Gu Rongan quite depressed.

Pingyao Town is poorer than Xiaoniu Town, and the quality of teaching is poor, so Gu Rongan has been overwhelmed by Li Donglai all these years.

In this English speech contest, the two of them competed more vigorously. The current score of Xiaoniu Town Middle School is more than 20 higher than that of Pingyao Middle School.

A total of only 36 schools participated in the competition. It is conceivable how poor the results of Pingyao Middle School are.

This made Gu Rong'an very embarrassed.

"Old Gu, don't worry too much. In fact, even if you have passed the audition, you still have to go to the city to continue the competition. What a waste of time! And the further you go, the more intense the competition is. How can you be so old? It's a toss!"

Li Donglai gloated a little, pretending to comfort Gu Rongan with a smile.

Hearing this, Gu Rong'an's nose almost crooked from anger.

old age?The two of us are classmates, okay?I am old, where can you be young?

"We still haven't played our hole cards. Who can laugh at the end? Maybe! Li Donglai, don't be so proud of yourself here!"

Gu Rongan said harshly.

"Yes, yes, you still have a hole card, so let's wait and see! I want to see, your hole card can turn the tide, hahaha..."

Li Donglai laughed, apparently just taking Gu Rongan's words as a joke.

Guo Rongan turned his head away, he was worried that if he looked at Li Donglai one more time, he would not be able to resist the urge to hit him.

Soon, after the host's introduction, Ye Qingmeng slowly walked onto the stage.

Her beauty has already won the amazement of many people in the stands.

Among them, the middle school principals and teachers in many counties are all bright.

Not to mention the student's English proficiency, at least this appearance is definitely outstanding.

If he could lure her to his own school, it would definitely attract a lot of attention.

Therefore, the heads of many schools began to move their minds.

Ye Qingmeng walked onto the stage, seeing the thousands of people in front of him, he suddenly became nervous.

If you look closely, her legs are trembling slightly.

She has always lived in the country. Although she is smarter, she has only studied for a few years after all. If it wasn't for He Jincheng's help, how would she have the opportunity to come to such a stage.

Her eyes searched the crowd, and finally saw He Jincheng sitting in the back seat.

When she saw He Jincheng's encouraging gaze, she suddenly felt low and began to give a serious speech.

At first, everyone didn't think that such a beautiful girl could speak English well, but as soon as Ye Qingmeng spoke, the venue immediately became quiet.

"This... Did this classmate come back from studying abroad? Why is the accent so good?"

"It's really a mistake. Which school is this? It's really a dark horse this year!"

"Yes, if this student can come to our school, our English score will definitely be better!"

Everyone was discussing in low voices, and of course more people were listening to Ye Qingmeng's speech seriously.

Ye Qingmeng recited the 5-minute manuscript countless times, just for today.

Soon, the speech is over.

The venue fell into silence at first, and then a burst of intense applause broke out.

"Okay, that's really good. If I can reach this level, I won't have to worry about not being able to go to college at all!"

Many people said excitedly, but also from the heart.

In 81, the college entrance examination resumed, and the country needed talents in all fields.

Especially with the gradual integration with the international community, English majors are even more scarce. Some universities even recruit students who are excellent in English.

This is also the main reason why the province will hold this English speech contest.

He Jincheng also applauded vigorously, this is his wife, after all, the hard work of these days has not been wasted!

With Ye Qingmeng's performance today, it is definitely no problem to get No.1.

Sure enough, after the judges scored, they all gave full marks, and Ye Qingmeng's personal score ranked first.

Pingyao, who was at the bottom of the list, finally, relying on Ye Qingmeng's good results, successfully squeezed into the top third of the ranking, ranking No. 12.

"Hehe, Lao Li, I'm really sorry. Although your Xiaoniu Town Middle School ranks higher than our Pingyao Middle School, our classmate Ye Qingmeng ranks first!"

Gu Rongan said with a chuckle, the loneliness on his face was swept away, and he was finally elated for a while.

"Hmph, I don't know where you got it from. I think Ye Qingmeng is probably a returnee who you spent money to invite here!"

Li Donglai said very unconvinced.

"Old Li, you have to be responsible for talking nonsense. If you think we have done something wrong, then look for evidence!"

Gu Rongan smiled triumphantly.

He is very clear about Ye Qingmeng's background.

The reason why Ye Qingmeng's English is so good is because she has a husband with better English skills.

He regretted it a little. He Jincheng should have been admitted at that time. In this case, today's No. 2 will all be from Pingyao Middle School!
After getting off the stage, Ye Qingmeng was stopped by many people to ask about her school, and even offered her a scholarship to transfer to a certain school.

This made Ye Qingmeng a little at a loss.

Didn't I just give a speech in English? It seems that there is not much difference from my usual performance. Why do these people want to pass by me so enthusiastically?

Fortunately, He Jincheng came at this time, he pushed away the crowd and pulled Ye Qingmeng away.

After returning to the room, Ye Qingmeng patted his chest, feeling scared for a while, these people are really too scary, their eyes are all red.

"What's going on, why are they stopping me!"

Ye Qingmeng asked puzzledly.

"Of course it's because you are so good. In their eyes, you are a genius, so they want you to transfer to their school. In this case, their school's grades will be better!"

He Jincheng understands the key point very well. Even in the future era, the problem of enrollment rate will always exist.

(End of this chapter)

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