Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 79 Formally Enrolled, The Huo Building Was Accused

Chapter 79 Formally enrolled, the department store was accosted
"Then what should I do? Should I transfer to another school?"

Ye Qingmeng didn't know much about this aspect, so he could only look at He Jincheng helplessly.

"No, Pingyao Middle School is pretty good, Principal Gu is also nice, and it's close to home, so you can continue to study here! But I heard that if you pass the county competition, you can enter the city competition next, if If you get good grades in the city competition, maybe you will be directly admitted to some universities!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Really? That means I didn't come here purely for the exam!"

Ye Qingmeng was overjoyed.

To be honest, one year of studying and reviewing to cope with the college entrance examination is really not enough time for a student like Ye Qingmeng who is not good at all, and the pressure is very high.

Therefore, He Jincheng has been focusing on cultivating Ye Qingmeng's English proficiency, so he is looking for another way.

"Of course, but the current results are definitely not enough. You still need to prepare with both hands. The next competition in the city will be held in three months. At that time, you have to show better results, so that you can You were noticed by those who came to visit the university admissions office!"

He Jincheng said with certainty.

"Okay, I will definitely continue to work hard!"

Ye Qingmeng was full of fighting spirit, and today's results gave her a certain amount of self-confidence.

In the evening, Gu Rongan treated guests to dinner, saying that he wanted to celebrate the good grades achieved in Pingyao Middle School.

At the wine table, whenever Li Xiangqian had a chance, he wanted to approach Ye Qingmeng in various ways, but in the end, He Jincheng blocked him and didn't give him any chance.

In the end, Li Xiangqian got angry and wanted to have a drink with He Jincheng directly with the bottle.

He has been in the wine market all year round, his alcohol capacity is not a problem, most people really can't drink him.

Guo Rong'an and the others hurriedly dissuaded him, but Li Xiangqian was really impatient and insisted on drinking with He Jincheng.

So, after drinking the two bottles of white wine, He Jincheng looked as usual, as if nothing had happened. Li Xiangqian couldn't sit still anymore, and finally sat on the ground with his buttocks, and started to vomit. He was severely scolded by the waiter in the state-run restaurant.

After dinner, He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng to the night market.

On the county side, there is a night market street with official support called Chenghuang Temple.

It is especially lively at night, with all kinds of snacks and department stores, as long as you are willing to walk, you will definitely be able to find what you want.

The two of them didn't eat anything at the state-run restaurant, so they ate some at the stall near the Town God's Temple.

"Now life is getting better and better, and ordinary people can come out to set up stalls and do business!"

Ye Qingmeng held a sesame seed cake with dried plums and vegetables, and said while eating, regardless of the image.

"Yeah, it's just the beginning. The development of our country will only get better and better in the future, and it may even exceed your imagination!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Although there are a lot of snacks here, the current economy is far from being comparable to the future, so most of these stalls sell buns, sesame seed cakes, spicy soup and the like.

Fortunately, the taste was not bad, and it tasted delicious. The two of them were full after eating, and then went shopping in the night market.

There are also many small stalls selling small accessories, Ye Qingmeng likes it very much.

But she was used to being thrifty, and when she saw the price, she was reluctant to buy it.

He Jincheng smiled and said nothing. Anyway, as long as Ye Qingmeng likes it, he will buy it all.

I just received 3000 yuan from Zhao Qianlan a few days ago, and now I still have plenty of money, so I can buy some small things.

In the end, He Jincheng bought a few small toys for Tingting, and clothes for Ye Qingmeng and his mother-in-law and father-in-law. It cost more than 100 yuan, but Ye Qingmeng was so distressed that he hurriedly dragged He Jincheng goes back, otherwise, I don't know how much it will cost.

At night, He Jincheng hugged Ye Qingmeng, originally wanted to do something embarrassing, but the girl seemed to be too tired, and fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

He Jincheng could only hug Ye Qingmeng with a wry smile, and gradually fell asleep.

The next day, Gu Rongan organized everyone to return to Pingyao Town.

The results of this speech competition can be said to have completely exceeded his expectations, especially Ye Qingmeng won the personal No.1, which greatly embarrassed Pingyao Middle School.

Originally, he didn't have any confidence in entering the city-level competition, but now he sees hope, so he plans to reorganize the team.

Especially Li Xiangqian, who was here on the team to gain experience.

After returning to Pingyao Town, Gu Rongan went through the official admission procedures for Ye Qingmeng, and gave Ye Qingmeng some textbooks and exercises for the college entrance examination. The school started the next day, and Ye Qingmeng was finally able to Officially go to school.

When Ye Qingmeng went to school, Tingting had no one to take care of her. After all, He Jincheng still had a medical clinic and a medicine field, so it was not good to always take Tingting with her.

Together, the two decided to invite Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe to Lianhua Village.

It's okay for the old couple to be at home. Ye Chunlin is busy making money now, and he is not married. He doesn't need the old couple to see the children, so the two came over readily.

On the third day, He Jincheng borrowed a bicycle and took Ye Qingmeng to Pingyao Middle School by bicycle.

After Ye Qingmeng entered school, he went to the only department store in the town to buy a vehicle.

It is said to be a department store, but in fact it only has six floors.

There are basically state-owned shops inside, and there are very few private shops.

There were bicycles for sale, but He Jincheng felt that it was inconvenient, so he just ignored them.

What he wanted to buy was actually a motorcycle, but after looking around, he couldn't find it.

This made He Jincheng very depressed.

I thought it was really not possible, so I went to the county to buy it, and then I would ask Liu Hao, and it shouldn't be a big problem to get a ticket.

Just as He Jincheng was about to walk out of the department store, he was accosted by a young man wearing sunglasses.

"Brother, do you want to buy a motorcycle?"

The young man in sunglasses said with a smile.

"Yeah? Brother, do you have a way?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

In this era, speculation is everywhere, and the rarer the object, the more speculation there is.

Motorcycles are obviously a very rare item in the town. Since this young man in sunglasses came to ask, he must have a way.

"Hehe, if you want it sincerely, feel free, I'll take you to find a place, and I guarantee that there are all kinds of motorcycles!"

The young man in sunglasses rubbed his hands together with a smile. This is asking for a favor.

"I don't know brother Gao's name. Since we are going to do business, we must trust each other!"

He Jincheng escaped from a big unity, shook hands with the young man in sunglasses, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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